Shameless: A Sexual Reformation : Bolz-Weber, Nadia By Nadia Bolz-Weber

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Raw, intimate, and timelya no holds barred celebration of our bodies that flies in the face of antiquated ideas about sex and gender.

A triumph.Glennon Doyle One of the most important, life changing books Ive ever read.Rachel Held Evans, author of Searching for Sunday and Inspired

Negative messages about sex come from all corners of society: from the church, from the media, from our own families. As a result, countless people have suffered pain, guilt, and judgment. In this instant bestseller, Nadia Bolz Weber unleashes her critical eye and her vulnerable yet hopeful soul on the harmful conversations about sex that have fed our shame.

Bolz Weber offers no simple amendments or polite compromises. Instead, this modern day reverend calls for an inclusivity that empowers us to be loyal to people and, perhaps most important, ourselves. Christianity is not a program for avoiding mistakes, she writes. It is a faith of the guilty. With an alternative understanding of Scripture passages that have been weaponized against Christians for decades, Bolz Weber reminds us that sexual flourishing can and should be for all genders, all bodies, and all humans. She shares stories, poetry, and Scripture that wage war on perpetual anxiety around sex by celebrating sexuality in all its forms and recognizing it for the gift that it is.

If youve been mistreated, confused, angered, and/or wounded by shaming sexual messages, this one is for you. Shameless: A Sexual Reformation : Bolz-Weber, Nadia


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I knew when I cracked open this book that I would not like it, Bolz Weber has a reputation as the shock jock of so called liberal Christianity, and this book helps cement that reputation. Filled with theological errors and heresies masquerading as truth, it is designed to lead astray the unwary, and those who have chosen the route of error. It is also ignorant of Western Christianity, focusing on so called reformed or evangelical theology, but ignoring (and at times showing a profound and arrogant ignorance of) Catholic doctrine.There heresies are multiple: Individualism linked with Sensualism (the idea that what we like defines what is good for us), antinomianism among them, and she seems to delight in them, proclaiming freedom, but actually binding her followers in the chains of theological ignorance. (Just as Arius and the other heretics did, providing comfortable but heretical untruths, whilst turning people away from the actual, though difficult to palate truth.)The Bible is a difficult document, and there are those who have been damaged by its misuse and misapplication, but the response to this is not to suggest further misuse and misapplication, but to return to the traditions and theology of Western Catholicism, a tradition which has successfully underpinned Western civilisation for 1,700 years (at least). English In the blurb on the back, one of the peer reviews says “.. this will heal many” and Shameless certainly did that for me. Many within me are now whole and if you know what that means then PLEASE read it for yourself. This book will remain in my top three of all time. English These days it is rare for me to read a book from cover to cover; to find the time, effort and energy to give a book the attention it deserves. But this book; wow. A thoughtful, engaging, heartfelt read. I am not sure if I agree 100% with all her theological beliefs but I find myself drawn to the warmth and heartfelt conviction of her writing. I will certainly read her other books and look forward to hearing her speak next weekend at greenbelt. Xx English I gave this rating because reading this book is like receiving a hug from God if you happen to have grown up in a church culture which was all about don't & gave you an unhealthy view of sex and sexuality. This book isn't saying anything goes but it is saying a whole lot of stuff is healthy & normal.There's alot of great storytelling in this book which seems mature & settled than some of her earlier writing. This is a pastoral resource rather than an aim to shock book. As a church based community worker with young adults I can't recommend this highly enough. English I think this is one of the most passionate, honest and co m passionate books on faith and sex that I have ever read. I am old; just wish this kind of honesty and compassion had been around fifty years ago. English