Something Went Wrong / Quelque chose sest mal passé By


I definitely recommend this book to any artist that wants to learn oil painting from one of the most extraordinary artist of today. I have taken Patrick’s workshop and he definitely knows what he’s doing and I can guarantee that you won’t regret buying this book! 1912740109 This is the second book in a series by the much accomplished artist about painting the human figure in oils. Both the first book and this book are informative and fun to read. Although the subject is fantasy these same principles for painting can be applied to any genre. I am a professional figurative oil painter that has gained helpful advice from both books and think that it can help anyone increase their knowledge about painting. Of my 200+ books on oil painting, over 50 art classes taken and 25 years as a professional artist this book has proven to me to be one of my favorite books as it is a most informative source. Thank you, Patrick! 1912740109 If you’re interested in oil painting, YOU NEED THIS BOOK!! Jones is an amazing writer and explains the process simply without complicating. Plus LOTS of photos for a step by step instruction. 1912740109

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