So Material a Change: A Pride Prejudice Variation By Amy DOrazio
All the wit, the romance, the engaging plot & narrative, the feels - and most critically: the Saye factor!
Ahh- at long last! Sweet, sweet deliverance! The JAFF hex that was placed on me has now been broken, for I have had a love affair with this!
I am a reviewer of an overly verbose persuasion, as I tackle a review more to my benefit of digesting what I read and making private jokes, at the cost of succinctly presenting the experience, which- by the by- mea culpa, mea maxima culpa; say what you will I am aware of my deficits. So if I were to give a good little vague bestseller tag line, it would be this: *chefs kiss*
In all seriousness, I nominate it as a JAFF 2021 must read, it does it and does it well. The story would be good on it's own, no need to borrow the Austen legacy. D'Orazio is a skilled wordsmith in her own right, she conveys emotion, she sets stages with feeling, that the lot is seamless to visualize and experience. She has been tried and true by my standards, and as of now, I would follow her to other genres- to new inceptions.
You shouldn’t read reviews, upon reviews, and spoil it for yourself- not on this one. You should trust fall with the certainty D’Orazio will catch you, and deliver a well savored JAFF, as is her wont to do. You know how stock market gurus say, 'Buy, Buy, Buy!', well I appropriate that here to decree:' Read, Read, Read!'
That being out of the way, here is my trademark gif spotted, rambling review:
In a cold open that will make you feel veritable chills, we witness in horror as Miss Bingley sneaks into Darcy's bed, enacting a damning compromise.
I'll own this scene had me a nervous wreck. I was reading through the slits of my fingers, with nervous laughter, wondering,
'Oh boy, what did I get myself into?'
Luckily this Darcy is not one to go gently into that bad night. He gives her the ole’ heave ho,
and rushes to rouse Bingley. But when his forthright detailing of the events don't seem sufficient to avoid Bingley twisting his arm into marriage,
Darcy blurts out that he is already engaged, to Miss Elizabeth. Now he must secure his alibi with a not so eager participant.
Darcy to Lizzy:
Lizzy makes her opinions on his person clear, but feeling some sympathy for anyone being forced to marry the wily harpy that is Miss Bingley,
agrees to play along until her return to Longbourn, ensuring Darcy may have an easy escape. Darcy, grateful, promises her an I.O.U.
However, when Lizzy returns home she will be forced to call in his debt, as Mr Bennet is eager to attach her to Mr Collins. Lizzy, taking a page out of Darcy's book, claims to be lately engaged to Darcy. And so the story follows their premature engagement, and all the doubts & strains inherent to the premiss.
Some other subplots are at play: there is something fishy about Mr Collins beyond his odor which is uncovered thank to Darcy Drew; Georgiana being in a worst way than in cannon, has become a recluse fit for a gothic novel; and a Bingley/ Jane misunderstanding due to a game of telephone that was so cleverly worked I couldn't even be mad.
As Lizzy tries her best to fit in with the London set for Darcy's sake, and adjust to his high handed ways,
Darcy increasingly longs for his wild muddied lass and fears her being lost to conformity.
What Pickled my Fancy:
♡The dialogue is just so well rounded: quippy, heartfelt, individual character voice distinctive- just adored it!
♡Georgiana, and her relationship with Lizzy- I thrilled to every interaction.
♡ODC! Their chemistry & the progression of their coming to better understand one another was brilliantly handled.
♡And last, but certainly not least, Viscount Saye!
Literally- and I mean LITERALLY- me every time Saye appeared on page:
He is like a cup of tea: he sets everything to rights- and is very hot.
And though I did try, I could not drum up a single bullet for my cons column.
The Brass Tacks:
This is was a highly interactive read for me, in terms of active engagement, like I burned calories reading this from all the laughter, exclamations, nervous squirming- everything elicited a reaction.
This is not a JAFF that you will feel you have read before, while it has notes of FMA and other little details you have seen before, it is reworked in such a fresh manner that you will be utterly exposed & vulnerable anew. So abandon hopes of drawing shelter from any JAFF inoculation you had sustained, for you will be at the mercy of a fresh strain- is this a poor metaphor considering our present, ongoing, international predicament? Very well, I’ll use drinking: any tolerance you had thought to have built up from years of knocking back shots of JAFFs, kiss them good bye! For this is the 'Everclear' of JAFF: top shelf, 95% pure, no dilution.
꙳ Spice Scale rating: Subtle Serrano 🌶 🌶/5 ꙳
I received an ARC from the publisher through booksprouts in exchange for an honest review.
Amy DOrazio 2/24/23- Listened to the audiobook and loved it just as much as when I read it! I Love A.D. books!
Amy D’Orazio is one of my very favorite JAFF authors and this book is another reason why! I love her beautiful writing, the clever and witty dialogue, the depth and development of the characters and some great and unique stories! This was an engaging book with a great balance of humor, angst and romance.
The engagement between D&E comes pretty early on in this book and the premise for it is original. Both Darcy and Elizabeth are put into the very unfortunate situation of being forced into the most undesirable marriage imaginable, or becoming engaged to each other. Darcy is the first to find himself in the hot seat where he applies the principle of desperate times calling for desperate measures, using Elizabeth Bennet as a way out of being forced into a repulsive marriage. One morning when Jane and Elizabeth are staying at Netherfield, Elizabeth is quite shocked when she is maneuvered into a walk with Darcy and is basically informed that they would need to marry. Knowing what was sure to follow, I ALMOST felt sorry for Darcy as he, unsurprisingly, makes a muck out of his “proposal”. This conversation was absolutely hilarious and I just adored the banter. You know it’s going to be good when the thought that goes through Darcy’s head as he plans to speak to an unsuspecting Elizabeth Bennet is this,
“Miss Elizabeth Bennet, your life is about to become something you might never have dreamt possible.”
My own words can’t compare with the entertaining dialogue of the book, so I will throw in a few lines directly from the book. Darcy then begins the conversation with this:
“Elizabeth, I find myself in a position where it is necessary for us to marry.”
As expected, he continues to tell Elizabeth in the most insulting way, about her good fortune in soon becoming Mrs. Darcy. As also expected, Elizabeth declines her good fortune to Darcy’s utter shock. He replies,:
“Not marry me?” He favoured her with a puzzled look. “I can and will give you more than you have ever imagined in terms of wealth and consequence, and I daresay you will be the envy of nearly every woman in England. Do you not realise what a match you will have made in accepting my suit?”
The envy of every woman in England? Good Lord, the pride of this man is beyond the pale. “Mr Darcy, I cannot decide whether I have gone mad or you have. By the looks of you”—he truly does look quite fatigued and distressed—“my inclination is to guess that it is you.”
Unfortunately for Elizabeth, only days later she finds herself in a very similar situation with an equally repulsive prospect and before she knows it, she uses Darcy as her way out of it just as he had used her. Our couple now find themselves inescapably engaged. As they settle things between them, Darcy comments:
“In any case, we are getting married, and there is nothing for either of us to do but reconcile ourselves to it.” She laughed aloud then adopted a teasing simper. “Such pretty, romantic words! Sir, you will cause me to swoon!”
These are just a few short examples of the fun and entertaining dialogue that I so enjoyed in this book!
As the story progresses, the newly engaged couple realize they don’t really know each other at all and begin the progress of trying to learn and understand one another so they can try and make the best out of a situation that neither of them would have chosen. There are, of course, misunderstandings, arguments, obstacles and lots of road blocks on the couple’s journey to their HEA. The portrayal of both D&E seemed very true to who we know them to be and I also enjoyed the supporting characters, both the familiar ones as well as the original ones. Lord Saye is such a delight and a masterpiece! He is the character that I always look forward to the most in this author’s books! He is such a hoot and always has me laughing out loud! My favorite Lord Saye quote in this book:
“And I am as barbarous as I am alluring,” Saye said. “They want me, they fear me, but most of all, they fear how much they want me.”
I also really loved the development of the relationship between Elizabeth and Georgiana. Georgiana’s story in this book is very complex and difficult and it was very moving to see the slow steps of healing that resulted from the small efforts made on her behalf by her new sister. I loved what I felt was the turning point for Georgiana, when she was made to feel like she actually had something to give and contribute when she was appealed to to comfort someone else. I smiled as I read that conversation:
“Just listen to me whinge, and then assure me that anyone who dared to cross me is vile and due a vicious case of spots all over her face.” To this Georgiana laughed outright, and the sound was pleasant. “Or that she will be cursed to trip and make a fool of herself when she dances at Almack’s.”
Even Mrs. Bennet and Mrs. Philips had made me giggle at towards the end as they discussed an unusual occurrence that took place on Longbourn’s lawn.
Overall, this book was a delight to read. The pace of the story was good and kept me engaged the entire time. There was enough angst to give the story the necessary depth, but it wasn’t dragged out overly long. The characters were realistic and likable and the humor kept me very well entertained! I know this is a book that I will read and reread many times!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amy DOrazio A 2021 Favourite
This is the first book I’ve listened to on Audible before reading the Kindle version, as the audiobook was released first. The audiobook is fabulous with Stevie Zimmerman at her outstanding best, as usual. I will wait and review the book until I read the Kindle version upon its release.
Update: October 16, 2021
Kindle version: I do think I prefer reading the book first but, oh my goodness, this book is so good on audio that I ended up also following along with Stevie as I enjoyed this story a second time.
Vague spoilers may follow.
So what can be more delightful than spending a rainy day enjoying Amy D’Orazio’s entertaining portrayals of my favourite characters? Not much. In this page-turning ‘sort of’ forced marriage trope, there’s a compromise, but it’s not between Darcy and Elizabeth; however, it does lead ODC to help one another out of unwanted circumstances. Caroline interferes. Oh Bingley. Wickham will help Elizabeth, leading to a misunderstanding with Darcy. Will the real Mr. Collins please stand up.
I love this favourite author’s brilliant imagination and, her charming sense of humour is laugh-out-loud funny. Once again, we are treated to the antics of the Fitzwilliam brothers, Lord Saye and the Colonel, and I absolutely love this Darcy when in their company. Ms. D’Orazio allows his sense of humour to shine too. There’s a scene between Darcy and Saye that I read multiple times over and, with Stevie Zimmerman’s audio attached to it—oh my goodness—just soooo good!
I’m adding this trigger warning, as there is one mention of a character inflicting self harm upon herself. (Not Elizabeth)
This book definitely goes into my 2021 favourites stack as well as my reread stack. I highly recommend both the audiobook and Kindle versions. Amy DOrazio This author is definitely one of my favorites and once again does not disappoint. While it is without the darker aspect present in her epics, there is still plenty of angst to go around.
Due to specific circumstances for both Darcy and Elizabeth, they agree to wed each other. That however, is only the beginning of the emotional roller coaster. With not one major high angst point, but several rising and concluding throughout the whole book, it is impossible to put down at any one point. Darcy's and Elizabeth's own doubts of themselves are the biggest villains of the book. However, Lady C, the ton and Miss Bingley have their fair share.
It was about 60-65% thru, I found myself fervently whispering - please let it start to turn around (my blood pressure couldn't take anymore ;). Finally, when everything seemed to implode at once, it did. Elizabeth wakes up to her own emotions, Georgiana takes her first healing steps and Darcy has his Aha! moment. I found my self tearing up a bit for Darcy, as there was such pathos in that moment, which kept it from being a by-rote Aha!
D goes off with Col. F on a fact finding search, determined to be E's hero and other things begin to fall in to place as well. Although there is still a ways to go.
Collins is a - What?!? OMG, never saw that coming! and Miss Bingley gets hers in a most satisfactory way.
It must be noted, there are several LOL moments (specifically concerning Saye) which should come with a warning label -don't drink and read. The dialog and comradery between the male cousins is also very well done and being peppered here and there helps ease the tension.
And my own personal cheer goes to Jane's HEA not being a forgone conclusion wrapped up in a bow with a dozen children birthed in 10 years.
There is very little of the 3 younger Bennet girls, we never meet Anne and no word on what happens to Charlotte or Col. F- who both had relatively small roles.
Absolutely loved it!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amy DOrazio Nearly compromised into a forced marriage with a conniving woman he can barely stand, he desperately spouts the first thing he can think of to rescue himself. Engaged to someone else. But, then he must follow through with the charade. Only, it is no longer a charade when the young lady in question discovers that her parents plan to serve her up as the family sacrifice to a disgusting buffoon of a man to provide for the family future. It is with great relief that she admits that she is already engaged.
Thus, there is an entertaining and curious twist on a marriage for convenience for two of Jane Austen’s iconic lovers.
So Material a Change approaches class difference, societal expectation, the darker side of the Regency and a twist on a classic with flair. At first, I found the “I’m already engaged” responses to two people who had no plans to marry and definitely not to each other, the start of a comedy, but it was obvious that this was no game because they had to somehow learn to like let alone love each other, compromise on some points, and trust each other when they could trust no one else at times. I enjoyed watching them become a true partnership even while struggling with the unexpected feelings that popped up for each other and made them vulnerable. I wanted to thump Lizzy for all her doubts, but yet who wouldn’t have struggled so hard in the situation she was in. They both had so far to come and under the pressure of family- of all of London society watching them and most hoping they failed.
But, they did get some support and that leads me to how wonderful the relationships and characters were developed. Yes, Lizzy and Darcy had a tough-fought swoony romance, but I also speak of secondary romances and some familial ties. Darcy’s Fitzwilliam family were wonderful. I have to say now that his oldest cousin was the best outlandish oddity that has been written in some time. That man saw the world in technicolor and said and did everything with panache. The support he gave his cousin and Lizzy was fabulous, but the revenge he enacted against their worst enemy was the coup de grace.
After all their struggles, I found the longer denouement worked as an excellent counter-balance to all the earlier strain. I liked seeing what came after and getting a few last minute bits clarified. And, the epilogue was sugary sweet and left me smiling.
All in all, So Material Change was an abso-fab sweet historical romance classical variation. No need to have read the classic prior to as this book stands alone fine. Definitely recommend to Austenesque fans, but historical romancers in general, as well.
I rec’d a paper copy of this book from Quills & Quartos to read in exchange for an honest review.
Amy DOrazio

Read So Material a Change: A Pride Prejudice Variation
“If the thought of us being destined for one another is what caused you to laugh, then I shall laugh with you. Ours is more a story of mutual desperation than of love.”
MATRIMONY IS THE LAST THING on Elizabeth Bennet’s mind when she arrives at Netherfield Park to tend to her ill sister. When proud Mr Darcy acts rashly to thwart a compromise and tells her that the entire household believes they are engaged, she dismisses him outright and refuses his offer of marriage.
BUT MORE SURPRISES AWAIT her at Longbourn. Mr Collins is ready with an offer of marriage and it is not only her mother who thinks it a fine match; Mr Bennet is willing to press the point until Elizabeth makes clear such a connexion is impossible—because she has accepted an offer of marriage from Mr Darcy.
IT IS AN INAUSPICIOUS BEGINNING, an engagement neither desires, driven to by the machinations of others. Yet what begins as a forced alliance soon changes into something quite different. Will it be enough to lead them into love? So Material a Change: A Pride Prejudice Variation
Married from circumstances
Darcy and Lizzy find they must marry each other so they don’t have to marry another person.
4.5 stars rounded up to 5 stars. Not much to complain about. The writing, the dialogue are so very, very good. Darcy is every bit as arrogant, proud and prejudiced as in P&P. Here he is very selfish and self centered also. His change to a better man seemed to happen too quickly and Lizzy forgot or forgave his actions to easily.
Everything else was pretty fun. Caroline’s set down was new and original.
Definitely will be put in the reread pile. Amy DOrazio I must have read this as an unpublished story as it is on my list of books read. I found this review among the books I read in 2017. It was an unpublished story. So Material a Change
Quote from the story: “I cannot say I find it amusing so much as I find it ironic. Both of us placed into very similar situations where we were forced to choose between an unwanted suitor, or each other, and only days apart. One could see the hand of Providence, or Fate in the matter.” Thus Darcy sums up what has happened in the first 10% of the story. Debbie Brown gives the readers an excellent description of what to expect in her review. And as she says, this is a long story which you will be loath to put down so clear your calendar! Plus, if you don’t particularly care for angst in your books: don’t even pick this one up.
As we are informed by the other reviews the book (which is told from various POVs) begins with Caroline in possession of the housekeeper’s keys, letting herself into Darcy’s bedroom at Netherfield late one night. Darcy, being a sound sleeper, doesn’t stir until the scantily dressed Caroline climbs into his bed and interrupts his dream of Lizzy. Caroline is not deterred by hearing him call out that name during caresses but shrieks to gain notice…and to force her brother to demand a marriage.
Yes, Darcy comes up with the excuse that he is already engaged to Elizabeth and, boy, if you think that at Hunsford he steps all over his tongue, read how he delivers this…Not a proposal, but a demand, a statement, that they must be engaged! He does succeed in gaining her compliance but only after finally informing she of what has actually happened and Lizzy only agrees to act this role until they can come up with a different solution. But THEN soon after she and Jane, who has been nursed by E. at Netherfield, return home Elizabeth finds herself in circumstances much like what Darcy experienced. She is being forced by BOTH parents to accept Mr. Collins’ proposal. Her father actually thinks that she will find herself in comfortable surroundings and neighborhood and up to the challenge of amending the person and personality of Mr. Collins. (Does he bathe?) As she now has to explain to Darcy her reasons for accepting that this “proposal” will now in fact lead to a marriage, he replies with the quote above. They need each other.
There are villains and then there are mistaken villains. We find Georgiana self-mutilating and with suicidal thoughts but as we read on and on there is a basis to this that is realistic but also a surprise. Caroline is part and parcel of this narrative and just cannot accept how things have turned out. Like the proverbial “bad penny” she finds ways to be on the scene BUT you might find delight in the irony of what she discovers when she does, finally, find herself forced to wed.
The author is quite creative in another thwarted romance – that of Jane and Bingley and then the story of Mr. Collins and his position as “heir” to Longbourn. Well done. Lady Catherine does take her bow. Lord and Lady Matlock find themselves coming to not only find delight in but also respect for Elizabeth and then their oldest, Saye, adds his own learned wisdom as he is related the motivation behind the engagement ODC find themselves in.
One aspect I found different in the story is that as we follow Lizzy’s thoughts we read of her internal debate about Darcy’s reticence, about his motivation for acts and about his demand for obedience without any discussion. She, in contrast to canon, does attempt to find an opposing view for why he does so and for why he wants her to avoid Wickham, and to not go out on walks alone. She also tries to reason with herself about his attitude towards her family and her neighbors in Meryton. Of course, that is until the straw that breaks the camel’s back in laid in place!
Darcy would have solved a lot of the struggle in this novel if he had been open while Elizabeth could have done her part if she forced him to answer questions about what his history was with Wickham, with Bingley and with Georgiana, etc. But where would all that delicious angst be in a much shortened tale then?
I highly recommend this story. Mystery solved as to why I had not posted a review when I had it on my list of books read...yes, I keep a running tally besides a yearly one. Amy DOrazio I read this online years ago and loved it then. Excellent plot, excellent execution, excellent characters (including a significant addition to canon), excellent dialogue, excellent romance - just exceptional overall writing. So glad Ms. D'Orazio is finally sharing this with the world!
Caroline Bingley recognizes Mr. Darcy's dangerous attraction to Elizabeth Bennet, who is staying at Netherfield to nurse her ill sister. Considering all the time and energy Miss Bingley has spent attempting to garner his notice, she is tired of waiting for a marriage proposal that may never come. She decides it's time to force the issue by staging an incontrovertible compromise in his bed. Her tactic backfires when Darcy not only refuses to marry her but reveals that he's engaged to Miss Elizabeth. It's a lie, but it's the only thing he can think of to convince Bingley to believe he has no interest in the man's manipulative sister.
The next morning, Darcy finds the opportunity to speak with Elizabeth alone, and his marriage proposal is even worse than canon - in fact, it's not a marriage proposal at all. He just informs her that they MUST marry, assuming she will quickly agree. After all, in London, Mr. Darcy of Pemberley is universally considered such a catch! It's only when the country miss turns him down flat that he becomes desperate enough to explain the full situation and grovel a little for her assistance. She reluctantly agrees to PRETEND to be betrothed with the understanding that they will not actually marry.
Her perspective changes abruptly when she returns to Longbourn to find Mr. Collins in residence and both her parents supporting his marital aspirations toward her. Marriage to Mr. Darcy is a far more attractive prospect compared to a life sentence with the smelly, greasy, annoying Mr. Collins. She and Darcy now agree to a REAL engagement, and he duly asks for and receives Mr. Bennet's blessing.
Their betrothal provides Elizabeth with a surprisingly (to her) charming version of Mr. Darcy, who becomes even more delighted with his future spouse as he gets to know her better. Their unacknowledged love for each other grows quickly, and things seem poised for an early HEA. Of course, the course of true love never does run smooth, and that's especially true in a Pride and Prejudice story!
Darcy is secretive. He forbids Elizabeth from any contact with Mr. Wickham with no explanation. He changes the subject when she tries to ask about his sister, Georgiana. Elizabeth, accustomed to a high degree of freedom in negligent Mr. Bennet's household, chafes at Darcy's strictures, especially when Darcy insists that she stop taking long walks alone. And Lady Catherine's early entry into the story plants seeds of doubt in Elizabeth's mind that she'll ever be able to fit into Darcy's world. This is only reinforced when Elizabeth goes to London, where Darcy's other aunt kindly takes her under her wing. Lady Matlock brings her on a series of house calls to demonstrate that the earl's family supports the marriage. While everyone is polite, it's apparent that most of the hostesses and their daughters do not sincerely welcome the country nobody who won their highly-coveted prize, Mr. Darcy.
The plot continues to unfold from there. It engages the reader from beginning to end with unpredictable twists. Georgiana's deep depression, Caroline's wickedly clever scheme to break Jane Bennet's hold on her brother involving Mr. Collins, Elizabeth's attempts to fit into London society, and overlooked details regarding the Longbourn entail are among the secondary storylines that influence the primary plot rather than being irrelevant tangents.
The book is filled with natural-sounding dialogue crafted to perfectly match characters and situations. I particularly love the brotherly banter that flies between Darcy, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and Viscount Saye. (The latter is the colonel's older brother, and he's probably my favorite non-canon scene-stealer in the JAFF universe.)
Appropriately, Elizabeth and Darcy are the strongest characters. Their misunderstandings are believable rather than contrived, and the chemistry between them fairly leaps off the pages. Both have their flaws; Elizabeth is no Mary Sue here. Despite everything going on around them, their romance remains front and center throughout.
Content is clean. Highly recommend!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amy DOrazio Adapt yourself to change as the willow tree adapts itself to the weather. When the harsh winds of circumstance sweep across the landscape of your life, bow gracefully, bend gently, adapt graciously. ~ William Arthur Ward
“Elizabeth, I find myself in a position where it is necessary for us to marry.”
Oh, Fitzwilliam Darcy, you old sweet talker, you! How could any girl resist?
Elizabeth Bennet does resist and Darcy must eventually come clean about his necessity for a marriage partner he can tolerate.
The previous night, Caroline Bingley had accomplished a successful compromise; having invaded his bedchamber and encouraged an embrace from a man deep in an erotic dream of Miss Bennet. The trap was sprung, and even Charles Bingley begins to believe Darcy should marry his shrew of a sister. Darcy takes the only way out — he claims a previous engagement offer and acceptance. He convinces the Bingleys and Hursts that he is betrothed to Elizabeth Bennet. Now he must convince Elizabeth.
A further complication arises when Elizabeth and Jane return to Longbourn. Mrs. Bennet has persuaded her husband that a match between Mr. Collins and Elizabeth is necessary. Now Elizabeth is the one who must claim a previous engagement.
With a betrothal beginning like this, what could go wrong?
It would be refreshing to say that Caroline Bingley had finished with her schemes but in this case, it would be completely inaccurate. The lovely Miss Bingley is not finished yet — not by a long shot!
Darcy is reluctant to introduce his betrothed to his beloved younger sister. He does not even agree to Elizabeth’s suggestion of a correspondence between the soon-to-be sisters. Is he hiding something important?
Unlike Lady Catherine, the Matlock family supports Darcy’s engagement. Lady Matlock invites Elizabeth to reside with them for a few weeks since the younger woman has little experience of London society.
Quote from the book: “Certainly there is no shame in that,” Lady Matlock proclaimed. “Until a young lady reaches a certain age, it is best, I think, that she be sheltered from much of what goes on. Too many a young lady has her head turned by some scoundrel just because he dresses well and possesses a fine carriage.”
“Yes, but enough about Saye,” Colonel Fitzwilliam quipped from across the table.
Enter everyone’s favorite Viscount — Viscount Saye, older brother to our dear Colonel. Saye’s part in the book is expanded from the original online story and happily so. He provides welcome comic relief and also retribution, including a comeuppance for Caroline Bingley. Saye believes in punishment to fit the crime. Loved it!
Changing and actually improving are two quite different skills. ~ Dr. SunWolf
Lady Matlock does her best to mold Elizabeth into the sort of woman acceptable to the London ton. But is that what is best for Elizabeth?
Quote from the book: “I can hardly be Lizzy Bennet of Longbourne here in London, can I? I must change, materially change, into something else entirely, and I am trying to do so.”
Is a change in Elizabeth what Darcy truly wants? Is Elizabeth the only one who needs to change?
Quote from the book: “And I fell in love with Elizabeth Bennet, whose petticoats were six inches deep in mud.”
Can Lady Catherine be correct about the dangers of quitting one’s sphere?
“So Material a Change” includes changes to more than Our Dear Couple. What clue to the entail does Darcy discover in the marriage settlement? I loved the ending to the Collins’ storyline.
Jane Bennet must also make a material change. What does she feel after Bingley’s departure? What desperate measure will she take?
Quote from the book: It had always been Lizzy they fretted over, fearing she would never attract a wealthy husband. Oh, she begrudged her sister none of it, to be sure! The shoe had been shoved onto the other foot quite unexpectedly, however, and Jane could not deny that it pinched.
This book is the complete package. I loved the story. I believe you will too.
You are wise to study well the ways of the willow. In the face of change, in the throes of adversity, in the midst of conflict and crisis, the willow willingly bends its branches but refuses to release its roots. ~ William Arthur Ward
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amy DOrazio The concept for this book is fun from the outset, with Darcy and Elizabeth both in dire straits and needful of a way out of their predicament. What follows is a beautiful succession of misunderstandings, realisations and ‘coming of ages’ for all involved as they discover what it is to be essential to another heart as well as one’s own. It’s lovey to see Darcy and Elizabeth learning love and importantly to support each other 100%. Amy, as always, plays the heart strings to the max, keeping it on the vastly enjoyable side of ‘roller coaster journey to love.’ And that’s my favourite type! Saye is at his best, which will gratify fans, but one of my favourites Saye/Darcy scenes ever is in these pages—with Darcy coming out on top, of course. Whole heartedly recommended read for anyone who loves Austenesque romance. Amy DOrazio