Pedal Control: Achieving Speed, Control, Power, and Endurance for the Feet By Dom Famularo
I've been playing drums for two years and to me foot technique has been one of the must puzzling elements of drumming; it was the only basic topic I didn't have on my books, so I bought it (already had purchased Stick Control, Four Way Coordination, Encyclopedia of Double Bass Drumming, Conversations in Clave, and Jojo Mayer's DVD for hand technique). The book has an arsenal of excercises that are most likely benefitial; however, the topics are not organized in a clear progressive way and this makes it a bit difficult to understand where the authors are taking you; this is a serious problem in my opinion. The disc includes a few videos showing the techniques in a fairly clear manner, but don't expect to hear any pieces of advice; all you see is a guy's legs hitting a bass drum.The techniques they explain are heel down and three versions of the heel up.I recommend that players who struggle with foot technique check the techniques explained by Jojo Mayer in a footage of one of his clinics that is available on Youtube, and also a few home videos posted there by unknown guys who know what they're doing. It did wonders for me. 76 pages Very useful book, similar to It's your Move by Famularo, but for feet, to improve your bass drum technique. 76 pages
Renowned educators Dom Famularo and Joe Bergamini have teamed up to bring you a complete method for improving the ability of your feet on the drumset. Unlike many other books, Pedal Control contains extensive information about the actual pedal strokes and techniques used by some of the world's top drummers, in addition to dozens of exercises that will help you use these techniques.
This book contains dozens of photographs that show the four pedal techniques discussed and the motions for various exercises. Also included is online media that contains over 200 audio tracks demonstrating nearly every example in the book, and high quality videos showing all the pedal stroke techniques! Pedal Control: Achieving Speed, Control, Power, and Endurance for the Feet
Dieses Buch macht klar, dass man mit der Bass Drum deutlich mehr anfangen kann als einfach nur reinzutreten. Hier werden verschiedene Techniken für verschiedene Dynamikbereiche erläutert und mittels Übungen und Solos erarbeitet. Man lernt seine Bass Drum(s) Präzise und passend zur musikalischen Situation einzusetzten und, wie es Dom so schön sagt, das was man sich vorstellt, auch technisch umsetzen zu können. Denn nichts ist doch schlimmer, als eine gute Idee im Kopf zu haben, aber diese nicht spielen zu können, weil es einfach nicht so klingt, wie man es sich vorstellt.Holt euch dieses Buch und lern die Bassdrum so zu beherschen, wie ein Marschtrommler seine Snare. 76 pages Dom Famulare si conferma uno dei migliori maestri del mondo, in questo metodo illustra la quasi totalit delle tecniche per usare il pedale e molteplici maniere di allenarsi.Ci vuole molta costanza ma i risultati sono garantiti. 76 pages poco adatto ai principiantialcune cose sono molto utiliottima la spiegazione delle varie tecnichesolo per esperti gli esercizi dopo la metà del libro 76 pages Good 76 pages 5 etoiles,mais attention,s adresse a des intermediaires confirmés 76 pages