Satan's Sabbath (The Executioner, #38) By Don Pendleton

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The end of the Pendleton Era, and the beginning of the Gold Eagle Era. Don Pendleton More Bolan action!

So Nolan has finally finished off his last active Mafia boss! Now what? Retirement for Pendleton? I hope not. I enjoy his character development and his situations. A good read all the way! Don Pendleton Satan's Sabbath was the final Mack Bolan book by Don Pendleton
before a legion of writers took over under his name. It also marks a
major change in the legend of Bolan because he shifts in a this one
from being the one-man lone warrior at war with the Mafia to a new
identity as a government agent, John Phoenix who rises from the
ashes. Although other authors went on to continue this series for
another 400+ books of crazy action and adventure, the original 38
book story would end here.
The story itself continues Bolan's superhuman efforts to wipe out the
Mafia and includes battles with rocket launchers in Central Park and
Bolan masquerading as a Mafia hood and taking over their enterprises.
As always, great fun. Don Pendleton The Last Day

This is the last day of Mack Bolans war on the Mafia. But will it be his last day on earth? Will the mob get their revenge on him? And what happens to Bolan on this last day? Read it, and find out. You'll be glad you did! Don Pendleton The last of the original Executioner novels ends the War Against the Mafia on a high note. There are several strong action scenes at the beginning (including Bolan in a sports car, armed wih a grenade launcher, in a dog-fight with an armored limo). The bulk of the novel then builds remarkable tension, as Bolan--knowing his cover as a top hitman might be blown at any moment--deals with the last two remaining NY-mob factions, eventually tricking them into battling each other. It's a strong conclusion to the original series. Don Pendleton


I can't believe I hunted down and read this entire series of books, (at least the part written by Don Pendleton.) What fun it was. This last book was a blast, especially in how the last bad guy got it. I might look around to see what some of the other authors did with the series after Don Pendleton let it go. I was under the impression that they are not serial. Although this series was serial, I felt as if most of the stories were independent and each installment had enough back story that they did not need to be read in order.

My favorites in the series were;

#3 Battle Mask
#10 Caribbean Kill
#15 Panic in Philly
#26 Acapulco Rampage
and #29 Command Strike

Don Pendleton And with that we reach the conclusion of the Mafia Wars. And what a ride it has been. Mack Bolan is the Jack Reacher of the 80's of that there can be no doubt. Don weaves in the nature of each city and you get a glimpse of the american way of life at that time. Albeit a very tiny glimpse. The series always will strike a chord for the direct approach it takes to solving the mafia problem and the capability of one man to be an engine of change. I have always read Bolan as a random pickup and now going through 40 repetetive books has not really diminished my appetite for more reading. I will probably pick up the new war sometime sooner or later. Farewell to the Don though. Thank you for one of the more memorable characters in Fiction. Don Pendleton Well that's the end of Don Pendleton's run of Executioners. It was a hell of a run, this time he was taking one last crack at NY before he reported to the President for his new gig. Portraying a black ace he infiltrated the remants of the mafia's power structure and declared war for the last time before he would become John Phoenix.

Recommended, this last run of books detailing his final 6 days of his war against the mafia overall I think are a little weaker. However this one was above average and fits as Pendleton's last one. Don Pendleton Bolan’s third sweep of the New York territory... This series was a nonstop thrill ride. I enjoyed every mile of it!!

The final page from Mack Bolan’s war journal: ...This final event should be a dissolution, an entropic spread, a final loss of focus. Yet, poised at this moment upon my final threshold, I am aware that my life is focused as it has never been before. I am now at the pinpoint of all that I have ever been, done, desired, feared. It is a painful focus, yes. But I can bear it. I must bear it. It contains all that I am.

Grazzi quietly asked, “Who says Bolan is looking at us again?”
Omega [Bolan] took that one. “We’re being told that common sense says it. We’re asked to look at the pattern. Today is Saturday right? The Chicago combine bought it on Monday. Los Angeles fell on Tuesday. Wednesday was the desert fiasco. Thursday, Florida. Baltimore yesterday. What did I say it is here in New York? Saturday?”

Excerpt From: Satan's Sabbath by Don Pendleton. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Read this book on Scribd: Don Pendleton And with that, Mack Bolan’s original war against the mafia comes to an end.

After 38 books, he’s done taking on the mob and is ready to face new threats of terrorism in an officially sanctioned battle to keep the US safe.

While Satan’s Sabbath does finally wrap up everything and conclude Bolan’s first war, I feel things became too rushed at the end and I was left wanting a more satisfying closure to it all.

Oh well. There like 420 others to read now. Don Pendleton

This is it...the end of Mack Bolan's long second-mile into hell..
the day to end all days of the Executioner's one-man war against the Mafia. If you were there in the beginning or at any point along the way then you will certainly want to be present for the climax of the most audacious military campaign ever pursued by an American fighting man.

Can Bolan pull it off? Can he engineer the final victory...the one that can give meaning and substance to two savage miles in hell? Will he win and survive? Or does final victory demand the final sacrifice? When the devil takes the body count, then it's got to be...Satan's Sabbath. Satan's Sabbath (The Executioner, #38)