The Alchemy of Voice: Transform and Enrich Your Life Through the Power of Your Voice By Stewart Pearce
Great book! I recommend it to all who wants to find and develop their voice Paperback
Offering straightforward and highly effective techniques to those seeking personal healing, this manual provides ways in which the power of people's voices can improve and enhance their lives. Identifying sound as the center of creation and an individual’s unique signature note--the song of the soul--that unifies the mind, body, and spirit, this important tome urges readers to rediscover this inner sound and move onto the path of healing and the hope of creative fulfillment. Exercises to achieve peace and harmony, boost self-confidence, and add color and passion to self-expression help seekers reach their potent, powerful, and most importantly, their personal sound. The Alchemy of Voice: Transform and Enrich Your Life Through the Power of Your Voice
Stewart Pearce Þ 2 Free download

A text that is certainly not a guide. It seemed more focused on marketing the authors business, rather then covering relevant principles. Covering background information and some theoretical insight, but weak in terms of application of concepts. The author may have a wealth of experience in his field, but needs to work on providing value to the reader. Although, I did learn some concepts from this text, I felt as though there was so much more to learn. Paperback I've never read anything before dealing with the voice. It's amazing how the people around us can influence how we speak as we grow up. I have been looking for a book that would help me get my own signature voice. There are plenty of exercises in this book for someone to develop their voice for speaking as well as singing. This book covers how issues and experiences from our past influence on how we speak today. Paperback A rather repetitive and often unengaging introduction to spirituality and chakras. Paperback One of the best books I've read! Paperback I got some really key things about voice from this book. The fact that voice doesn't come from your throat, it's a full body experience. I also liked the anthropology in it, talking about cultures with lots of singing and origins of certain vowels etc.
I did think a lot of the accounts of healings were a little kooky, kind of like reading a radical Pentecostal christian book - I prefer to read about a journey, something that one can relate to.