Superstar: As Seen On Tv By Kurt Busiek

I gave Superstar only two stars, not because of the art or story, but because my copy was completely ruined with water damage, when I got it. The pages were stuck together and the book smelled very musky. Obviously, I couldn't read the book. Kurt Busiek Kurt Busiek did a great job with Superstar: As Seen On TV. If you've read his Astro City works then you know what to expect. Super Hero comics with a real life twist. The art by Stuart Immonen looks fantastic. It's a well put together package if a trifle short. The full color cover is bonded to the cover, no dust jacket. I like the effect. Kurt Busiek This presents the unusual concept of a superhero whose power level is linked to his popularity. A dramatic idea and a sly dig at our culture of media celebrity.

It is a great proposition and well executed but doesn’t quite hit the highs you want it too. It ticks all the boxes but there isn’t the crackle of magic as our hero whines about how tough it is to be popular. The plot unfolds like a 60’s Batman episode with ridiculous villains and giant monsters. Whilst the main Shakespeare quoting robot villain is interesting the trite “freedom” speech the hero delivers after the smackdown is a little sickly. Unless it is all an allegory about the erosion of freedom in Western civilisation but you aren’t sure Busiek is that deep.

The art and colours are lovely. A classic spandex rainbow that epitomises the genre with plenty of dynamic layouts and oversized lettering. There is a lot of history on the page and it combines old school and modern techniques very well.

This is a hardback book but the story is very short. There is a mini story that introduces the world and character, like you would find free online or as a trailer in another book. There is also a massive sketchbook and history of the project with Busiek recounting the years of difficulties in development. There are also some interesting “pilot” pages allowing you to see how things changed.

Nothing wrong with it but a shame wasn’t done with the idea. You can see why it never took off.

Thumbs Up! Kurt Busiek Drawn by Superstar artist Stuart Immonen, who dazzles here. It's a short book as the comic studio didn't take off. Published by Image comics for Kurt Busiek's Gorilla Comics studio in 2001and reprinted by IDW in 2011. Kurt Busiek

Meet Superstar, a hero for the media age: the popular he is, the powerful he is. With the public behind him, he can work miracles without them, he's nothing. Superstar's made a deal with his father, an international media tycoon, to promote him and keep him powerful enough to save the world. But now he walks a fine line between staying famous enough to do the most good, and becoming just another property in his father's portfolio. Superstar: As Seen On Tv

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