Overcoming Life’s Sorrows By R. Reed Lessing


There are many ways to suffer. What we've done, what has been done to us, circumstances where we find ourselves through our fault or through no fault of our own. Using the story of Jeremiah, Dr. Lessing gives all sorts of encouragement and direction for those who find themselves suffering or know people who are suffering. Each chapter is filled with much that is beneficial but also encouraging and educational, but I would expect nothing less from Dr. Lessing. Pure gold and a book I want to read again! English Full disclosure: I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway. I was not compensated in any way and my review is entirely my own.

Let's face it, living in this broken and dying world is going to come with its share of sorrows and defeats. The sooner we acknowledge this, the sooner we can look to the Scriptures for guidance and comfort. We are surely not the first people to suffer in this world, and the Bible provides many examples to encourage us when we struggle. First and foremost, I don't personally go toward self-help style books, but I am drawn toward books that point me to what God tells me, and this book's direction is clear: being in the Word is the first (and most constant) step to overcoming whatever we are facing. It is critical that we let the Word show us our need for confession and then provide us absolution, comfort, and hope; these are some of God's answers to our cries of despair. Instead of denying emotions, when we cry out to God, we open ourselves to the hope of seeing how His plan for us is so much better than whatever brings us sorrow. Rev. Dr. Lessing does a wonderful job in showing the reader how God still speaks to us through the words He spoke to Jeremiah, and how we can rely on Him to have purpose and a plan even for the hard times we face.

What I liked about Overcoming Life's Sorrows:
Excellent intro
- This book begins with an in-depth history and overview of what's led up to and is currently taking place in the book of Jeremiah so we have context for who he is and why he's in this position of sorrow. Because the Holy Scriptures are also historical as well as being the inspired Word of God, I often find it helpful for me to understand what is going on in history before diving into the real meat of the text.
Lots of Scriptural reference - I am especially particular about Bible studies and books about the application of the Bible to living being deeply grounded in the the Word. I want to see references to actual Scripture so that I can go read it myself, often as well as some of the surrounding verses for context. Now, as this is a deep dive into the lessons that the Book of Jeremiah teaches us, it would stand to reason that this book automatically would connect back to verses from that book, which it does, but I was also pleased with the sheer volume of references made, both to this specific Book and also references to other verses throughout the Bible. I have been taught over the years to be discerning and not just take an author's (or speaker's) word for it, but to ask Show me where the Bible says this. You wouldn't have to ask Rev. Dr. Lessing that; he simply points the reader there, again and again.
Some chapters I found particularly poignant - The tests in ch 9 convicted (oof) and comforted me. The forgiveness in ch 20 made me cry. Ch 22 rallies the soul in the fight but also sunk deep into my heart; I wanted to cry, but from relief or triumph or unspeakable comfort, I cannot say. The final chapter, 26, was challenging but also encouraging.

What I didn't care for:
Not one single thing. This book was relatable, applicable, accessible (as opposed to overly academic), and helpful (both in the subject matter specifically, but also as a broad instruction if you aren't confident in how to approach studying Scripture on your own).

Worth noting:
I would suggest reading through the Book of Jeremiah prior to embarking on this deep dive, even if you don't fully grasp all of it at first. It's helpful to be familiar with the content and what's happening, as the author will bring you back repeatedly to the Biblical text, and give insight for applying Jeremiah's sorrows to navigating our own. Even if you're familiar with the struggles Jeremiah faced, I would still encourage refamiliarizing yourself with the content.

It's notable to me that the Lord provides for me in ways that I do not understand. When I won this particular giveaway -- even when I entered it, to be honest -- I wasn't sure how it would apply to me. I am not currently going through any personal suffering ... or so I thought. It turns out that I was quietly processing some smaller things that would still classify as suffering, based on what this book showed me. But this book showed me something more: even if you aren't personally going through a time of sorrow in your own life, chances are you either have in the past or will in the future, but in the mean time, the odds are that someone in your orbit is going through a challenging time, and this is a book that will help you be a better friend or loved one, both in your ability to show compassion, and to share the hope and comfort found in the Lord during difficult times. There are so many ways this book can provide direction, the first and foremost being during times of trouble, open your Bible and then proceeds to point you to the promises of God you will find there. English :I love this text. I will eagerly be awaiting my hard copy so I can mark it up and share it. Lessing never skimps on restoration, looking for it and uncovering it everywhere. This is especially clear in this text. “No one is immune to chaos and confusion. Reed Lessing's theological and, as always, thought-provoking insights from the book of Jeremiah in Overcoming Life's Sorrows is also a uniquely personal text. Lessing offers the reader compassion, connection, and empathy while grounding the reader in the Hope of God's Word and the narrative of Hope of God's people through the storms and tumults of life. With fascinating Biblical commentary and meaty Scriptural application, interwoven with stories of both humor and sorrow, Overcoming Life's Sorrows will meet any reader right where God's Word needs to speak into both their hearts and their minds. English Seldom do you have the opportunity to read a book by someone you know. When it does happen, you can see him talking as you read the book. This was my experience as I read this book. Dr. Lessing is a gifted Old Testament scholar. I was able to take a class with him and his knowledge of the subject was quite impressive. This book on Jeremiah, while drawing on Biblical history and the Hebrew text, is written in a devotional style. It is accessible for anyone. He includes many illustrations and personal experiences to help draw the reader into an understanding of Jeremiah’s plight and also into a practical application for those going through similar challenges in today’s world. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for answers to difficult circumstances and for anyone who is in a position to give counsel to someone who is suffering. Law and Gospel are clearly and properly applied throughout. English Note: This review is taken from a book recommendation feature in my congregation's monthly newsletter.

None of us are immune to the sudden ups and downs of life. I recall one friend's Social Media post after they got diagnosed with painful kidney problems: As they say, 'This too shall pass,' and I say, 'Yes, this too will pass, literally like a kidney stone.' Ouch! My friend's humorous but blunt statement shows how old clichés do not help when you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, or a stone in his case (sorry, I couldn't help myself).

This month's book from my bookshelf, 'Overcoming Life's Sorrows: Learning from Jeremiah,' offers a unique perspective on the book of Jeremiah. A seasoned scholar and pastor, Dr. Reed Lessing, laments that Jeremiah's book has often been 'flyover country,' easily ignored and frequently avoided, for too many generations of Christians. He wrote this deeply personal book because Jeremiah gave him incredible comfort and solid hope during his dark times.

Dr. Lessing's book is not just a commentary on Jeremiah but a guide to finding comfort and hope in life's darkest moments. It offers a deeper understanding of Jeremiah's book, but more importantly, it offers empathy and encouragement, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles. The twenty-six chapters, such as 'Overcoming through Trust,' 'Overcoming through Listening,' and 'Overcoming through Persistence,' are a testament to the God who overcomes all life's sorrows by sending us Jesus, instilling in the reader a profound sense of reassurance and hope.

This book is a valuable resource for any reader. Before I opened it, I expected it to be a helpful resource for those who are grieving or going through something traumatic. It is that, but it's also much more. It equips the reader with practical tools to navigate difficulties, not just those in the past but also those that may lie ahead. It will fortify anyone for the future when they will inevitably face hardship and trials. Additionally, everyone will be enriched by getting to know the prophet Jeremiah better and seeing how the Holy Spirit led him to write a message that glorifies God the Father and our Lord Jesus. English

Think about your life for a moment. What personal trials or disasters have you overcome? The Book of Jeremiah is quite possibly the best against-all-odds story ever written. Despite numerous tragedies and nights of weeping and mourning, the prophet prevails. He finds hope and joy. Settle into Jeremiah’s narrative and discover how you can learn, grow, and overcome life’s sorrows with the help of God. Overcoming Life’s Sorrows

DOWNLOAD Overcoming Life’s Sorrows

I really liked this book. Each chapter has the Gospel explicitly stated in a slightly different way. I would definitely recommend it for people who have been through terrible tragedy in this life, and am considering lending it to some people that I know. I'm looking forward to Lessing's Deliver Us, about Exodus. English Dr. Lessing takes you on a remarkable journey through the Old Testament using the book of Jeremiah as his guide. Each chapter is like a mini sermon that tackles real life issues that we all face. In true Lutheran fashion the text drives the narrative content. Dr. Lessing mines the incredible riches of the book Jeremiah searching for those moments to allow God’s Law and Gospel to speak into our lives. Highly recommend this book as a companion for reading the book of Jeremiah. English A lovely book that seriously addresses the sorrows and trials of life while exuding an assurance of hope and joy anchored in our Saviour who has entered our suffering to save us. English