The Beauty #5 By Jeremy Haun


This just keeps getting better and better...The mystery, the cliffhangers...I can't get enough of this series! The Beauty #5 The cure makes you like the bonies from warm bodies, and the disease makes look beautiful and explosive... I won't know what to choose. The Beauty #5 Ahh! Intense moment at the end of this issue! Makes it really hard to wait for the next issue to find out what's going to happen to our characters!

And what's up with Calaveras? I wonder if we would get his backstory at some point in the series! The Beauty #5 This one decides to truly make you question your own morals and where you would stand with certain aspects. The cure is realized and the end might make you gasp. And then, again, question where you stand. What's more important to you? What are our standards truly like that it even makes someone question it? Well done story that keeps the plot moving. The Beauty #5 forget what i said about last issue. everything is happening too fast! poor foster.

btw, all the covers are amazing. The Beauty #5


Everybody dies sometime. Might as well look good doing it... The Beauty #5

Yikes! That's wild. The Beauty #5 Another great installment! Got to the last page and gasped out loud, OH SH*T! Can't wait for the next one!

More here: The Beauty #5 review of issues 1-5:
The Beauty #5 This just got so good. It's always been good but man. It's so good. The Beauty #5 Good story, keeps you on the edge of your seat. Wish it was longer. The Beauty #5