muy interesante serie, me agradó bastante, lastima y siento mucha pena que la autora falleciera casi al termino de esta historia, en fin una novela con bonito final y entretenida. 0373297904 Listen, if you're going to write a corny, trope-filled Viking romance, then the sexy parts better make up for the derivative plot. Alas... 0373297904 Nice book to introduce new readers to this author.
I really enjoyed this book, especially the heroine and the warrior. The amnesia was a nice twist, but it has been exploited too much in soap operas to be surprising anymore. I will certainly read more books by this author 😀😇😅. 0373297904 Excellent book! Loved the story and I was glad the romance was more than eroticism and sexuality. It had a real story and I loved every second of it. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good Viking story and romance. 0373297904 It's not a big love story, it goes fast, but not the good fast. Boring sometimes. 0373297904
Joanna Fulford ¼ 0 review
A warrior bride in the Viking's bed...
A hot-tempered redhead with a talent for sword craft, Lara Ottarsdotter has seen off many an unwanted suitor! Then the Viking warlord Finn Egilsson comes seeking vengeance on a mutual enemy, and Lara's despairing father offers him a bounty of ships and swords. The price? Finn must take Lara as his wife.
Finn has no wish to endure marriage again, yet his reluctant bride fires his blood with one passionate kiss. Her courage means she will never yield in battle, but soon all he wants is her ultimate, willing surrender - in the marriage bed!
Surrender to the Viking (Victorious Vikings #4)Ho fatto fatica a proseguire la lettura, ma sono arrivata in fondo. Prima di tutto perché Joanna ha il merito di aver costruito due protagonisti insoliti. Battibeccano e discutono, ma sempre sul limite della ragionevolezza. Lui non è il classico bruto vichingo della serie tu-donna-fai-quello-che-dice-io-uomo e lei non è la solita indomita donzella che fa di tutto per rompere i gusci nel paniere del neosposo. Perché il fatto è questo (sia pur facilmente reperibile nelle varie descrizioni online): lui (Finn) ha bisogno di uomini per combattere il cattivo e li chiede a un uomo che in cambio vuole che gli sposi la figlia (Lara. Per una serie di motivi che non mi dilungo a spiegare). Finn accetta e Lara inizialmente teme il peggio, ma la rara sensibilità di Finn le permette di fidarsi di lui poco alla volta, al punto che si lascerà ammaliare e i sentimenti fioriranno da ambo le parti. Non sarà una cosa facile e avverrà per gradi. Nei loro discorsi Lara e Finn saranno davvero ammirevoli. Il problema è che Joanna spiega tutto ciò con tale pacata lentezza da far venire sonno. Le stelle sarebbero due e mezzo, ma visto che non lo rileggerò propendo più per due.
0373297904 A spur of the moment marriage arranged by her father, puts spunky, hot-tempered, brave fighter Lara at odds with her new husband, Finn. But Finn is perfect husband material and is willing to let Lara be Lara.
This was a pleasant romance with some adventure and a heroine who's not quite sure of herself. 0373297904 The other day I was watching Vikings when I thought of reading a random Viking story to keep my mind off the fact that the TV series has already killed off Ragnar Lothbrok, and it is truly never the same without him. Sadly, I’ve finished all ten books of Bernard Cornwell about the Danes’ foray into England (the exceptional The Saxon Stories), and so I had to browse my e-shelf for another similar Viking story before coming across with this one. It's almost a tedious task reading this book when I kept seeing the usual ingredients that are apparent in any historical romance setting (the love-hate relationship, the handsome strapping men and beautiful gutsy women, a love suddenly born in the midst of chaos or after one of them almost died in a mishap of their own making, even the unimaginative book title and cover!), although I think its saving grace came after the author highlighted several Viking mores such as their sacrificial rituals and sword-naming practices, and when she ended the novel without a swooning female protagonist, a domineering male protagonist, a thousand cheesy love declarations, or even the perpetually gratuitous bed (or quick tumble-in-the-hay) scenes.
Incidentally, I learned that the author (whose real name is Jane Croft) passed away in 2013 due to brain tumor, but not without leaving a number of historical romance books and inspirational poems for her readers. One of these poems, Afterwards, is beautiful and heartfelt.
I’d like to think some words of mine
Survived into some distant future time;
That someone, reading, found a thought
That resonated in his mind,
And by that means I touched a chord
In him as others long since dead
Have done in me. And he might smile
To hear the echo of his inmost thought
Returned, and know that he was not alone.
(Miss Croft, you need not worry, because this poem is eternal and has indeed touched a chord in me.)
0373297904 Esse é o quarto livro da série e o considero mais fraco até agora.
0373297904 Embora tenha pulado o livro dois e três, e nem tenha me lembrado de ler o primeiro, adorei a história deles, o mocinho é daqueles tipo ferido pelo passado e a mocinha completamente fora dos padrões da época. O meu pesar é não ter as outras histórias daqueles vikings gostosos 😂😂😂😂 eles são ótimos juntos, adoro saber as histórias dos amigos... primos, subalternos... É pedir demais? 0373297904