Tempting Boundaries (Montgomery Ink, #2) By Carrie Ann Ryan

Fede L. - per RFS
Ben trovate, Fenici!

Ammetto di averci messo qualche giorno (ok, forse molti di più) per buttare giù questa recensione. Il motivo? I confini della tentazione è, purtroppo, un vero e proprio disastro! Attratta dalla copertina e, soprattutto, dal fatto che C. A. Ryan è definita come “autrice di best seller per il New York Times” (cit. dalla copertina), inizialmente non vedevo l’ora di cominciare a leggere… almeno fino a quando non sono arrivata al terzo capitolo. Giuro, per la prima volta in vita mia ho desiderato abbandonare un libro, il che è tutto dire. Ah, piccola premessa: non ho letto il primo volume, poiché, seppur collegati tra loro, sono autoconclusivi.

Andiamo per gradi. Per quanto riguarda la trama, è la classica dei romance.

Decker Kendrick è un “cattivo ragazzo” (almeno di questo è convinto lui), con un padre alcolizzato e violento e una madre eternamente vittima, che non vuole denunciarlo nemmeno dopo esser finita in ospedale. È il figlio, appena dodicenne, a trovare il coraggio di andare alla polizia. Così, il bastardo finisce in galera, ma… beh, ovviamente deve uscirne, altrimenti che trama avremmo? Cooomunque, viene “adottato” (non legalmente) dalla famiglia Montgomery, già conosciuta nel primo romanzo della serie e che qui si ripresenta in tutto il suo splendore. Gli anni passano, Deck si diploma, va al college, e trova lavoro nell’impresa edile dei fratelli Montgomery. Ha, però, la costante fobia di diventare come il padre.

Nel frattempo, s’innamora della piccola di casa, Miranda, di sei anni più giovane e da poco diventata insegnate in un liceo. Per rispetto della famiglia che lo ha cresciuto come un figlio, cerca di nascondere i suoi sentimenti, fallendo miseramente. Una sera, nel suo appartamento, la dolce Mir lo bacia, ma lui tenta in ogni modo di allontanarla, provando persino a spaventarla.

Stufa di aspettarlo, la ragazza inizia a uscire con un suo collega, Jack, ma si dimostra fin da subito molto… particolare. Maniaco del controllo, ossessionato e psicopatico, dopo un solo appuntamento è convinto che lei sia già sua. Al rifiuto della giovane, la segue e, fuori casa, la spinge contro una parete e inizia a picchiarla. Miranda, però, non è una donzelletta qualunque e, nonostante la paura folle che prova, riesce a reagire e rifugiarsi nell’abitazione (dieci punti a Grifondoro per la ragazza con le contropalle! Davvero, mi ha gasata!). Chiama immediatamente la polizia, ma i due colleghi che arrivano all’appartamento non sono esattamente dei migliori. Il più anziano insinua che lei stia dicendo il falso e in realtà si sia data volontariamente al sadomaso (tutto questo mentre lei ha il volto tumefatto e pieno di sangue… mah); inoltre evitano di interrogare i DUE testimoni da lei forniti per dimostrare la lite… bah! Posso capire che l’autrice abbia voluto rispecchiare le incongruenze dell’epoca moderna, ma qui si è un tantino esagerato! Vabbè, tralasciamo questo, altrimenti scriverei una tiritera infinita.

Incazzato nero, Decker la porta a casa con sé e… beh, da cosa nasce cosa e i piccioncini finalmente tromb… ehm, si godono il loro amore. Vi avviso, però, la prima scena di sesso tra i due dura all’incirca una decina di pagine, letteralmente. L’ho trovata inutilmente lunga e stucchevole.

Ovviamente, nascondono tutto alla famiglia per evitare casini e ripercussioni, ma anche perché, prima di ufficializzarlo, vogliono essere più che sicuri della loro decisione. Scelta, a mio avviso, più che saggia, ma il migliore amico di Deck e fratello di Miranda non è d’accordo. Scoperta la verità, fa accadere un pandemonio. Insomma, ci sono i classici chiarimenti, i due finalmente possono stare insieme, MA (beh, deve per forza esserci un ma, non credete?) Jack torna all’attacco e Miranda finisce in ospedale con diverse fratture e contusioni.

Decker, terrorizzato di fare lo stesso, anziché restarle accanto decide di lasciarla lì, con una semplice lettera. Ci vorranno il ritorno del padre e una chiamata della madre dall’ospedale per fargli comprendere realmente quanto sia diverso dal genitore.

Trama, tutto sommato, neanche tanto male, devo ammetterlo. È tipica dei romance, ribadisco, carica di clichés e situazioni trite e ritrite, che tuttavia apprezzo molto. Non è questo, dunque, l’oggetto della mia critica. Purtroppo non posso nemmeno commentare il testo in sé, poiché non ho letto la versione originale.

La vera tragedia greca, care Fenici, è la traduzione! Presumibilmente priva di una qualunque casa editrice italiana (o almeno cosi spero per il suo portafogli), la Ryan ha, evidentemente, deciso di fare copia e incolla del romanzo e tradurlo con Google Translate. Potete ben immaginare lo sturcio che ne è venuto fuori! Editing assente, i dialoghi risultano senza senso e inconcludenti, il testo è PIENO di ripetizioni e, peggio di qualunque altra cosa… nei SOLI primi due capitoli ci sono TRE congiuntivi sbagliati!!! Ma scherziamo?!?! I cinque euro peggio spesi della mia vita! Sono a dir poco sconcertata, considerato che il cartaceo costa sui dodici euro. Errori in questa fase ci sono sempre, siamo d’accordo; ma non puoi pubblicare, a un costo così elevato, un libro tradotto con Google. È sbagliato e, soprattutto, irrispettoso per chi legge e per chi si fa in quattro per fare un buon lavoro a proprie spese.

Per non parlare, poi, delle scene di sesso! Sembra quasi un esperimento di PornHub: “mi annoio, che ne dite di trascrivere i video e pubblicarli in un libro?”. Oh, ovviamente è anche una pessima copia di Cinquanta sfumature! La donna è vista come mero oggetto di piacere, capace solo di ricevere ordini ed eseguirli per compiacere il partner. Volgari e ricche di un dirty talk esagerato e misogino, almeno per me.

Altra grave pecca è l’inserimento di parentesi nel discorso, nella narrativa non dovrebbero nemmeno essere contemplate. La scrittura risulta, quindi, spezzata e poco fluida, difficile da seguire.

Dulcis in fundo: dopo queste 234 pagine, ancora non ho capito come siano fatti i protagonisti, in quanto non sono presenti neanche le più minime descrizioni dei connotati fisici.

Insomma, Fenici, per me questo romanzo è un vero e proprio fiasco, impossibile da consigliare!

Alla prossima!

Carrie Ann Ryan Tempting Boundaries continues the story of the Montgomery clan, and I loved that I got to follow a new couple closely, while also seeing what was up with Sierra and Austin from book 1.
Decker and Miranda had their work cut out for them - that's for sure! Not only did Miranda's family consider her 'the baby' they also considered Decker a brother. That made their feelings for each other all the sweeter, though, and I truly enjoyed getting to know them better. Carrie Ann Ryan ‼️⭐️⭐️ free on amazon today 4/25/21⭐️⭐️‼️ Carrie Ann Ryan Whereas I enjoy Ms. Ryan's writing and storytelling I always find her books tough to rate. Going with 3.5 Stars again.
I really enjoy this series so I shall continue. Carrie Ann Ryan I love Sierra that girl cracks me up, you two are idiots, but I love you. Sierra laughed at her words, but Austin growled. I mean I love Decker in a brotherly sort of way. I love you in a sexy, sweaty way. Okay? Miranda she's such a strong person, fine with me, Miranda snapped. You don't have to be an a**hole about it. If you don't want to do this, don't. Decker I loved him when he's with his dog, I have no idea what you ate to give you that stench, but we're going to find something better at home because eff, dog... Miranda is the person that calms Decker down, she patted his cheek. Stop threatening to kill people. Decker if he were my man and he pulled the trick he did on Miranda while we were hiking I would have smacked him, plus the bear. She screamed and jumped into his arms. Decker fell back against his truck, laughing his a** off. I can't believe you fell for that, he said through his laughs. Gunnar barked and trotted around them, playing. Miranda follows her own set of rules, she stepped out of the bathroom, only to run smack into a very naked, very sexy male chest. Decker cursed then looked down, his eyes wide. Eff, Mir. Didn't I give you sweats? I think this is my favorite series by Carrie I love the men in here.
Carrie Ann Ryan

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NYT Bestselling Carrie Ann Ryan continues her Montgomery Ink series with a forbidden romance worth the risk.

Decker Kendrick has kept away from her for years, but now his best friend’s little sister is stepping up the game. No matter how hard he’s tried to stay away from Miranda, once she sets her sights on him, there’s no backing down.

Miranda Montgomery has loved her brother’s best friend for as long as she can remember and won’t walk away until he knows how she feels and what they could have together.

Only once they give in to their temptations, not all is at it seems. Decker’s father is out of jail, and someone from Miranda’s past refuses to stay away. And if he isn’t careful, Decker will lose her before they even have a chance. Tempting Boundaries (Montgomery Ink, #2)

I'd like to again thank GoodReads & Carrie Ann Ryan for this generous sweepstake/giveaway! Thank you...thank you! My rating is four and half stars and I'll explain why.

Based on my dark depraved tastes.....plus intense action.....and mafia draws you in with blood, gore, torture and bullet flying suspense; in all truth I didn't like Tempting Boundaries. I'm just gonna be straight up with you and not lie. But setting my sinister tastes aside and judging strictly the authors talents.

Carrie Ann Ryan's writing I thought was impeccable. She had a rock solid storyline, plus there was slow building chemistry between the characters that made it more believable.

For those of you who love happy endings, no cheating, sensual erotica this will be right up your alley. Yes there is some light play BDSM but nothing heavy you wouldn't see in vanilla relationships.

Was the story complex or filled with angst drama? I'd have to say no, not really. Sure there was the hook that drew you in and some violence. But compared to my tastes these were tame with predictability factors.

Many of you will enjoy Tempting Boundaries. I sincerely hope I haven't put you off or ruined it as that wasn't my intention or goal. Those of you who knows me, and know what I read will understand where I'm coming from.

What I did see in this read was talent... a strong voice and a well put together story. Hope that helps. Carrie Ann Ryan At what point do you tap out on a book that's going nowhere? If it's Tempting Boundaries, the answer is at the beginning of chapter 3 (13%). At least twenty-seven named characters and now a third narrator? Sorry, that's too much algebra for one novel.

Edited to add: I skimmed through the rest of the book (with its SIX narrators) and I swear it got even worse. Carrie Ann Ryan 💝FREE on Amazon & on iBooks today (6/7/2018)!💝

The second in the bestselling Montgomery Ink series. He's kept away from her for years, but now his best friend's little sister is stepping up the game.

Decker Kendrick knows it's wrong to have feelings for his best friend's little sister, but that doesn't stop his thoughts from going down that path. No matter how hard he's tried to stay away from Miranda, once she gets her sights on him, there's no backing down.

Miranda Montgomery might be the youngest of the Montgomery clan, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know what she wants. Namely--Decker. She's loved him for as long as she can remember and won't walk away until she gives it her all.

But once they give in, not all is at it seems. Decker's father's out of jail and someone from Miranda's past isn't happy with the new relationship. Even as they start to move on and overcome their pain, they'll find that their inner obstacles are the ones they'll have to face first. Carrie Ann Ryan This was probably a 3 star book until Decker left Miranda at the fucking hospital because he's not good enough for her. Only a total asshole would do that. I'm so sick of these contrived breakups and separations and the Not Good Enough crap. Carrie Ann Ryan Decker & Miranda

Decker had a bad childhood. His dad is an abusive alcoholic. He found the Montgomery’s and they took him in as one of their own children.

Miranda Montgomery has been in love with Decker since he walked through their door. She figured she would outgrow the crush and knowing that Decker would never feel the same way about her she tried to move on. At 23 she is even more in love with Decker and cannot keep him out of her head or fantasies.

Decker noticed Miranda growing up into a beautiful and sexy woman. He kept telling himself to stop thinking of her like that she was supposed to be his LITTLE SISTER. But Decker never felt that way towards Miranda. As an adult he tried to avoid her when he could but being a ADOPTED Montgomery made that very difficult.

Some of the family noticed the attraction they had to one another but let it go since they did not act on it. After Miranda tries to make a move and asks Decker out, she gets shot down and Decker tries to scare her so she will not try it again. Decker knows he cannot say NO to Miranda twice, he’s not that strong. But Decker feels that he is all wrong for Miranda and not good enough for her.

After Miranda gets shot down by Decker she knows she must move on and tries to go out with a nice guy from work. On the second date things go really bad and Miranda is now afraid for her safety. She ends up finding comfort with Decker and Decker can no longer hold back his feelings.

What will happen when the family finds out that they are now dating? What will happen with Griffin (Miranda’s brother and Decker’s best friend)?

Some of the Montgomery’s are very happy about the pairing others are not happy about it. Griffin has a major breakdown with the fact that Decker and Miranda hide the relationship and Decker has to smooth that over.

A lot of things take place in this installment of Montgomery Inc. Alex and Jessica, Meghan and her husband, Griffin and Decker, Austin and Sierra…… These characters all have a lot of significant life experiences happen. And poor Miranda had a very poor choice in the man she tried to date to forget about Decker.

I like the relationship of all the Montgomery’s and I liked Decker and Miranda together. I think that my favorite character is Griffin even though we don’t know a lot about him yet. I hope to see him soon with his own romance. I think he needs to fall in love with a maid since he is disorganized and messy. Carrie Ann Ryan