We're Going on a Bear Hunt By Michael Rosen

Summary We're Going on a Bear Hunt
.savingPriceOverride { color:#CC0C39!important; font weight: 300!important; }.reinventMobileHeaderPrice { font weight: 400; } #apex_offerDisplay_mobile_feature_div.reinventPriceSavingsPercentageMargin, #apex_offerDisplay_mobile_feature_div.reinventPricePriceToPayMargin { margin right: 4px; } €10,37€10,37 We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Una pasada! En cualquiera de sus versiones. Michael Rosen This book is really great for the little ones. Arrived on time and in great condition. Two thumbs up! Michael Rosen It's such a lovely story and now interactive for small children. I highly recommend this storybook Michael Rosen My students love this book. The story is engaging. I read it rhythmically to teach steady beat. The sliding panels are lovely and very sturdy. The illustrations are lovely. It is very well made. Overall it is top quality. Michael Rosen Every child should have a copy of Going on a bear hunt. My boys loved it when they were younger. Got this for my godson. You have the choice of making the sounds yourself (which is always fun) or the sound comes with it. Michael Rosen