Sleepless in Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love, #1) By Sarah Morgan

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Me ha costado acabarme este libro, pues lo he encontrado algo lento al principio. La historia no está mal, pero es bastante predecible y la declaración final, sonrojante. Le doy un 2,5.
Sarah Morgan 5 - Sometimes you just have to take that leap. Stars!

I think if I met Sarah Morgan, I’d give her a hug and thank her profusely for being a writer, while gibbering nonsensical words and phrases about how much I love her books. I’m still relatively a new reader of this authors work, but knowing she has over seventy published books, a large number of which I have still too read makes me a happy girl.

Sleepless in Manhattan grabbed me from the get-go, and it is the start of a series that I just know is going to get better with each and every book added. Paige, Eva and Frankie have been friends since childhood, and now live in a converted Brownstone together, with Paige’s brother Matt filling the last apartment.

Magic happens in this city. It’s full of hope and possibilities.

One thing that shows this authors irrefutable skill as a writer is that fact that all three of these women have very diverse characteristics and differing personalities, and it is very clear that Paige is the organizer of the three, Eva the glass half full, romanticist, and Frankie the blunt and down to earth one of the group, but you can also feel the great love and depth of friendship they have for each other as well.

Jake Romano, is Matt’s best friend. He has been there for Paige through thick and thin, the rock she leant on when her health was suspect as a young woman, the man she fell in love with during the time they spent together, while he kept her company when she was stuck in a hospital bed. The love then wasn’t returned, and Paige has spent the intervening years trying to move on from the fact that she read the situation with Jake so wrong.

I’m not your brother and I’m not your parents. You don’t have to do the happy act with me. I can cope with the truth.

But Paige wasn’t as wrong as she thought she was, and through the culmination of several big life changes that ensures they end up spending more time together and alone than normal, she finds that her feelings for Jake may not have been as one sided as she initially thought. This in itself brings about a whole new level of problems though, with him being her brothers best friend for one, and a total commitment-phobe sitting at the the top of the list.

My new favorite hobby might be kissing off your lipstick.

I loved this book, I loved all the characters in it, the locations and the overall story arc between them all, and the focal story-line between Jake and Paige, was all that I wanted and expected it to be.

When I’m with a woman, I’m with a woman. She is my starter, my main course and my dessert. There are no side dishes.

The author has set this series up extremely well, in that there is a huge amount of scope for the future books, and that you have three very different women all with their own personalities and ideals in regards to men and relationships.

I’d take any risk to be with you.

Predictably perfect as usual, Sarah took me away, and put me in New York, with a group of women I’d want to be friends with, and several men I’d like to find myself in-between the sheets with! Frankie and Matt are due next with Sunset in Central Park due for release in July.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was my absolute pleasure to provide the above honest review.
Sarah Morgan ★★★½
I started this series with installment #3 because this is the type of series that allows you to do that. You can come and go with no confusion. I loved #3 which was themed perfectly for the holiday time in which I read it. Afterwards, I found the first two installments and quickly got started. Sleepless in Manhattan wasn't quite as enjoyable as #3 in my personal opinion, but it was a solid contemporary romance with surprising layers. The hero is plagued by a dysfunctional perception of relationships due to poor modeling on his parents' part. The heroine has been in significant medical treatment the majority of her life which caused her character to have some interesting complexities. This is a friends to lovers romance, but as you can see, it's not that simple. Given the complicated characters, I felt that they were still portrayed fairly superficially but I can recognize that this is not intended to be a literary fiction nor a boring case study. It's a steamy but humorous romance, so superficial is sometimes allowed and happily overlooked. I did very much enjoy Sleepless in Manhattan and am excited to continue on to #2...and yes, probably #3 (again :P).

My favorite quote:
“Can we watch something romantic for a change?” “I was thinking horror.” Matt typed a reply to one of his emails. “Silence of the Lambs, or maybe some Stephen King-” “No way!” Eva recoiled. “I hate horror. Unless you want to wake up and find me shivering in your bed because I'm too scared to sleep alone, you'd better pick something else. No serial killers. No dead children. Those are my rules. Can we watch Sleepless in Seattle?” “Not unless the reason they're sleepless is because there's a serial killer on the loose.”

Sarah Morgan's From Manhattan with Love series includes the following installments as of December 2016:
#0.5: Midnight at Tiffany's
#1: Sleepless in Manhattan
#2: Sunset in Central Park
#3: Miracle on 5th Avenue
#4: New York, Actually
#5: Meet Me in the Hamptons
#6: Moonlight over Manhattan
Sarah Morgan I adored this book.

There's just something about Sarah Morgan's characters especially her heroines that endear them to me. And Paige is no exception.

Paige life was been a series of hospital visits and spending her life under the watchful eye of her parents, brother and Puffin Island. She made a move to New York to become an events planner and live her life to fullest.

Jake Romano is Paige's older brother's best friend. He came into her life when she was at her lowest and they forged a friendship. Paige is harboring a crush on Jake that ended on heartbreak. When Paige and her friends got fired from their job, Jake agreed to help them set up their own events business. This brought back old feelings from Paige. Not wanting to get rejected again, Paige tried to guard her heart especially since Jake doesn't seem to be willing to fully trust his feelings for her.

Jake has some serious issues in this book. He's broody and tortured as all get out. In other words, he's irresistible. Paige doesn't stand a chance.

I enjoyed the evolution of their relationship starting from when a very young Paige met Jake and then later on as adults. The attraction between Jake and Paige sizzled within the pages of this book, and Sarah Morgan did a phenomenal job of writing those sizzling sexy times.

I also enjoyed the seamless introduction to other possible pairing in the upcoming books featuring Paige's two best friends. I definitely want to read more about them. Also, I love the female friendship in this book. They remind me a bit of Nancy Drew and her two cousins, Bess and George, which is odd. I can't wait to read their books.

Sleepless in Manhattan is typical Sarah Morgan, which is fantastic. Great dialogue, great characters and excellent romance.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Sarah Morgan 4/5 stars

Video Review:

I really enjoyed this book and I'm very much looking forward to the others in the series. I thought it was an easy, fun, romance book. I found myself flying through the book! Highly recommend picking it up if you enjoy adult romance novels!

***received this book because of Booktube Tours. Harlequin sent this book to me in exchange for an honest review*** Sarah Morgan

USA TODAY bestselling author Sarah Morgan introduces a sizzling new trilogy about three best friends embracing life—and love—in Manhattan 

Cool, calm and competent, events planner Paige Walker loves a challenge. After a childhood spent in and out of hospitals, she's now determined to prove herself—and where better to take the world by storm than in the exhilarating bustle of Manhattan? But when Paige is let go from the job she loves, she must face her biggest challenge of all—going it alone. 

Except launching her own events company is nothing compared to hiding her outrageous crush on Jake Romano—her brother's best friend, New York's most in-demand date, and the only man to break her heart. When Jake offers Paige's fledgling company a big chance, their still-sizzling chemistry starts giving her sleepless nights. But can she convince the man who trusts no one to take a chance on forever? Sleepless in Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love, #1)


WOW ........ just WOW!!! What an incredible read! There is a reason Sarah Morgan is one of my top 5 authors. She can weave a storyline like few others. I simply devour her books and then yearn for more. If you are looking for an exceptional romance with incredably engaging and unforgettable characters, Sleepless in Manhattan is the book for you.

Jake Romano and Paige Walker grab hold of you from page one and never let go. Jake is a no-nonsense, self-made, man's man and Paige is out to prove she doesn't need anyone's help or pity, especially from Jake. The chemistry between the two is off the charts yummy! Paige fell head over heels in love with Jake at age seventeen, and Jake has had to deny his attraction for her because she is his best friend's little sister, meaning off limits! Paige put herself out there years ago with her undying love for Jake and he shut her down cold. She has been working in Manhattan, lives with her two best friends, Eva and Frankie, and suddenly finds herself unemployed as an event planner. Jake, who also lives and works in Manhattan, comes to the rescue with the perfect job opportunity. Talk about a combustible, can't put the book down gem of a story!

I absolutely cannot wait for the next book in this series , Sunset in Central Park, to be released!

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review*
Sarah Morgan Oh dear. Aside from a few chapters in the middle that were truly unputdownable, Sleepless in Manhattan was actually more of a snooze than anything else. Primarily, Sarah Morgan’s prose and storytelling are haphazard and graceless. Also, the bare bones of the plot itself were just...asinine. This book reads like it was written by someone without any particular talent, just stringing together paragraphs through bullheaded determination alone. Which is admirable, but messy to read.

Not even kidding, the entire conflict could have been wrapped up in a few pages if only all of the characters had sat down for a 30 minute conversation about their feelings. (Which is amusing, since there was a lot of sitting around and talking in this book, just all of the talk was pointless.)

Don’t believe me? Here’s what up.

Paige fell in love with Jake as a teenager. Jake reciprocated, but had promised Paige’s overprotective older brother to “stay away” from her. So he turns her down and she’s humiliated. Now everyone’s 30-ish. The only thing stopping Paige and Jake from being together is that Jake made that promise and Paige believes Jake’s rejection of her was genuine.


Pretending that we’re all grownups, this could be solved very quickly. I’ll demonstrate. Ready?

Jake: Hey, I lied when I said I wasn’t interested. I totes am, but I’m a Bad Person and your big bro made me promise to stay away.

Paige: Uh, not okay. How about everyone respects me and lets me decide for myself what is and is not good for me? Also, you should consider therapy for your Massive Childhood Trauma.

Jake: Cool.

The End

See? Super easy, right?

But oh no, Sarah Morgan had to take 400 pages of my valuable time to solve problems that shouldn’t have existed in the first place. I can’t. I just can’t.

I understand that the whole “forbidden” sibling of a best friend trope is not my thing in general, but it comes across as so ridiculous in this book especially. The reason Paige is off-limits to Jake is because he’s a Bad Boy who doesn’t believe in love. Because after his mother abandoned him when he was six he doesn’t believe that love is real. (Never mind that he’s had healthy parental relationships modeled in his life ever since then. This is Romancelandia and things never make sense.) That’s just...a really stupid, overblown obstacle that’s just tossed into the plot willy-nilly. It doesn’t even hold up under logical examination. None of this book does.

It’s all just so boring and tedious. For instance, literally nothing happens in the first 100 pages of Sleepless in Manhattan. Paige and her 2 best friends lose their jobs and they spend a long time talking about it. That’s all. The author does this thing where she starts a scene, then meanders around explaining a bunch of random shit that is only tangentially related, before she finally arrives back to the topic at hand. Any given scene is thusly expanded to two or three times its necessary length because of all the pointless crap.

For instance, I don’t need to know that complete backstories of Paige’s friends because they each have their own novel that’s just going to repeat all that information later. I also don’t need to be continually teased by the ~mysterious~ circumstances regarding some person named Matilda who doesn’t play any part in this story at all, except that she’s the protagonist of the series’ novella, Midnight at Tiffany's.

Now, I understand that this is a romance that offers more than a basic “hero + heroine + drama + sex = HEA” plot, but Morgan wanders around so much that by the time she actually focuses on anything (either big picture or in an individual scene), I’ve already forgotten what’s going on and why I should care. Nobody needs to read 40 pages of people talking about how sad it is they’ve lost their job. And a declaration of love should be a page, not an entire chapter. It’s ridiculous. Sleepless in Manhattan rambles, and it makes a huge production of every single detail, no matter how trivial. In real life, this story wouldn’t be worth 400 pages; I don’t see why it should merit that length in fiction either.

📌 . Blog | Review Database | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads Sarah Morgan

Sleepless In Manhattan era una novela que me intrigaba mucho, no tanto por la historia en si ( ya que por la sinopsis no parecia nada del otro mundo ) sino porque hace muchos años lei varias historias Harlequin escritas por esta autora y aun recuerdo lo mucho que me gustaron.

La historia de Jake y Paige no es de esas que te atrapan desde un primer momento, sino que te va cautivando poco a poco y cuando te das cuenta, eres totalmente adicta a ella, o al menos a mi me sucedio asi.

Esta primera parte me gusto mas de lo que esperaba, inicie la lectura esperando encontrar un libro sencillo y entretenido pero la realidad es que encontre mucho mas entre las paginas de Sleepless In Manhattan, realmente este grupo de amigos consigue ganarse tu cariño y dejarte lo suficiente curiosa como para continuar leyendo las siguientes partes, las cuales narraran las historias de Eva y Frankie.

En conclusion, una lectura muy recomendable si quieres leer un libro romantico y ameno que te mantenga distraida. Lo que cuenta no es novedoso o impredecible pero es un placer leerla y honestamente la pluma de Sarah Morgan me resulto tan buena en esta ocasion como hace varios años.

3.5 Estrellas! Sarah Morgan I have been reading Sarah Morgan’s books for sometime now so her books are on my must have list as soon as they come out.

This series is about Paige and her two best friends Eva and Frankie as well as Paige’s brother Matt and his best friend Jake. They all have know each other since they were little and now live in New York City. This story features Jake and Paige and their love-hate relationship.

Jake has been trying to avoid his attraction to Paige for years. Her brother is his best friend and made him promise years ago to never lay a hand on her. Because of this and the way his birth mother treated him he has become known for not falling in love with anyone.

Paige and her friends were just let go from their event planning company. With the help of Jake they start their own company. It isn’t going so well at first so Jake has them throw an important party for his company. Now Paige and Jake have to spend more time together. In doing so they find it hard to fight the attraction they feel for each other.

Sleepless in Manhattan is the first book in the From Manhattan with Love trilogy. I can already tell you that this set of books will makes for some wonderful summer reading this year! Sarah Morgan Sleepless in Manhattan by Sarah Morgan is a 2016 HQN publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Romantic comedies! Who doesn’t love ‘Sleepless in Seattle’, or ‘When Harry Met Sally’?

This cute contemporary romance pays homage to the classics, while introducing us to a new series centered around best friends trying to start their own business in Manhattan.

This story places the spotlight on Paige, a vibrant young woman who survived a childhood riddled with illness and long hospital stays, due to a heart problem. Her condition caused her family to over protect her, especially her brother, Matt.

When Matt realizes Paige has a teenage crush on his best friend, Jake, he forbids Jake to act on it, so Paige makes the first move, with disastrous results.

Now, Paige is a confident career woman determined to make her own way without Matt or her parents, but she has never gotten over Jake, even though they constantly bicker and he goads her at every turn. But, when she loses her job, and decides to start her own business, Jake is the perfect person to ask for advice. so pushing her pride aside, Paige goes to Jake for help. Can she keep it on a professional level or will she finally seduce the man who has held her heart all this time?

Jake has done everything in his power to keep Paige at arm’s length, from breaking her teenage heart, to picking fights with her, but when she comes to him for help with her business, he finds his resolve melting away. But what about his promise to Matt?

I loved the quips that began each chapter and thought the idea of incorporating favorite romantic comedies into the story was a nice touch.

I don’t have a brother, but I know there is an unspoken rule about hitting on your best friend’s sister. This rule can cause a lot of heartache when a person has to give up the love of their life for the sake of their friendship.

In this case, Jake is not just trying to keep a promise to his best friend, he is also avoiding love at all cost, which is something he feels Paige deserves, so he tries to keep her at arm’s length. But is Jake’s nobility really a cloak for his own fear and cowardice?

The story has a lot of promise, but there were a few issues, such as the slow pacing, and lack of emotional connection between Jake and Paige. The story sagged a little here and there, and lost momentum a time or two, and with both characters working so hard to keep things fun and light without using any language suggesting commitment or love, it sucked the chemistry out of the relationship and failed to evoke any emotions from me. The conflict was flat and Jake’s reasoning, stemming from his mommy issues didn’t seem convincing to me.
His attitude improves a little as the story progresses, but his refusal to admit his love for Paige, even in his own mind or heart, kept me from warming up to him.

But, in true romantic comedy tradition, Jake redeems himself, which made it all worthwhile in the end.
This is a cute ode to romantic comedies, with some fun banter between friends, and a long overdue happy ever after, which is good enough for me.

3 stars

Sarah Morgan