Summer Song By Kevin Henkes

Lovely picture book describing the joys of summer, especially the color green which really is the color green. This title completes the seasons book that Henekes has been publishing for several years which includes the titles, In the Middle of Fall, Winter is Here, and When Spring Comes. Love the titles Henkel has published in this series. English It's funny that where I am rereading these books, my rating is the same. I wouldn't expect my opinion to be quite so consistent.

Library copy English Great book for summer! English Henkes' season books are so nostalgic and lovely. This one talks about the color green in association with summer and all the sounds associated with summer. Some of it gets poetic and not as easy to preschoolers to grasp for my storytimes, but it sould be fun to talk to them about what kinds of sounds they hear in summer. English See my full review here:

SUMMER SONG is a book that captures the essence of summer in its lyrical text and images. Summer is a green song, with all the leaves, weeds, and grass, but it's also a song of air conditioning, lawn mowers, and more. Sometimes, the song is gray when it is foggy or blue when at the beach. There are also all the sounds of bugs that make up summer. This book captures the magic of summer through the rhythmic text and colorful illustrations.

What I loved: I really appreciated the inclusion of children of different skin tones and hair colors as well as little details like a woman mowing the lawn. There are also fun details in the bugs and animals that mark summer throughout the book. The text flows smoothly and is written in a large and clear text that makes this book easy to read aloud. The book could also inspire classroom activities about what summer means to children with illustrations and emphasis on color and sound.

Final verdict: A celebration of summer, this picture book is a fun ode to the season that captures the magic and delight of summertime.

Please note that I received an ARC. All opinions are my own. English

Kevin Henkes ì 8 summary

A sweet idea, but not much substance. English If I had to pick one color,
I'd say Summer is green.
Green on green on green.
Summer is a green song.

Author Kevin Henkes walks us through all the sounds of summer---grass in the wind, sprinklers, birds, lawn mowers---and all the colors of summer---yellow summer sun, gray fog, blue beach---and returns to the idea that started him out...summer is a green song. And then he eases it out and as it changes, changes, into fall. English I am happy we have now read all of Henkes' seasons books. I've liked them all. In many ways, this could have been a book from my childhood and I mean that as a compliment as Henke manages to capture something very timeless about childhood and summer. I love the warm, soft illustrations and the feeling of old-fashioned summer joys while featuring diverse characters. English Many author/illustrators have done picture books about each of the four seasons, but Kevin Henkes's collaborations with his wife, illustrator Laura Dronzek, have a little something extra. Their description of the seasons extends beyond elemental differences and into the spiritual, celebrating how each season uniquely nourishes and prepares us for the one to come. Summer Song takes us out and about in the languorous warmth of summer, when people try to pack in all the outdoor work and adventure they can before the leaves turn to gold and autumn arrives. What time of year is more full of potential than summer?

The sun is at peak brightness almost from dawn to dusk, and colorful flowers bloom. Summer is the verdant season, maybe even more so than spring; now is the time for life to flourish, to enjoy friends, family, or being by yourself in nature. The wind brings meadows of tall grass to melodious life, and our air conditioners and other electrical cooling devices play their own part in creating the music of the season. Birdsong and rain showers, cloudless afternoons and cozy nights spent chasing fireflies, all are part of summer's luminescent song. Taking your dog for a walk, soaking in the pool, or nibbling cold ice cream on a ferociously hot August day: all these things comprise the magic of summer. Sooner than you want to believe, the evenings will grow short, the air will catch a cold nip, and autumn will be here, but even in winter you'll still have your summer memories. Why not go make a new one right now?

It's easy to feel anxious when summer comes, to shy away from putting yourself out there and getting to know people. What if reality doesn't measure up to your hopes? What if you end up feeling excluded from the fun everyone else is having, as though summer were meant for their enjoyment and not yours? But summer doesn't last forever, and you'll never know what you missed out on if you don't gamble the status quo in anticipation of something better. Summer is for living life to the full, and if you do everything in your power to make that happen, you should have no regrets when the season ends. I might rate this book two and a half stars; of Kevin Henkes and Laura Dronzek's season books, I rank this one behind only When Spring Comes. Third would be Winter Is Here, then In the Middle of Fall. My favorite Kevin Henkes stories tend to be his novels, but his picture books are something to behold. English Henkes touches on all the things that make summer wonderful - from the cool green grass to fireflies, to playing with the hose.

A nice addition to his seasons series. English

Summer is a song.
A green song.
Green on green on green.
Summer also sings
with growing and glowing,
chirping and buzzing,
whirring and humming,
splashing and sprinkling,
and a breeze blowing
grass, leaves, and trees.

Have you ever noticed that everything in the summer sounds like music?

Listen! Listen!

But mostly, play along. Summer Song
