The Case of the Displaced Detective Omnibus (Displaced Detective #1-4) By Stephanie Osborn

The Case of the Displaced Detective: The Arrival by Stephanie Osborn is terrific. I was a bit overwhelmed at the beginning by the physics and science, but once Holmes came into the picture and everyone began explaining things to him, I was able to keep up. I enjoyed the emotional connections that formed as well, but oooooo the cliff hanger! I am so glad I have the first four and can get right into the next episode. Such an enjoyable, fun book that jumped through all the hoops. Drama, suspense, time travel, the works. A definite must read.
The Case of the Displaced Detective: At Speed by Stephanie Osborn is terrific. A well-written second book in the series, this episode sees Holmes and Skye meld even closer as they solve the case. It is very fast paced, with some prestigious guest stars. I was on the edge of my seat until the very end. It was terrific to read as Holmes developed into a more modern character, while keeping his basic moods and mannerisms. Really, just too much fun.
The Case of the Cosmological Killer: The Rendlesham Incident by Stephanie Osborn is brilliantly written, as has everything else been in this series. There is so much going on in this episode, that it was very difficult to even look away. A sweet holiday wedding, then honeymoon lead Skye and Holmes into another mystery. But Osborn isn't satisfied with that, they also need to have an impending continua catastrophe to keep things even more tense. This is my favorite episode so far because we spent more time getting to know the characters and what makes them tick.
The Case of the Cosmological Killer by Stephanie Osborn The Case of the Cosmological Killer: Endings and Beginnings by Stephanie Osborn is a terrific read. It incorporates much more emotion and day to day activities than the other books in this series, but this just solidifies these characters as members of my literary family. There is just so much going on in this book, in two separate continua, that the mystery and suspense are unprecedented. Stephanie Osborn

The Displaced Detective Series is a science fiction mystery series in which the brilliant hyperspatial physicist, Dr. Skye Chadwick, discovers that there are alternate realities, and said alternates are often populated by those we consider only literary characters. Her pet research, Project: Tesseract, hidden deep under Schriever AFB, is her means of looking in on these continua. In one particular reality, continuum 114, a certain Victorian detective (who, in fact, exists in several continua) was to have died along with his arch-nemesis at the Reichenbach Falls. Knee-jerking, Skye intervenes, rescuing her hero, who inadvertently flies through the tesseract wormhole connecting his universe with ours, while his enemy plunges to his death. Unable to send Holmes back without causing devastating continuum collapse due to non-uniqueness, he must stay in our world and learn to adapt to the 21st century.

As Holmes comes up to speed in the modern world, he and Dr. Chadwick team up to solve abstruse, technological mysteries. The series has been aptly described as, Sherlock Holmes meets the X-Files.

The Case of the Displaced Detective Omnibus contains the first four books in Stephanie Osborn's exciting and popular science fiction and mystery series.

Book 1 - The Case of the Displaced Detective: The Arrival is a SF mystery in which brilliant hyperspatial physicist, Dr. Skye Chadwick, discovers there are alternate realities, often populated by those we consider only literary characters, including one Sherlock Holmes. In a freak series of events, Holmes crosses into Chadwick's reality, and cannot be sent back.

Book 2 - Having foiled sabotage of Project: Tesseract by an unknown spy ring, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Skye Chadwick face the next challenge. How do they find the members of this diabolical spy ring when they do not even know what the ring is trying to accomplish? And how can they do it when Skye is recovering from no less than two nigh-fatal wounds?

Book 3 - In 1980, RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge were plagued by UFO sightings that were never solved. Now a resident of Suffolk has died of fright during a new UFO encounter. On holiday in London, Sherlock Holmes and Skye Chadwick-Holmes are called upon by Her Majesty's Secret Service to investigate the death. What is the UFO? Why does Skye find it familiar?

Book 4 - The purported UFO is another tesseract; now Holmes must determine the true cause of McFarlane's death. Meanwhile Skye works frantically to save another version of themselves from death, as the other tesseract malfunctions, threatening to destroy not only the other continuum, but Holmes' and Skye's, as well as untold others. The Case of the Displaced Detective Omnibus (Displaced Detective #1-4)
