Raintree Sanctuary By Beverly Barton

Beverly Barton Ë 6 Free read

THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE BATTLE TO DECIDE THE RAINTREES' FATEWar with their archrival the evil Ansara clan is unavoidable For Mercy Raintree a war means she must assume her position as guardian of the Sanctuary the sacred Raintree home place deep in the Smoky Mountains But doing so threatens to disclose her most prized secret one Mercy has kept to herself for six yearsAs the solstice looms and the battle heats up Dranir Judah Ansara gathers his forces intending to wipe every Raintree from the face of the land Including Mercy whom he's claimed as his to kill Then he comes face to face with her and with her daughter Eve Will Mercy's closely guarded secret change not only the outcome of the battle but also Judah's own bitter heart? Raintree Sanctuary

Part 3 of 3Overall this was a fun glimpse in a world created by three different authors You will want to search under Raintree to find all three books as you have three different authors I must admit that while this are a fun read each author has much better work to choose a book from Mass Market Paperback Sanctuary is the third book in Raintree series the conclusion of the feud and animosity between Raintree and Ansara clan which erupted into battle since two hundred years agoA Dranir king of Ansara Judah Ansara accidentally met Mercy Raintree the most powerful empath and a princess of Raintree when she was so young and naïve He knew who she was instantly so he seduced her and took her virginity While Judah felt like he gained a little victory over the Raintree Mercy had no idea of his true identity and fell in love with her enemy But late into the night when his seed took root within her she then knew that she would give birth to an Ansara As soon as she found the mark of the Ansara on his neck she fled him Seven years later they met again This time he found out that he had a daughter princess Eve whom he never knew existed When his insane brother who had tried to kill him discovered about his half Ansara half Raintree child Judah had to do everything in his power to protect herFor the fact that they were enemies how could they possibly have a future together? Or they had to kill each other just to protect their clansThe plot idea was very good but it didn't uite deliver as expected I was a bit disappointed but not with the whole story 5 stars for the action part It was apparently amazing and expressive a mix of excitement and dread The moment Mercy lifted the powerful Ancelin’s sword from its resting place in order to be a troop leader I suddenly felt a jolt of excitement and goosebumps ran down my arms The arrival of Dante a Dranir of Raintree and Gideon his brother made this battle scene perfect 1 star for the romantic part I felt no love connection between Judah and Mercy They had spent less than twenty four hours together so I think they knew nothing about each other In my eyes what they had together was just a physical attraction After Judah had known about his daughter he spent most of his time with Eve so how would he be able to get to know Mercy better? Moreover I hated one of the sex scenes that he took advantage of her while she was exhausted and then forced her to have sex with him It didn’t matter how strong feelings she had for him what he did was wrong She tried to run away and she said no A woman said NO Why was it so hard for him to understand? Not only didn’t he care what she said but he also told her that he would take her anyway he could and he intended to have her that night no matter what Oh well excuse me buddy You could call it whatever you wanted but I called it rape ArghBy the way I was surprisingly satisfied with the twist ending Aside from the things I didn’t like about this book I enjoyed reading it for the most part So I ended up giving this one 3 stars Mass Market Paperback 25 starsspoiler free reviewThis was my first book by Beverly Barton and my least favorite story of the trilogy The first 34 of the story happen at the same time of books 1 and 2 Mercy is Dante and Gideon little sister she has the gift of empathy and is the guardian of the Sanctuary the sacred Raintree home place Judah is the Dranir of the Ansara clan If I liked Mercy I'm not sure about Judah Also I couldn't believe in their couple I rounded up my rating because of Eve's character The general story arc was well thought And last but not least because Mrs Barton did a great job of making a coherent end for the trilogy Mass Market Paperback Our review can also be read at with their archrival the evil Ansara clan is unavoidable For Mercy Raintree a war means she must assume her position as guardian of the Sanctuary—the sacred Raintree home place deep in the Smoky Mountains But doing so threatens to disclose her most prized secret—one Mercy has kept to herself for six years As the solstice looms and the battle heats up Dranir Judah Ansara gathers his forces intending to wipe every Raintree from the face of the land Including Mercy whom he’s claimed as his to kill Then he comes face to face with her—and with her daughter Eve Will Mercy’s closely guarded secret change not only the outcome of the battle—but also Judah’s own bitter heart? This is the third and final book in the Raintree trilogy and sadly my least favorite It also takes place at the same time as the first and second book but at the actual Raintree Sanctuary where Mercy Dante Gideon’s younger sister lives with her daughter Eve The book starts with the Ansara’s council meeting where Cael Judah the Ansara Dranir’s half brother is waiting for news of his brother’s death When Judah’s enters the council and tells of his failed assassination attempt Cael tries for damage control speaking of warriors who grow restless on waiting for the attack on Raintree Judah learns of another warrior who has left for North Carolina to kill Mercy and take control of the Sanctuary Judah states that not only is the Raintree Dranir Dante his kill but he also claims Mercy as his as well Mercy is a powerful healing empath who can take others pain onto herself and heal them While helping a couple that was is a wreck near the Sanctuary a set up via the Ansaras Cael has an Ansara assassin attempt to take her life Judah kills one of his own clan to protect her only to state she is his to kill He returns her home where Eve not so matter of factly declares that he is her father this whole part of the book seemed farfetched As Judah stays at the Sanctuary he learns about their child her powers and Mercy’s decision to keep her from him as a civil war amongst the Ansaras ensues during Cael’s battle for Dranir I was not Judah’s fan In fact I still don’t like him and I finished the book He was just too much Alpha male that he came off as a class A douche bag He never softened during the whole book and constantly displayed dominance in every situation I’m also a bit disappointed that they build up to this battle during all three books and between the end of one chapter where the fight is about the start and the beginning of the next it’s almost over And of course Dante and Gideon’s ladies whom they both left at home decide to come to the battle even though they cannot really assist and are just going to distract them I hate the helpless female thinking they are rescuing the male but in all actuality they are just going to distract him and possible get him hurt or killed Buh The ending is pretty obvious during the series but due to the set up at the end it doesn’t seem believable Favorites in order Gideon Dante Mercy Pecans 2755 Mass Market Paperback I was disappointed with both the heroine and the hero After strong heroines in the first two books Mercy felt like a doormat And the hero was a bully The fight at the end was okay but the romance was poor Mass Market Paperback

35 stars I just could not H and h vowing to kill each other I did enjoy how the story ends but H is not faithful and I did not see how he was anything but an overprivileged jerk Mass Market Paperback Three and a half starsSolid wrap up to the trilogy This story mainly focuses on Mercy Raintree guardian of the Raintree Sanctuary and Judah Ansara Dranirking of the Ansara and the child they share Mass Market Paperback AUDIOBOOK REVIEW Rating 455Heat Rating 35Narrator Performance Female 45 Male 455OMG such a FANTASTIC finale Mass Market Paperback Raintree SagaThe story its characters draws me in such that I hate to put the book down Fast paced excellent dialogue humorous strong story Mass Market Paperback It's a shame that Sanctuary was the last in the Raintree trilogy it was the weakest of the three books Reading this trilogy is like going on a vacation where you get sick the last two days You know you enjoyed the first few days but what you remember is the bad endingThe heroine was weak both in will and mind Who cares if he is an evil 'bad guy' I knew him for 24 hrs 7 yrs ago and I love him He wants me dead and practically rapes me but that's okay I love him I wouldn't let her water my plants much less have her guarding a 'sanctuary' Then there was the 'hero' who kills one of his own because the guy was trying to kill the heroine Not because he wants her alive but because he wants to be the one to kill her What a hero swoonAfter the first two book you think you have some idea of the world the Raintrees Ansaras live in and the powers they have Then Sanctuary comes along Suddenly the bad guys are much stronger with many talents then they had in the other books If they had been that strong in the first book the Ansaras would have wiped out the Raintrees without breaking a sweat Then there wouldn't have been a need for a second much less a third book I'm glad they needed a second book though it was the best in the series IMO Mass Market Paperback
