Playboys Little Annie Fanny By

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Wonderful art work stories were funny and greatly Harlaious. Playboys Little Annie Fanny Nice humor , Nice art , very Nice annie. Playboys Little Annie Fanny This was a very sick man. The publishing of Little Annie Fanny played a huge role in the destruction of my self esteem and understanding of sexuality. This man should have been behind bars. To all the men who enjoyed these cartoons, you are also very sick. I hope you didn't have hard copies in your home that your daughters or anyone else saw. Playboys Little Annie Fanny Good. Playboys Little Annie Fanny

Couldn't stop laughing! Brilliant writing and images superb! Just wish it had all the strips in it. The wild 60's, great references to a time our parents lived in, so many jokes abound buy it, you won't be sorry! Playboys Little Annie Fanny Purrrrfect! Playboys Little Annie Fanny Shabby exterior but tight clean color on the original Playboy comic strip precursor to Barbarella and Phobie Zeitgeist heroines. Definitely captures the American scene in the early 60's, especially the Playboy sexual revolution. Thanks, Hef. Playboys Little Annie Fanny This is an all time classic of probably the best drawn comic ever. Art by Will Elder and written by Harvey Kurtzman both from from MAD magazine. Anyone who loves MADs art & humor should pick it up. It has some work not in the Little Annie Fanny two book set. Playboys Little Annie Fanny This is an excellent work of comics.
This is a rather old edition but the quality is good
the colors very bright.
The format of the book is rather large 28*21 cm.
The number of pages is 160.
All this means that the books contains extensive material. Playboys Little Annie Fanny