英語苦手なので頑張って訳してますがたまによくわからない訳があって大変です。大体のニュアンスは知識かあれば伝わるかも。 and 2 more , Kindle, Paperback
Small Animal Dermatology for Technicians and Nurses: 9780470958155: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Small Animal Dermatology for Technicians and Nurses
I am not a veterinary technician or nurse, but I have had lots of pets over the years and many of the dogs had chronic skin conditions. One poor dog had a flea allergy and that was before all the preventative treatments that they have now. Another dog was our only small and 2 more , Kindle, Paperback This book is an A plus plus plus ,thanks a million for publishing this great derm tool , on an easy to understand format, clear, simple and to the point.I love it,I use it with great results. and 2 more , Kindle, Paperback This is a wonderful resource for owners who really like to understand skin problems or potential problems their pets may have. This is not some basic overview. It’s written by true experts and offers a depth of understanding that books targeted to the general public don’t and 2 more , Kindle, Paperback This is just an excellent book. If I have a complaint, it is that the cover upsets my family when they see it.I love that the diagnostics are so well explained, along with differentials. The microscopic images are great & very helpful for clinical examinations. and 2 more , Kindle, Paperback Hooray! It's about time this much needed tome was published. What a wonderful explication of all dermatological concepts for treating small animals! Caveat emptor however. You won't find approaches for treating the wooly mammoth in this volume. But then again, the and 2 more , Kindle, Paperback