Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families By Peter R. Breggin

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Book by Breggin MD Peter R Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families

This book sets out clearly the case for prescribing less psychiatric medication for shorter periods. Peter Breggin has built a reputation for kindness, empathy and single minded commitment to his patients. He believes that most psychiatric medication does harm than good and recommends that it should usually be reduced and discontinued. There are many practical tips for clinicians and patients wanting to follow his lead. His dedication to his work shines through. Format Kindle, Broché Le seul livre existant contre la médecine occidentale visant à nouer via leurs ordonnances. Son prix est tout à fait adéquat vu les explications par classe pharmaceutique de l'impact sur le cerveau, le processus de sevrage très complet aux antidouleurs, antidépresseurs, Format Kindle, Broché Un livre unique qui dit la vérité sur les médicaments psychotropes. Clair et parfaitement écrit et référencé par un professionel avec une énorme expérience de son sujet. Tous prescripteur devrait l'avoir lu. Il faut le traduire en français, nos médecins Format Kindle, Broché With Dr. Breggin, it is as if psychiatry has been all the way wrong and never existed. Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can be just *addressed* with just *love and nurturing psychoterapy*. I just hope Dr. Breggin, supposedly Format Kindle, Broché Written in a clear accessible way. It is not a long book but it is none the worse for that. A book two or three times as long would probably cover the same ground. Full of valuable insights, knowledge and advice. Recommend. Format Kindle, Broché

Should be a compulsory read for all Psychiatrists. It is invaluable for carers.If you get a copy as a carer make sure you tell your psychiatrist and GP what you are using to inform your approach.You will find they know very little about withdrawal from psychiatric medication. Format Kindle, Broché Can't go wrong with this guide.Really opens your eyes to the effects these drugs can have.Would recommend to anyone. Format Kindle, Broché Cool indeed !!! Format Kindle, Broché
