The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition) eBook : Jones, Jenny M. By Jenny M. Jones

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Achetez et téléchargez ebook The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition): Boutique KindleHistory & Criticism : The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition) eBook : Jones, Jenny M.

Most books with lots of pretty photos and art like this one have very little writting and even then its glossing over everything. Not this book! It dives deep, with great writing and writing by others such as the guy running Lebowski store in NY, or the Dudeist that started his own zany religion! This book is a treasure! The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition) eBook : Jones, Jenny M. Great book. Lots of interesting details and behind the scenes stories. I did not read it cover to cover but instead re visit it a few pages at a time on the coffee table. I really enjoy it and if you love the Big Lebowski, you will too. The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition) eBook : Jones, Jenny M. The Dude abides in every page of this book.For those who saw the film when it came out (in my case, this was on a flight to the USA), then bought it on video (and watched it), then persuaded family friends to watch it, then bought it again on dvd (and watched it), then bought the dvd with special features (and watched it), this is a must have. If you loved the film (and enjoy quoting bits of dialogue when others are not expecting it ) I did not know that, then you won't want to miss out on this Lebowski fest.Although there are other similar books (I have them too), the film is so rich in layers that there is always another angle which means that another book isn't a surfeit! The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition) eBook : Jones, Jenny M. Boyfriend loved this book. The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition) eBook : Jones, Jenny M. Unglaublich, wie viele Künstler von Big Lebowski inspiriert wurden, allen voran Joe Forkan's großer Lebwoski Cycle, bei dem er Klassiker der Malerei mit Szenen aus dem Film in Verbindung setzt. Jenny Jones' umfassendes Lebowski Buch ist mit etlichen sehr schönen künstlerischen Arbeiten illustriert und bietet darüberhinaus alle Infos und Hintergrundinfos, die man sich zum Film, seiner Entstehung und seiner Rezeption nur wünschen kann.Ein wunderschön aufgemachtes Buch, das der bekifften Sternstunde Hollywoods mehr als gerecht wird. (Gute Englischkenntnisse bei den Lesern mal vorausgesetzt) The Big Lebowski: An Illustrated, Annotated History of the Greatest Cult Film of All Time (English Edition) eBook : Jones, Jenny M.
