Protecting His Night By Nola Marie

Nola Marie Í 8 characters

Protecting His Night

Another story that had me in tears, (though not as bad as book 1!) had me angry and had me wanting to throat punch someone! Rory is the older brother of Jax. He is also part of the mafia. When he was 19 he sent Layla away because he didn’t want any harm to come to her or for someone to use her against him. Layal was only 17 when she met Rory and was about as innocent as they come. She was in love with Rory and didn’t take it very well when he thought it was a good idea her dad was sending her away.

What happen when 10 years later Layla shows up working in the bar owned by Rory?!!! Familiarity is there and all Rory can think about is Sky (this is the name she is using). He starts to get distracted and then decides he is going to let her know he knows who she is. All Layla wants to do is hide from her ex and raise her daughter.

Secrets come out, revelations occur, and all Layla and Rory can do is think about what could have been. Layla is determined to not have anything relationship wise with Rory. What will it take for Rory and Layla to get past the past and look to the future? Another great story that had me staying up until 1am to finish it to see what was going to happen! I already have the next book queued up and ready to go! I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks Enthralling

It was an absolute pleasure to read Protecting His Night. I really enjoy reading books with split perspective, but I was entirely captivated by watching Layla and Rory bounce off of each other. The ending still has me reeling - and I finished this last night! If you’re looking for a quick romance to cozy up with, you definitely need to check this one out. Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks Protecting His Night: (The Men of River City book 2) by Nola Marie is a romance about a mobster named Rory and a stripper named Layla. 

Once in love ten years ago, Rory leaves Layla, but he doesn’t realize all that he’s given up, not until he sees her again dressed up as a stripper, hiding her identity—and not just from him. There's something more to Layla's story, and Rory needs to know.

While I wasn’t in love with Rory’s possessive attitude, I did enjoy the romance reignite between the couple. Despite what happens in their relationship, they have each other, and Rory will do anything for Layla, even if it means risking his life. 

One of my favorite things about the book is Layla’s strength. Rory may try to boss her around, but she won’t listen. She’s her OWN woman, and she can fight (almost) all her battles, both from her feisty attitude and her training in martial arts. She may be small and petite, but she’s no weak thing, which I really admire. 

If you like romance with a mix of crime and mobsters, then this is the book for you!

Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks Layla...girl. Turn that spunk down! Rory had his hands full with her. Loved this book as heartbreaking the wasted time spent apart. Great series ❤️❤️❤️ Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks 🎁 The Men of River City Series (2 book series) is FREE on Amazon today (8/31/2020)! 🎁 Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks


Another Badass story!!!

Book two does not disappoint. The men of River City are ruthless, tactical, fearless but they are also loving, kind, loyal and family oriented.
Rory and Layla's story is just beautiful. The author took me on yet another emotional roller coaster ride as they battled with betrayal, stubbornness, loss and 10 years worth of heartache. I loved how the characters were sassy, cynical and funny even while going through the hardest times of their lives.
And I was pleased to see how everything came full circle in the end.
Looking forward to reading Sebastian's story. Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks Book Review

Basic Details:
Book Title: Protecting His Night
Subtitle: The Men of River City Book 2
Author: Nola Marie
Genre: Romance
Part of a series? Yes
Order in series: 2
Best read after earlier books in series? No, can be read as stand-alone, but better if read after the first in the series.

Overall score:
I scored this book 4/5
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Short Summary of the book:
In this book, we meet Rory, the older brother of Jax (the main character in the first book in the series). Rory is involved with the mafia and sent the love of his life away 10 years earlier to keep her safe.
However, Layla returns to Riverside after her dad dies and works in one of Rory’s clubs as a waitress. She is keen to remain under the radar after escaping Damien with her young daughter. What will happen once Rory finds out?
What I liked about the book:
It was nice to read how this mafia strong man had a soft side. This already showed itself in the first book, but was even more obvious in this book.
What I didn’t like about the book:
Like in the first book, there were several grammatical errors and duplication or missing of words making it difficult to read at times. This did not in the slightest take away from the storytelling and I kept turning the pages to find out what would happen next.
My favourite bits in the book:
Where Rory finds out Bella is his daughter.
My least favourite bits in the book:
Only the fact the book needs some further editing. It’s a great book nonetheless.
Any further books in the series? Any more planned by this author?
This is the second book in this series and I suspect there will be more to follow.
What books could this be compared to and why?
Several books share the same ‘one chapter per viewpoint’ characteristic.
In summary, I would recommend this book for the following readers:

Children No
Young Adult Possibly
Adult Yes

If you like romance this book may be the book for you.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.
Book Description by Author:
Protecting His Night: The Men of River City book 2
The moment I saw her in my best friend's kitchen, I knew I was done. She was it. She was everything. But I am not a good person. I was never going to be the man she deserved. When she was sent away, I let her go.
Ten years later, she's back. Except this time one thing is perfectly clear. I won't let her go again.

He was my first...everything. I will never love anyone the way I love him. But he watched me go ten years ago. He thought it was best for me. I didn't get a choice.
He never tried to find me after I was gone. It doesn't matter how much I still love him because after he abandoned me when I needed him most, I can never trust him again.

Intended for mature readers only due to violence and explicit situations.
About the Author:
Author of sexy romance with all the feels.
Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks Protecting His Night

Layla and Rory.
I’ll start by saying I don’t understand what the title means? It’s briefly explained at the end but it was like huh 🤔. Anyhoot a predictable read, this time it’s Rory, who we met in book one and Layla’s who is a new character although she’s eluded to as Rory’s one and only true love in the first book.

Layla left town with a secret after her best friend told her that Rory was done with her. Sorry wtf 😳 don’t people talk to each other? Now ten years later Layla’s back and laying low, on the run from an ex in an mc gang who she’s stolen money from and she also doesn’t want to run into her other ex Rory. So what does she do? She works in his club, wears a wig and coloured eye contacts. Yep what a disguise that is 🙄

The story is told in dual points of view starting in the present with recounts of their story ten years ago when they were 17 and 19. As with book one we read that Rory’s this big, tough, alpha dude who might kill you because he can and he runs the town with his business partner Sebastian. There’s not a lot of character development and the story itself is naive and cheesy.

Sigh...the editing. It’s completely lacking with the same errors in book one flowing throughout and it steals reader enjoyment with so many sentences and paragraphs not making sense. Timelines don’t flow on from book one as we go back to the beginning of Jax and Zoey’s story and it’s retold in Rory’s point of view becoming unnecessary filler.

Finally the story wraps up, secrets are revealed, threats and danger averted and happy days but as with book one we don’t get an epilogue as it leads us straight into book three, Sebastian’s story. Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks “Do you think I’m going to let someone else swoop in and take what’s mine again?” ~ Rory 😫 🥵

This is book two of the delicious men of river city and I was drooling the entire book. I loved Jax in the first one but I knew I was going to be crushing hard for Rory.

Rory is a sexy Alpha enforcer and he will do anything to protect Layla.
Layla is sassy and boss. Them two together are the perfect combo!

There’s action, lust, and testosterone dropping everywhere ;)

I literally could not get enough of this book... ugh Rory has left me a mess and I think I’m in love 😊 🔥 🔥

Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks The romance is captivating in this romance novel and Rory and Layla will have you sizzling from the start! Very adult read for sure...but perfect for anyone looking for intense hot love and smoldering romance. Rory tosses layla aside and she gets left behind only to find another bad guy named Damien that her daughter simply adores. If only Damien was good to the both of them. However, Layla isn't inlove with him and she still has feelings for Rory. 10 years later and they find eachother again at her place of work, but she is in disguise. Rory insists it must be her and longs for her once again. But he abandoned her in her time of need that very long time ago, so why should she give him another chance? Rory is also wondering...who is her kid? How old? This is really quite a good read based off of raw emotions and feelings. It's the perfect mix of romance and complexity. It was a great ending as I was dieing to see what happened and who she chose to end up with! If you are looking for some excitement than this is the read for you!!! Romance, Contemporary, Ebooks