Selling Your House For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyle)) (English Edition) eBook : Tyson, Eric, Brown, Ray By Eric Tyson


This comprehensive guide covers the important steps to selling a home, like deciding whether or not to sell, choosing a realtor or selling yourself, preparing for sale, best time of year to sell, pricing, increasing curb appeal & staging, selling rental properties, preparing to buy another home and even post sale tax responsibilities. I am thinking of potentially selling in the near future and this guide has already given me a nice head start on how to prepare and what to expect. In fact, not only is it a good guide for sellers, but is also a good resource for home buyers as well because it provides insight into the motivation, procedures and negotiating tactics used by sellers. There is a comprehensive index in the rear of the book containing sample contracts, inspection reports, common questions, real estate glossary and other helpful information. I'm finding the book extremely helpful for helping me with my decision and ultimately with the steps along the way if I do decide to sell. Nearly every base is covered for the potential home seller to enter the market well armed with tons of useful knowledge about the process. Selling Your House For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyle)) (English Edition) eBook : Tyson, Eric, Brown, Ray This book is very timely for us as we’re putting our condo up for sale this month. All in all, it’s a good explanation of the process and raises considerations you may not have thought about in going through it. That said, being such a complicated process that isn’t “one size fits all” and a “For Dummies” book, it can’t be all things to all people or hone in on your particular situation. My only complaint would be that the sample forms are useless as they’re printed too small and are too long to transcribe to be of any help than to give you things to look for in what your selling agency comes up with. I’d rather have it include a code to a website or CD to download them digitally, but that’s not enough of a gripe to dock it a full star. Selling Your House For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyle)) (English Edition) eBook : Tyson, Eric, Brown, Ray I have House Selling For Dummies, 3rd edition somewhere around the house and wanted to compare that book with this review item. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it and there is no Look Inside feature for such an old book (nor do the current authors reference what is new with regard the older book). I assume there's quite a bit of change with regard to finances, etc. (so new book is better), but I'm guessing the basic home selling experience remains the same (so new book, old book probably a wash). In any event, I remember enjoying the earlier version of this current product.I also count myself among the fans of the book the authors mention in the intro ( Home Buying Kit For Dummies (verified purchase)). So I guess I was bound to like this offering.Even though the current home we are contemplating selling will not be our first, it will be the first we do while not in a hurry. Previous iterations of the selling experience were glossed over/whizzed through as we had to get out of town and on to our next (military) assignment. So it's a pleasure to read about the process as it is supposed to happen.I am not an expert in any of this so I have no way of knowing whether the advice/suggestions/guidance in the book is good or bad or neither or both. But there's quite a bit of it from soup to nuts. I would strongly recommend the prospective reader taking the time to use the Look Inside feature to see what the authors cover and/or get the book from your library to see if it will fit the bill. If it does I think books like this are ones to buy and keep because you'll probably want (if you're like me in this regard) to scribble notes throughout.I like this book enough to go 4 stars. Why not 5 stars? Well, two reasons. First, we'll see how good the book is when we're on the other side of the sale. Second, I don't want the reader/prospective buyer to think this book is the be all end all (even if the authors might want you to believe that!). I try to rely on at least two perspectives (and in this case, it's Selling Your House: Nolo's Essential Guide (for what it's worth, I generally try to buy a Dummies book and a NOLO book when tackling a possibly legal related issue)).So yes, 4 stars. I could see it going to 5 stars but I'll wait to see how the sale goes and reevaluate from there. Regardless, I enthusiastically recommend taking a look at this book, getting it in your hands, and having it be part of your home selling tool kit. At a very bare minimum it will make interactions with your real estate agent understandable (maybe not less contentious, but at least understandable!). Selling Your House For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyle)) (English Edition) eBook : Tyson, Eric, Brown, Ray Lots of good information for a small price. Selling Your House For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyle)) (English Edition) eBook : Tyson, Eric, Brown, Ray After living in the same home for over 40 years, we needed the information found in Selling Your House for Dummies. There's been lots of changes in home ownership/selling/buying in the almost half a century we've been in the same home.A few sections that might be interesting for a senior citizen Selling Your House for Dummies includes information onSelling in a depressed housing marketMaking retirement housing decisionsTrading downResearching reverse mortgagesAvoiding relocation trapsTrials Selling Your House for Dummies is a great resource for our needs. Selling Your House For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyle)) (English Edition) eBook : Tyson, Eric, Brown, Ray

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