The Atlas Six: 1 By Little Chmura
Title | : | The Atlas Six: 1 |
Author | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Language | : | |
Format Type | : | y 1 más , |
Number of Pages | : | |
Publication | : | 04 April 2023 |
characters The Atlas Six: 1
I enjoyed the different points of views however this book starts a series that enters you in a different world. It is really science fiction so if you're not used to the jargon of time travel or physics, you might be a little lost with a couple of the characters but overall a good read! y 1 más , El libro llegó en buenas condiciones y he de decir que es una edición muy linda, cero daños considerando que fue envió internacional y suelen dañarse un poco pero no fue el caso, el libro como tal estuvo muy bueno pero no el mejor que he leído y 1 más , Olivie's writing is brilliant and clever. To those familiar with her style and her works, this will feel just like coming home. The world building in The Atlas Six left me wishing I could be part of this world and its magic. Each character's voice was strong and y 1 más , in terms of approachability, this book is far less academically rigorous than a memory called empire, but if you struggled with the basic theories of physics in school, i.e. kinematics, dynamics, thermodynamics, etc., then this may be a challenging read for you. in terms of literally merit, it is a fascinating and novel magic system, based in an alternate world that addresses the question, ‘what would it look like if magic was a component of evolution? (but still convergent on concepts like London and cafés). the characters are rich and multi dimensional, and the insight their narratives provide have a strange habit of delivering a psychoanalytical commentary on the human condition. consider picking this book up if you’re a fan of magical societies, conspiracies and learning for the sake of learning.Don’t go into this expecting ‘infodumps’. You will need to think through it, but when you’re done, you’ll understand. y 1 más , If you love dark academia aesthetic, science fiction and action this is a great option. It gave me V. E. Schwab Vicious vibes in some point but it is so different at the same time, x men meet magic kind of escenario. I would definitely recommend it. y 1 más ,
The Atlas Six: 1 : Chmura, Little, Blake, Olivie: : Libros The Atlas Six: 1

Great characters and spiralling plot that will keep you reading and wanting at every turn of the page. Can’t wait for the book! y 1 más , Comecei o livro quase que completamente cega relacionada a sinopse. Sabia que tinha uma sociedade secreta e que os 6 personagens principais teriam que competir uns com os outros para as 5 vagas mas não sabia como que o livro ia ser profundo. Cada personagem é de uma maneira diferente e cada um tem seus problemas e suas manias e a autora deixou isso MUITO bem escrito. [Possível spoiler] Temos aqueles manipuladores, aqueles que são muito inseguros de si e claro, aqueles que são manipuladores E inseguros.O livro chega a ser único e relevante, por sua escrita poética que é leve, em diversos momentos a autora contempla a vida e faz questionamentos sobre quem somos nós, como vivemos e como que tomamos as nossas decisões.O livro tem uma reviravolta muito grande do final que me deixou de boca aberta. Vale muito a pena! y 1 más ,