The Adoption Machine: The Dark History of Irelands Mother and Baby Homes and the Inside Story of How Tuam 800 Became a Global Scandal By Paul Jude Redmond
Too many statistics just couldn't get into it Paperback A very difficult book to read and the consequences of shaming children and mothers did not bode well .Of all forms of government ,theocracy has to be one of the worst . Paperback This book was hard to read due to its dark subject. But it is also well written and sheds light on the cynicism, greed, and cruelty that cost so many lives and left so many people, children as well as mothers with deep, emotional wounds. It also clarifies the difference between mother's homes, where pregnant women were mistreated through pregnancy, and where little to no help was available during birth. Babies so neglected they died from malnutrition and infected bedsores. The mortality rate was sky high, 50% in some homes.
Redmond also writes about the catholic church's total lack of will to do anything to help those victims of this injustice, and instead actively oppose investigations. The church also, in addition to money granted by the Irish government, earned money from the women's labor, and the lucrative sale of babies for adoption. The book left me angry and frustrated, however, it is worth reading. Paperback Truly phenomenal. As humans and community members I feel we all have a responsibility to educate ourselves on history, the good and the bad. In this book you will certainly learn about the bad, the inhumane, the difficult to fathom, but also what progress folks can achieve when they come together and persist in the name of justice.
I will be recommending this book to absolutely everyone at every given opportunity. Paperback

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May 2014, the Irish public woke to the horrific discovery of a mass grave containing the remains of almost 800 babies in the 'Angels' Plot' of Tuam's Mother and Baby Home. What followed would rock the last vestiges of Catholic Ireland, enrage an increasingly secularised nation, and lead to a Commission of Inquiry. In The Adoption Machine, Paul Jude Redmond, Chairperson of the Coalition of Mother and Baby Homes Survivors, who himself was born in the Castlepollard Home, candidly reveals the shocking history of one of the worst abuses of Church power since the foundation of the Irish State. From Bessboro, Castlepollard, and Sean Ross Abbey to St. Patrick's and Tuam, a dark shadow was cast by the collusion between Church and State in the systematic repression of women and the wilful neglect of illegitimate babies, resulting in the deaths of thousands. It was Paul's exhaustive research that widened the global media's attention to all the homes and revealed Tuam as just the tip of the iceberg of the horrors that lay beneath. He further reveals the vast profits generated by selling babies to wealthy adoptive parents, and details how infants were volunteered to a pharmaceutical company for drug trials without the consent of their natural mothers. Interwoven throughout is Paul's poignant and deeply personal journey of discovery as he attempts to find his own natural mother. The Adoption Machine exposes this dark history of Ireland's shameful and secret past, and the efforts to bring it into the light. It is a history from which there is no turning away. [Subject: Current Affairs, Politics, Irish Studies, History, Religious Studies] The Adoption Machine: The Dark History of Irelands Mother and Baby Homes and the Inside Story of How Tuam 800 Became a Global Scandal
I am one of the people who thought the Magdalene Laundries and the Mother and Baby Homes were one and the same. I stand corrected. This book was a very hard read. The abuses these women and children endured is unimaginable. Infant death rates in these homes were up to 80% above the national average. No one cared because the mothers weren't married. As always, it was their fault, no blame was every attached to the men who got them that way.
I know this will not be a popular statement but I firmly believe the world would be a much better place if we found a way to eradicate the catholic church from existence. Paperback I think this is something everyone should read. It really brings to light how we treat one another. Paperback I have huge admiration for Paul Jude Redmond who undertook to carry out comprehensive research to make us aware of the shameful and unnecessary deaths of the most vulnerable in Irish society, ironically caused by those who were deemed to hold moral authority over the rest of the population. The book is a tough read and as an Irish person, who has always been proud of my heritage, I have to wonder how my people could behave with such savagery? I know people will say that it was due to the respect for the Church in Ireland at the time and so on. Personally I don't buy this. Didn't Jesus teach compassion and generosity? Paperback Unbelievable the work Paul did on this book. I'm proud to be able to call him an adoptee-rights associate and a friend. If you want to know about adoptions from Ireland, I definitely recommend this book. Paperback A friend recommended this book and I really can't say I enjoyed it, because the subject matter is so devastating. It is however, a very well written book. It could have been rather dry, given the scope of the matter under discussion but the author never fails to remind us that we are talking about real people, real babies and real unmarried mothers who were supposedly cared for by the nuns of the Catholic Church in Ireland. This is not some historical account, but these things happened in my lifetime, and only recently have I become aware of the cruelty condoned by the Church...Some time ago, I read the book Philomena and saw the movie of that name which tells the story of one man who was taken away from his single mother and adopted into an American family. This is just the tip of the iceberg. In Catholic Ireland, unmarried mothers were herded into 'Mother and Baby Homes where they were routinely punished for having had sex before marriage. Fathers were not identified and were not punished. The infants born in these homes were often referred to as the 'Spawn of Satan', and their mothers made to do hard labour in spite of their condition. One example was of mothers forced to cut the grass on their knees, one grass stalk at a time. Medical help during pregnancy and labour was often absent. There were no medical supplies and the mothers were left to give birth on their own, and were put into a 'screaming room' if the labour was more than usually painful or long. It is hard to understand how the nuns in charge could have been so cruel and why there actions were not denounced by the Church. Redmond is himself a child born in a Mother and Baby Home so his interest in the subject is sincere, and he is to be congratulated in the role he played in bringing this scandal to the notice of the government and people of Ireland. Paperback