Roxy Music, 1953-1972: The Band That Invented an Era By Michael Bracewell

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Written with the assistance, for the first time, of all of those involved, including Bryan Ferry, Brian Eno, Andy Mackay and Phil Manzanera; the fashion designer Antony Price, the founding guru of pop art, and Bryan Ferry's tutor, Richard Hamilton, and many , Roxy is also the account of how pop art, the avant garde underground of the 1960s, and the heady slipstream of London in the sixties was transformed into the fashion cults of revivalism, nostalgia and pop futurism in the early 1970s. Roxy Music, 1953-1972: The Band That Invented an Era

Well that was unexpected. I had thought this was a bog standard biography of my favourite band (in their earlier years anyway). Instead it's an incredibly well written, wonderfully researched and highly interesting explanation of the art school and fashion influences which Michael Bracewell I am currently reading Remake Remodel which from what I can make out is a hardback version of this book. I must say that I think this is a fabulous book. It is quite unlike the usual rock biogs in as much as it deals with the cultural influences that formed Brian Ferry, Michael Bracewell I have just read a hardback copy of this as Re make/Re model which had been sitting on my shelf for years and which I got remaindered for £3. The original subtitle of the book was 'Art, Pop, fashion and the Making of Roxy Music 1953 1972' and it's a great study of the Michael Bracewell The book was advertised and ordered as new, but a secondhand item was supplied. It was clearly used and the spine was cracked accordingly. The content of the book is fine, but I was not happy to be misold the item. Michael Bracewell The publishers marketing knew it was only the associations with Roxy Music that were going to sell this book. The first half barely mentions anyone from Roxy Music and is almost wholly concerned with an essay on the artist Richard Hamilton, who tutored at Ferry's Art Michael Bracewell


Have not read the book yet, but much larger than expected. Excellent value considering the low price. Michael Bracewell Re make/Re model: Becoming Roxy Music This is an excellent book, but it's worth pointing out that this is the paperback edition of 'Remake/Remodel' which came out last year in hardback. The book has been retitled, presumably to make it Michael Bracewell I've been a fan of Michael Bracewell for a while, particularly his novels and pop commentary (Perfect Tense is a minor masterpiece, as is England is Mine) so I was excited about this book, and considering I'm also a Roxy Music fan it bode well. Overall the book is a Michael Bracewell Auf 400 kleinbedrucken Seiten und in 3 Kapiteln sortiert, erzählt Michael Bracewell die Hintergründe und Lebenswege der Protagonisten, die die Band Roxy Music gründeten. Das Buch hat wohl bewußt nur den Titel Roxy, da die Musik sprich das erste Album und die ersten Shows etc. erst gegen Ende des Buches eine Rolle spielen.Roxy ist die fasziniernde und in weiten Teile zuvor unbekannte Geschichte der Personen und deren Lebensläufe bzw. Lebensumstände die durch ihr Zusammentreffen die bahnbrechende Band Roxy Music ins Leben riefen.Dieses Buch wurde unter Mitarbeit vieler Bandmitglieder, wie Bryan Ferry, Brian Eno, Andy Mackay und Phil Manzanera geschrieben., die immer in Originalinterview Aussagen zu Wort kommen. Das Buch legt zunächst den Schwerpunkt auf die Kultur, die Kunst der 60ziger und 70ziger Jahre. Eine der entscheidenen Figuren war damals Richard Hamilton der den Begriff Pop Art miterfand, Mode und Design wurden in dieser Ära neudefiniert und Bryan Ferry war Bestandteil dieser neuen Bewegungen und inhalierte wie die anderen jungen Männer auch,alle neue Ideen und brachten sie später im Gesamtkunstwerk Roxy Music auf den Punkt. Von Studentenbuden zu provinziellen Nachtclubs, zu dem grünschillerden Lidschatten und dem Fakeleoparden Outfit von Eno werden alle frühen Kapitel detailierte beleuchtet.Part one: Newcatle 19553 1968 Part two: Reading,Ipswich, Winchester 1964 1969 Part three: London 1968 1972.Das Englisch war für mich persönlich nicht immer ganz einfach zu verstehen und man muss sich schon Zeit nehmen für das doch umfangreiche Werk und sich auch für Mode bzw. bildende Kunst begeistern können, um möglichst viel mit den Informationen aus diesem Buch anfangen zu können.Das Buch ist mit verschiedenen Cover, u.a. dem Coverbild des Debütalbums, erschienen und hat zudem auch den anderen Titel Re make/Remodel.(Q : Rückseitentext der Buchausgabe von 2007 sinngemäß übersetzt) Michael Bracewell A good book on the early history of the band but BEWARE that this is the exact same book as Remake/Remodel by the same author with new title and cover picture. Hopefully I'm not the only person who thinks this is a questionable practice. So if you already have Remake (like I did) this isn't a sequel (like I assumed). Michael Bracewell