Outside Time Looking In: Two Tales from Alternate Histories By John Aubrey Davis


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Outside Time Looking In contains two alternate history stories: The Day Rome Was Built and Prometheus Bound.
The Day Rome Was Built is about an elderly man, Herman Rosenfeld, who wakes up in an alternate 1997 where the Fascists won World War 2. The United States still exists but has not been immune to the cultural contagion of intolerance and hatred the Fascist states have spread. Herman tracks down the man responsible for altering history and confronts him in a climactic showdown of wits.
In Prometheus Bound, Arthur Odenwahl tells the story of discovering he lives in a world created when Nazis traveled back in time from 1945 to 1917 where they helped Germany win World War 1. He finds himself a target of an underground Nazi conspiracy. Outside Time Looking In: Two Tales from Alternate Histories