Pescadero Creek By Victoria Williams-Fisher

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ages 18 and up. . PESCADERO CREEK, near Pacifica, California is the location of a watery grave for beautiful young women who have been raped and strangled to death, and not necessarily in that order. When the bodies of these young women begin surfacing in PESCADERO CREEK, Special Agent Rob McAllister, the Melvin Purvis of his day, and Dr. Morgan Warren, a young inexperienced Medical Examiner are thrown together to bring the killer of the five-year murder spree to justice. However, while working closely together, they fall deeply in love and unbeknownst to them become targets of the killer themselves. In a town that is already laden with scandal, keeping their romance a secret proves to be just as much of a challenge as cracking the case. As Rob and Morgan strive to find the killer, she proves to be as valuable to him as his lover as she is in solving the crime. Both are faced with the inevitable, what happens to their relationship when the case is solved? Pescadero Creek

Damn straight 5 stars! Pescadero Creek Most definitely one of the best reads I have enjoyed this year! This writer has figured out how to grab her reader and take off from the very first page, with an awesome group of characters who I got to know very quickly and already missing while waiting for the next book. Several friends have borrowed my copy of Pescadero Creek and are now waiting in line too!
KEEP WRITING VICKY! You are indeed very talented and are bound for a place amongst the best! Pescadero Creek Stopped reading after about chapter 5. Just couldn't get into it. Pescadero Creek
