Sea of Memories By Kelly Risser


Kelly Risser Ë 5 Free read


This is a novella collection and the fourth novel in the Never Forgotten series.

Read full review in the 2016 February issue of InD'tale Magazine. Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance Sea of Memories by Kelly Risser is an excellent fantasy with well-defined paranormal worlds. Risser's long-lived selkies have strong communities and interesting powers beyond shape-shifting into seals. I’d love to have the ability to make my own clothes from my thoughts! Selkies sometimes fall for humans, for a romantic twist with profound consequences. The mysterious blue men add a new dimension to this story that spans generations.

My favorite characters are Kieran and Meara. Their intriguing romance includes the blending of magical colors and emotions, a unique touch. It’s a well-written, entertaining read.
Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance This is a beautiful companion to the Never Forgotten series ( which if you haven't read I highly recommend and you can get book one for free! [[ASIN:B00LEZ92TA Never Forgotten (Never Forgotten Series Book 1)]] ) I was expecting a series of short stories following various characters that I knew and loved from the series but what I actually got was far cleverer than that. The author weaves a new story throughout which links together all the shorts in a way I haven't seen before.

Beautiful with moments that really made me question what if i could have made some of the same decisions the characters did this book really shows how well the author has crafted this world and the people / creatures that live there.

A well earned 5 stars from me! VV Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are my own.

I cannot begin to express how excited I was when I learned that Kelly Risser had added another addition to her Never Forgotten series as I loved every single book. She has outdone herself!!!

Beautifully written, Sea of Memories gives you insight into the characters we've come to love and fills you in with in depth knowledge as we learn new things like the reason why Meara's father, David left right after she was born and we also discover new and startling revelations that will floor you.

The world building is extraordinary and beautifully detailed and the characters have continued to grow and evolve. I cried and I laughed and I even felt myself falling into a euphoric state as I envisioned myself being a part of this story line. This author is an extremely talented writer and the spell she weaves while writing these mystical tales leaves you completely enthralled.

This book is worthy of more than five stars and I highly recommend you read this book and other books written by Kelly Risser. Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance Absolutely amazing. I didn't think Kelly could out do herself..... but i was so wrong. Sea of Memories was such a bittersweet wrap up to the Never Forgotten Book Series. THE FEELS! Seriously, Kelly touched my heart with the conclusion. I hated that it was over but I did indeed enjoy every bit of the journey. I can't wait to see what new world and journey she has in store for us. Thank you Kelly, for introducing me to this rich and wonderful world. Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance

Sea of Memories (A novella collection from the world of Never Forgotten)
Sometimes, we reach the end of a story and realize there is more to be told. This is the case with Sea of Memories, a collection of novellas set in the world of Never Forgotten.
Travel with Meara and Kieran to North America where they visit her grandparents and his family. Along the way, stop at Mirage, the dance club where the couple first met, and see the encounter from Kieran's point of view.
Struck in the Club - On the orders of his father, Kieran travels to Nova Scotia to spy on David's daughter. After an encounter in a dance club, he may have found more than he bargained for.
Journey to the past and meet Kieran's mom, Sera. Learn why she is no longer part of their lives.
What Will Be - Sera is a Selkie who enjoys her family and her daily routine of solitude. While out on one of her morning swims, she finds an injured man floating in the ocean. Unable to see anyone suffer, she rescues him, even after the warnings she received as a child about the evilness of human males. He may be safe now, but is she?
Go back to where it all started and discover along with Meara how her parents met and fell in love.
A Rock and A Hard Place – Visiting his maternal grandparents in Nova Scotia, David is determined to find out who murdered his parents and why. He doesn't expect the evidence to take him to a small fishing village called Peggy's Cove. He certainly doesn't expect to find love there, especially when it comes in the form of a spunky little brunette… and a human one at that.
Finally, join Meara, Ula, and other friends old and new to remember the past, celebrate the present, and anticipate the future.
Something Blue - Ula's been invited to a banquet at Ronac in her niece's honor. Because it will be Meara's first Christmas without her mom, Ula convinces her boyfriend, Vesh, and others that they need to throw a surprise holiday celebration. Selkies don't celebrate Christmas and neither do the Blue Men of the Minch. It will be a holiday full of surprises for all. Sea of Memories