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Language : English
Format Type : Kindle
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Publication : 13 October 2023

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Dogwise Publishing is pleased to reunite again with Pat Miller for the publication of her second volume of Positive Perspectives, a collection of her recent articles. This collection is advanced than volume one, with particular emphasis on understanding the latest in canine behavioral research so that you can become a effective trainer and/or owner. Written in Pat's understandable but sophisticated style, Positive Perspectives 2 presents the latest positive thinking on body language, training and behavioral concepts, teaching behaviors, problem behaviors, and aggression.

Get in depth information:

How dogs behave and how to use that knowledge to improve your training skills.

Learn to manage your dogs behavior to prevent her from doing the wrong thing in the first place.

Teach your dog to ask for the things he desires and reward him for his good behavior.

Make every interaction with your dog a learning opportunity for the both of you.


I'm the proud owner of a very smart German Shepherd AAA/AAT therapy dog, and since I've had/loved/trained Shepherds (who sometimes trained me)for 30 plus years I have an extensive library of books on dogs and training. The books I could rave about are far and few between. This book is in the RARE RAVE category! My dogs have been raised from young puppies so haven't had behavior problems, which are covered in this book, but the body language Part 1, and fun and games Part 2, and Part 3 on teaching behaviors are worth far than the price of the book. The title says it all, KNOW YOUR DOG (and if you do, you can) TRAIN YOUR DOG.

THIS BOOK IS WORTH DOUBLE ITS PRICE!!!!! POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG This is a great dog training book and goes well beyond the basics that you normally see in the standard handbooks you can buy for training pets. This is published by Dogwise, where you can find many above average books to further your dog training education. I've been training dogs for many years and I love this book. Even though I have learned a lot about dog behavior and how they learn over the years, I sitll find things in this book that I've missed in the past. You won't be sorry that you purchased any of Pat Miller's dog training books. She's not only highly respected, but she has been college trained, and she has a keen sense on how to pass what she learned on to anyone interested in training their dog. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG I really like Pat Miller and probably have all of her books and pamphlets. To me she has it all together and I like her method of training. This book isn't just a repeat of the first book Positive Perspectives as it deals with problem behaviors and how to solve them. It includes things like digging and resource guarding plus many other problems. Of course like any training when the dog is misbehaving I know it's most likely MY problem, not the dogs. For some reason I've dropped the ball so to speak and gotten lazy about reinforcing appropriate behavior or was inconsistent. Training is NOT easy and it requires a lot of paying attention and following through. So, I do take responsibility for some of my dogs issues. The reader that commented about the bribing with treats well yes, it could be treats or it could be play or it could be a toy whatever it is that motivates YOUR dog.

Bottom line in ALL of the obedience books there is the author's way and there are multiple other authors who also believe they have the perfect approach to training. All I can say is none of them are 100% correct! What works for one dog won't work for another. You know your dog better than anyone else so YOU need to extrapolate what you need from various books and apply it to your dog. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG I have used many Of Pat Miller's books.
I have a Weimaraner and a pug, these books have been priceless in our household.
It less on training, it is about teaching, helping a dog learn in the most humane, non threatening, non punishing, positive methods which are conducive to learning. The lessons have stuck with my dogs, the boys will be 10 yrs old and are the joys of my life.

Thank you Pat Miller! POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG I have always enjoyed Pat Miller's writing on dog training and this does not disappoint. For those who are serious about training and coexisting with their dogs this is one of several must reads by this author. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG


I was really pleased when I started reading this book the first 27 pages of this 280 page book were most informative, with the dog posture descriptions and accompanying photographs. It all started to go a bit wrong when she mentioned that one of her dogs couldn't be let off the lead as it was not good on recall?? How can you have any respect for a dog behaviour author that can't get her own dog to come back when called!? It was a slippery slope from there she states we must say 'oops' everytime when a dog doesn't do the right thing and also recommends tethering your dog to the sofa to stop it jumping up at people? Now if you like these ideas, then buy this book me? no thanks. It's a shame, as there are some good training tips and ideas here and there, but it's not worth the money, nor the trawl through the other 200 pages. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG This is a great dog training book and should be part of every thinking dog owners library. It is well written and not just a second installment. I have had dogs for years and have used positive reinforcement training for some time. This book had much to offer and I still find myself continually referring to it. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG Great product and service. Could not be happier. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG Loved this book. Great explanations of behaviours and needs to give a dog THE BEST LIFE and forming a wonderful canine/human bond. Full of great ideas for training and play. Dog lovers should read EVERY WORD of EVERY BOOK and Article that this lady writes. Seriously. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG I am the Director of Cattledog Dreams, a Cattle Dog rescue operation in California, and this book is on our recommended MUST HAVE list for our adoptors. If you are just starting out in dog training, read POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES first. It has information on puppies and basic training, while this volume offers excellent guidance in advanced topics related to reading dog body language and modifying behavior. Both books are great for all dog owners, and both are highly recommended by my organization. POSITIVE PERSPECTIVES 2KNOW YOUR DOG TRAIN YOUR DOG