Open By Andre Agassi By Andre Agassi

I am not personally a tennis fan, I’ve never got the chance to fall in love with it. But this book is fresh air to everyone who’s struggling their own battles. Andre is not making you a fan of tennis intentionally, but somehow he is. It’s not just about succeeding in B003062GEE I don’t normally read celebrity autobiographies because I find them boring and badly written as a rule with a few notable exceptions; David Niven’s, Tina Turner’s, Brian Keenan’s, Bob Geldof’s and now Agassi’s.I love watching a tennis player whose game flows and who plays with flair and instinctive inspirational genius when he or she is on form, than those power house machines who play with cool calculation. Agassi was such a player and on form there was no one who could touch him.The book was as good as his tennis.I absorbed the tension and suspense of each match he described as if I was there, even the ones I watched at the time.I don’t know if you’d like this if you don’t like tennis but it’s probably one of the best autobiographies by a tennis player, or by any sportsperson I’ve read. B003062GEE Andre Agassi racconta la sua storia aprendo la porta sugli alti e bassi della sua carriera e della sua vita, sulle sue emozioni, sulle sue paure, sulle sue sofferenze e la sua solitudine, senza nascondere le sue debolezze. Open é proprio il titolo giusto, perché questa B003062GEE Molto interessante la storia di Agassi.Alle volte sembra un po' troppo romanzata ma se nella sua infanzia e nella sua adolescenza ha vissuto davvero quello che dice, non lo invidio davvero! Modestamente, a me pare che alcune volte si soffermi un po' troppo sui B003062GEE I am not a big tennis fan. I bought this book because of the cheap price, good reviews and because Agassi was a pretty big name earlier in my name. He and Brooke Shields who I have always had a secret crush on. Who has not ? So I bought this book.I had a vague interest in Andre Agassi. What I got was an open athlete who has told his life as it was. I found a man baring his soul and his life. I found one of the most open, honest biographies I have ever read.What I also found is one of the best biographies I have ever read. It grabbed me and did not let me go again until the final page and then some internet researches in wikipedia. I am very happy that he is still married to Steffi Graf and seems to be a happy man while I am, unknown to him, writing these lines. I really wish him all the best. This because I really feel I know this man now although we have never met and we have never exhanged letters. And that is all the hallmarks of a brilliant biography.This books is among the five best biographies I have ever read. And I have read a looooot of biographies. Too many. B003062GEE

Andre Agassi Ü 5 Free read

Agassi has always had a tortured look in his eyes on the tennis court In , when he burst onto the world sports stage by winning the Grand Slam at Wimbledon, he looked like a deer in headlights Nobody seemedsurprised and upset by his big win that day than he did For good reason, too Agassi hated tennis This is the biggest revelation in his very revealing autobiography Agassi has hated tennis from early childhood, finding it extremely lonely out on the court But he didnt have a choice about playing the game because his father drove him to become a champion, like it or not Mike Agassi, a former Golden Gloves fighter who never made it professionally, decided that his son would become a champion tennis player In militaristic fashion, Mike pushed seven year old Andre to practice relentlessly until the young boy was exhausted and in pain He also arranged for Andre, age , to attend a tennis camp where he was expected to pull weeds and clean toilets The culmination of all of this parental pushing came when Andre began winning as an adult But it didnt make him happy Within this framework, Agassis other disclosures make sense He had a troubled marriage to Brooke Shields that didnt last He developed a drug problem that sabotaged his career He was insecure about everything Only when Andre met tennis star Steffi Graf whom he eventually married did things begin to change Readers will definitely cheer when Andre finally makes peace with the game he once hated and learns to enjoy it Jerry EberleA New York Times Notable Book and a Forbes, San Francisco Chronicle, andWashington Post Best Book of the YearAgassi may have just penned one of the best sports autobiographies of all timeCheckits one of the better memoirs out there, period An unvarnished, at times inspiring story told in an arresting, muscular style Agassis memoir is just as entrancing as his tennis game TimeFascinating Inspiring Open describes Agassis personal odyssey with brio and unvarnished candor Agassis career comeback tale is inspiring but evenso is another Open storylineIt could be called The punk grows up Countless athletes start charitable foundations, but frequently the organizations are just tax shelters or PR stuntsFor Agassi helping others has instead become his lifes callingOpen is a superb memoir, but it hardly closes the books on an extraordinary life The Wall Street JournalHonest in a way that such books seldom are An uncommonly well written sports memoir Bracingly devoid of triumphalist homily, Agassis is one of the most passionately anti sports books ever written by a superstar athlete The New York TimesNot your typical jock autobio fare This literate and absorbing book is, as the title baldly states, Agassis confessional, a wrenching chronicle of his lifelong search for identity and serenity, on and off the court Los Angeles TimesThe writing here is exceptional It is cant put down good Sports IllustratedAn honest, substantive, insightful autobiography The bulk of this extraordinary book vividly recounts a lost childhood, a Dickens Open By Andre Agassi

questo libro è scritto molto bene e quello che ho trovato molto interessante è stato il viaggio nella mente e nei pensieri di un tennista durante gli incontri più importanti della sua carriera,ma anche come si costruisce una vittoria già dallo spogliatoioLa bella storia B003062GEE Basti pensare che è diventato il numero 1 del tennis mondiale pur non avendo la passione fin da bambino di praticare questo sport B003062GEE Interessante per appassionati di tennis, curioso e a tratti avvincente per tutti per la capacità di presentare la propria parabola umana con umiltà, umorismo e orgoglio. Lettura piacevole B003062GEE Induce a riflettere ,senza la pesantezza dei libri che vogliono fare moralismi. Sono i fatti descritti e il modo di vivere le relazioni , che risultano di per sé significativi. È come se il tennis, per quanto sempre presente, fosse sullo sfondo. Sono più importanti gli B003062GEE Inspiring and openhearted, surely 9ne of the best books I've bever read and I can't deny it's mostly because it's relatable. B003062GEE
