Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free By David Icke


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Prepare for take off. This book is truly mind blowing. After reading the book, and doing some other research, I planned to do the journey into the , in April.However, 'doors' are already open and I know the spiritual 'journey' described can be achieved through meditation (on it's own).To cut a long story shortI was laying down, meditating, and went into a deep meditative state. After a while, I went to cross my arms and they went through each other. I thought 'Here we go' as the rest of my body started to lose form. I felt scared. Then I thought 'pray' but, after reading the book, I asked myself 'To who/what?'. I decided to meditate (inside my meditation??!). I, then, started to hear a very deep and slow rhythmic noise, similar to a digeridoo. Not long after (I think), I snapped out of it when my electric fan heater clicked off.Make of this what you will.Sorry, did I say this is an excellent book but prepare for take off Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free David icke the supposed nutterYou only had to hear his name & the place would errupt in to helpless laughter back in the 90's!Oh how times have changed! (Wogan hang your head in SHAME)Its time to stop reading the newspapers & stop watching the BBC Lies/newsNow people have stopped laughing & are now listening to david & trust him far than any Politician, Religious Leader or News paper Editor!Why? because he speaks something they just can't doThe TRUTH.something they baulk at & have shamefully supressed for years.Tales from the time loop, is a real dose of reality that is sorely needed. In my opinion this book (& All his books) should be read to & explained to the youth of today. God knows they need to seriousy take heed of what David has been saying for years. Everything he said way back when, is happening & his accuracy is chillingly sharp (the truth usually is)This book exposes the lies, corruption, shear Evil & arrogance of those in power from Religious leaders to Prime Ministers & Big Corporations. Its also a major wake up call for those who study HistoryRead this first & then realise what our Education system is doing to our kids & the future for us all.The sooner people wake up to this and stop looking the other way, the better.If I had the money, I'd be posting this book & His other books, free to every household in the world.DON'T DELAYGET IT TODAY!(I Can also strongly recommend The Lion Sleeps No More..Great book & DVD!) Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free This was a great purchase and was very happy with it! Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free Ces révélations font froid dans le dos. C'est une bonne dose de vérité sur ce qui se passe vraiment dans le monde de pouvoir. Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free gracias! deseaba comprarlo desde hace un tiempo. Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free

Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free : Icke, David: : Böcker Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free