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Excellent plot and completely captivating. Want to complete the series now. A superb series by Jeffrey Archerwhich grabs your attention from page 1. Over My Dead Body: The new rollercoaster thriller from the author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane & Abel (William Warwick Novels): A Novel (English Edition) This is the next book in the William Warwick series. The book is a real roller coaster ride. There are four cases that end up as one. The ending was spectacular. On to the next book. Over My Dead Body: The new rollercoaster thriller from the author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane & Abel (William Warwick Novels): A Novel (English Edition) My first jeffrey archer. And I am spell bound. What an awesome experience from start to end! Going to buy all of the William Warwick novels! Worth it !❤ Over My Dead Body: The new rollercoaster thriller from the author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane & Abel (William Warwick Novels): A Novel (English Edition) Full of twists, tons of well developed characters and unusual crimes/criminals. A British police mystery crossed with suspense. Read the series! Over My Dead Body: The new rollercoaster thriller from the author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane & Abel (William Warwick Novels): A Novel (English Edition) Bueno Over My Dead Body: The new rollercoaster thriller from the author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane & Abel (William Warwick Novels): A Novel (English Edition)
Over My Dead Body: The new rollercoaster thriller from the author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane & Abel (William Warwick Novels): A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Archer, Jeffrey: : Kindle Store Over My Dead Body: The new rollercoaster thriller from the author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane & Abel (William Warwick Novels): A Novel (English Edition)