Strandia By Susan Lynn Reynolds

Susan Lynn Reynolds · 2 Characters

Punished for fleeing her duties as a member of Strandia's privileged class, Sand is rescued by her dolphin friend M'ridan and learns of a disaster threatening her homeland. Strandia

Fantasy at it's very best! Read this & enjoyed it so much when I was younger. Strandia This book is right at the top of the list of comfort books on my shelf. I loved it from the moment I first read it in high school. It went with me when I moved to university, it crossed the ocean with me when I moved to England, and it was one of the first things out of my bag when I came back home to Canada. This book came with me when I moved to an island for a week to finish my novel, and I love it enough that I ordered an additional copy in hardcover, as my original copy is starting to fall apart from wear.

Though some of why I love this book so much may be that I'm viewing it through nostalgia goggles, I still really love that the heroine is a person with a temper and flaws (which was repressing in the sea of Mary Sues I was swimming in when I first read it), that the setting and society are not simply rehashes of standard Fantasy tropes, and I especially love that though the author sets up a believable love triangle, she also establishes that there are more options available to our heroine than end up with guy X or guy Y.
Strandia Okay - I got this book on a trip up to Canada when I was little. I read it so many times the binding split. I'm not saying it's the best book in the world, but I definitely adored it. I haven't read it in, oh... ten years or so, thus don't know how it holds up, but as a wee one, it was fantastic. Strandia This novel has a very special place in my heart. I bought it when I was pretty young - maybe 9 or 10 but didn't actually get around to reading it until I was about 12. When I did finally read it I absolutely adored it and read it many times. I've always sort of believed in this connection between sea mammals and humans and when I was a young girl I would fantasize about this sometimes and so this novel really resonated with me at this time in my life.

I loved the relationship between Sand and M'ridan. I enjoyed the love story and I also really enjoyed what a strong female Sand is in this novel. I really appreciated Reynolds mythology in this book and the strong role females played. I could never thank Susan Lynn Reynolds enough for this novel and how it inspired me both then and now.

The reason I only gave it four stars instead of five, and I feel bad for writing this but wanted to tell the truth, is that when I read it as an adult I didn't feel that the pacing was that great. Looking purely at the writing itself, I found the book did a lot more telling and a lot less showing than how I remembered reading it as a child. I don't know if that says anything about how adults read compared to children, or if I just noticed this more because I now have an English Lit/Creative Writing degree.

Writing aside, the story and the characters are what made this book so special, and it didn't jar me as a child, which is the most important part. Read this book. Buy it for girls with big imaginations and big ambitions to go along with it! Strandia I liked this book. It's a great fable for young adults (I enjoyed it too!) Strandia

this one is pure nostalgia for me; the cover art captivated me as a child. i really admire what the author attempted to create here, & i especially liked the ending. Strandia
