Tales from the Pittsburgh Penguins By Joe Starkey

Readers have the chance to meet the Pittsburgh Penguins, one of the wildest, wackiest, most wonderful sports franchises that ever waddled its way across North America. If Penguins fans are not shedding tears of sadness, they are crying for joy or simply laughing so hard they cannot stop. The team's games once played on a station called WEEP, and its first mascot, a penguin named Pete, died of pneumonia. In Tales from the Pittsburgh Penguins, sportswriter Joe Starkey takes fans inside the locker rooms, onto the team buses (including the one defenseman Bryan Buggsy Watson hi jacked) and behind the personalities that have shaped Penguins hockey since 1967. No franchise has survived near death experience than this one, which twice went bankrupt and man times escaped the threat of relocation. In 1975 things were so tough that players had their postgame oranges taken away. Tales from the Pittsburgh Penguins


Joe Starkey ò 7 Free read

I bought this for my son for Christmas and I hope he likes it, What I read It sounds like he would really like it seems full of info he didn't have.He likes trivial info like what is in the book. I think he will like the history in here. 1582611998 At times the writing seemed a little bit like reading something a 6th grader wrote, but the stories were great! I recommend this! 1582611998