This is another stellar collection of horror short stories from Nicholas Vince, centered on the deeper reaches of the horrors within humanity, and the darkness of the outside world answering it. The viscera colliding with the external, outside world in a variety of times and places, the characters here are caught within the darkness within themselves and forces outside conspiring to respond to and exploit it. It amazes me again how the author can deliver such impact within such concise stories, every detail and aspect contributing to each of the stories resonance. I can easily see the main character in the title tale going on in that realm though. Fascinating and full of the kind of depth I've seldom encountered in short stories. Bring on the next set! 137 So floating right on by the fact that I've been M.I.A on Goodreads for God knows how long, this book has been sitting in my kindle app for God knows how long (with God knows how many other Ebooks I need to read). Shame on me, I'll be punished for it later. Until then, this book was pretty damn amazing.
Written by the man beneath the makeup of Hellraiser's Chatterer, there was quite a bit of intrigued coming into this book.
I honestly didn't know much about it, didn't expect to know much about it, or what I'd be getting. What we happen to get are 5 short stories. Throughout he maintains a style of writing that is simple, engaging, absorbing, and utterly his. Each story focuses on the darkness of people, and of the world, while plotting each with unique and imaginative scenarios. A definite must read if you're looking for a different voice in the horror genre.
Each story is long enough to keep you entertained for quick bursts, and don't linger any longer than necessary. I definitely need to see if he has written any novel length stories. 137 Other People's Darkness shows us exactly what the title means. We're given another set of terrifying tales by Nicholas Vince and he truly delivers the horror. 'This Too Solid Flesh' is one of my favorite stories and one that presented so much fear, I actually had to pull the covers up to my chin. I highly recommend this book of short stories, it's not one that disappoints. 137 Dark, creepy, addictive and utterly engaging. I was completed taken and absorbed into the beautiful darkness of other peoples complicated lives, from the first line of the first story to the last line of the last story it had me hooked. Brilliant and utterly re-readable, if you weren't a fan of horror and of Nicholas Vince beforehand, you will be afterwards. 137
Five more chilling tales of the macabre from the actor behind the Chatterer mask in Clive Barker’s Hellraiser and Hellbound.
~ The world didn't end on 21st December 2012, but Scott was given a gift—a terrible gift.
~ Red strawberry jam reminds Gregory he is about to murder love.
~ A visitor to a mansion brings deadly news.
~ Tanya is Caroline's best friend, and Caroline hates her. She enters the poison garden ...
~ London 1883. Eight year old Cassie wants the police to tell her what will happen to her, now her family are dead. Perhaps if they believed her story they would? Other People's Darkness, and Other Stories