Parenting Is Your Highest Calling: And 8 Other Myths That Trap Us in Worry and Guilt By Leslie Leyland Fields

Read Parenting Is Your Highest Calling: And 8 Other Myths That Trap Us in Worry and Guilt

In this provocative book, author Leslie Leyland Fields explores with refreshing honesty the myths that can lead to unrealistic expectations and distract us from God's purposes for our children and for us.

Why am I not a more joyful parent? Why aren't my kids turning out as I expected? Why do I always feel as if I'm not doing enough for my children? Is Parenting Supposed to Be This Difficult? As a mother of six, Leslie Leyland Fields knows firsthand the insecurities and questions that come with rearing children. In Parenting Is Your Highest Calling, she tackles nine myths about parenting, including:

- Children make you happy and bring great fulfillment.
- You will always feel love for your child.
- Your success as a parent can be measured by your child's behavior.
- There is one right biblical model for family life.
- Good parenting will result in happy children.

Through a close look at God's own life as a parent as well as stories from real-life families, Fields highlights the transforming biblical truths that release parents from the grip of mistaken assumptions. Fresh, provocative insights will lead you to a deeper understanding of God and yourself- an understanding that lifts the weight of guilt and fear and frees you to love your children as God intended.

Includes going deeper questions for individuals, couples, or groups. Parenting Is Your Highest Calling: And 8 Other Myths That Trap Us in Worry and Guilt

What a great book! This book gives a freeing look into parenting God's way. I have read other books that made me feel inadequate or that I was doing something wrong. This insightful book lets parents know that their highest calling is to serve the Lord and that when you do that, everything else will follow. A great read. Memoir, Religion, Spirituality Refreshing and encouraging! This should be the first parenting book anyone reads, by doing so it will lay a great foundation and help them weed out all the parenting books they DON'T need to read. ;) Memoir, Religion, Spirituality Here are the myths:
1. Having children makes you happy and fulfilled.
2. Nurturing your children is natural and instinctive.
3. Parenting is your highest calling.
4. Good parenting leads to happy children.
5. If you find parenting difficult, you must not be following the right plan.
6. You represent Jesus to your children.
7. You will always feel unconditional love for your children.
8. Successful parents produce Godly children.
9. God approves of only one family design.

Some I completely 'get'; others I have learned the hard way. Some I still struggle with. I am a foolish woman, with too much zeal and not enough wisdom--I'm constantly charging ahead in my own strength, assuming I know how things should look and that I can, with enough effort, accomplish that vision. But it is all God's work. And His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I can trust His time and plan. When things look 'different', I can't dissolve in a puddle of anxiety and guilt. He calls me to keep my eyes on Him and His grace and sovereignty. He is able. Memoir, Religion, Spirituality Book Review

Title: Parenting Is Your Highest Calling: And 8 Other Myths That Trap Us in Worry and Guilt

Author: Leslie Leyland Fields

Genre: Parenting

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Review: Here are the myths:
1. Having children makes you happy and fulfilled
2. Nurturing your children is natural and instinctive
3. Parenting is your highest calling
4. Good parenting leads to happy children
5. If you find parenting difficult, you must not be following the right plan
6. You represent Jesus to your children
7. You will always feel unconditional love for your children
8. Successful parents produce Godly children
9. God approves of only one family design
Some of these I completely related to and others not at all. My Bible Study recently went through this book together. Though I have to admit we didn’t finish the last couple myths. The main lesson we learned from this book is that we need to trust in God and be at peace with the fact our children lives are in His hands not ours.

Synopsis: Why am I not a more joyful parent? Why aren't my kids turning out as I expected? Why do I always feel as if I'm not doing enough for my children? Is Parenting Supposed to Be This Difficult? As a mother of six, Leslie Leyland Fields knows firsthand the insecurities and questions that come with rearing children. In Parenting Is Your Highest Calling, she tackles nine myths about parenting

This book in 3 emojis:
😊 🙌🏼 🏅 Memoir, Religion, Spirituality Seems ironic that I'm finally reading a parenting book now that my kid has moved off to college. However, the author talks to parents in all stages, and I still benefited from the book. Twenty years ago, I remember a coworker telling me that parenting books made her feel terrible, because she always felt accused of doing everything wrong when she read them. This book is the antidote. The author encourages parents (both new and experienced)--not by empty platitudes, but by examining our culture's expectations about parenting (including the church's expectations) and comparing them with scripture's expectations. Removing unrealistic (and un-biblical) expectations lifts a heavy load of guilt and feelings of failure from parents who are trying to measure up. The chapters are quick reads, and each chapter ends with questions that can be used either for group study or private reflection. I definitely recommend this book to Christian parents in any stage. Memoir, Religion, Spirituality


Great book! Really got me thinking about family and motherhood from the context of the Bible. Memoir, Religion, Spirituality This book might appeal to a very narrow band of evangelical Christian, but for me the writing was poor as were the arguments. It wasn't helpful or encouraging in terms of parenting and the Biblical illustrations felt forced. The myths in themselves are all true myths, but none of them were addressed in a way that was helpful. Please note, though, I only managed to get half way through before having to quit. Memoir, Religion, Spirituality Thank you!

I’ve spent far too many years beating myself up or paralyzed in fear for my kids. Many of a parents worst nightmares have become realities for my husband and myself. We are now in our sixties, raising our teenage granddaughter, who we have adopted. Fears for her future loom large, but you have reinforced my deep belief that God is faithful to carry her. My role is to parent faithfully! Memoir, Religion, Spirituality Reread in spring 2014 as part of a discussion through the moms' group at my church:

This was just as great the second time I read it. I especially appreciated getting to discuss this with other moms as we read it together.

August 2012:
This was a particularly freeing book for me. I thought she did a really nice job of navigating through the varying parenting philosophies without approving/condemning of any of them necessarily and showing how important it is to read Scripture to see what is the truth that God has for us.

(Besides, the author is an Alaskan and a foodie too - thanks for the recommendation Vic!)
Memoir, Religion, Spirituality This book is a great read! I am so glad I read it!! Fields reminded me that I have to put my Trust in God and get on my knees for my children. She encourages moms to get rid of the guilt we have and raise our children the way we feel best for each child. Memoir, Religion, Spirituality