Tears of Mother Bear By Anne Margaret Lewis
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Where do Petoskey stones come from? Perhaps the answer lies in the discovery that Mother Bear has been leaving her tears all over the beaches of Lake Michigan for hundreds of years. Walk the shores of Lake Michigan with grandpa and his grandchildren on their rock hunting expedition, in search of the great Petoskey stone. Grandpa passes on the age old Ojibwe Sleeping Bear legend, and reveals the untold story of the Tears of Mother Bear. Tears of Mother Bear
It's so wonderful to find a copy of this Michigan folk lore in print! Growing up in the Great Lakes State we hear so many tales of Indians, Bears, Lakes and the likes, but quickly forget them once we have 'matured' beyond such stories.
Thankfully, through the words of Ms. Lewis and the phenomenal visuals created by Ms. Chaney Fritz, this is one story that will be preserved for generations to come. In one short tale, the magic of the Sleeping Bear Dunes and the famous Petoskey stones are wrapped up together for all to share!
It's Pure Michigan! Anne Margaret Lewis Probably more popular in the region that this rock is. Anne Margaret Lewis