November Volume III By Matt Fraction


Slight dip in interest in this volume but I’m expecting the whole 4-volume experience to be killer, once I’ve read it all. Graphic Novels, Comics Okay, I'll be upfront and say that my review of this book is tainted. I sat down to read the final volume of a trilogy, as touted on the back cover of the first volume. I re-read volume one, then charged on through volumes two and three in the same afternoon. And while I enjoyed the twisty ride here in volume three, I was disappointed that a lot of plot elements seem unaddressed as I came to the last page. I thought, well, I suppose that's a good enough ending anyway.

Then I swipe through the final pages of creator bios and publishing information and come to Next: The Mess We're In


I swipe again and there's the back cover, and in tiny print on the bottom it says, Volume III of IV.


Where's that first volume again? What did it say on the back cover? Yes. In the first of a sequence of three graphic novellas . . .

Wait, what did volume two say? Front cover, nothing. Back cover? I didn't even look at it before. Tap, tap, tap, swipe, swipe. In this second of four graphic novellas . . .

Aw, crap. I've been messed with.

Oh, well, at least now maybe I'll get a better ending next time. But I probably won't re-read everything again, 'cuz maybe there will suddenly be a fifth volume. Graphic Novels, Comics Review vol. 1-3

Ak človek nezostane odradený prvým volume, kde je príbeh rozdelený do troch rôznych časových úsekov a miest s tromi ženami, kde sa poriadne nič nevysvetlí, tak za odmenu dostane v ďalších dvoch krásne prepletenie ich osudov. Vlastne všetky booky sú porozdelované aby ukázali, čo sa s hrdinkami dialo. Dobré je, že vôbec mi to neprišlo zmätočné, krásne do seba začalo všetko zapadať.
Ak niekoho odrádza kurzíva v komiksoch, tak tu je jej fakt veľa, a pri niektorých textoch je ťažšie zo začiatku rozoznať, či ide o F/L/1/I a podobne, ale po čase sa do toho človek dostane.. Kresba je dokonalá a skvele doplnená parádnymi farbami. Teším sa na pokračovanie, lebo tento krimi/mystery/noir ma fakt bavil. Graphic Novels, Comics November reaches a bloody conclusion in this third volume. Kay has a long, dark conversation of the soul, leading her to where Dee and Emma-Rose are being held. We also get a bit of Dee's grim backstory as she struggles to escape. The noir vibes are strong with this one - no rays of light from Emma-Rose here.

The collapse of the evidence locker scheme is highly engaging, but I'm realizing that I don't really understand the scheme. Or how all these police officers (and Kay) got wrapped up in it. Or why it fell apart. And all that stuff about radio codes seems to have been longgg forgotten. Oh well, this November ride is pretty fun, even if it's not tied up with a bow. Graphic Novels, Comics . . . a damp, drizzly November of my soul--Herman Melville

Huh, I thought this was a trilogy, but now I see there is a fourth volume in my queue scheduled for February 2021. Never mind, as I am now (getting) hooked. This tale is a mystery, mysteriously noir, involving three women in one night in dreary November whose lives seem fated to collide. Essentially an exercise in noir style, where Matt Fraction's plot is secondary to Elsa Charretier's artwork or even Matt Hollingsworth's colors (a different scheme for each of the three [to-be] intersecting stories), some readers seemed impatient from the start for action or coherence--what the hell is going on??!--and this state of confusion/impatience continues into the second volume.

But, rewards come to the patient, to those who only stand and wait, as the off-the-rails violence begins to come like the inevitable slowly developing swirl of a hurricane. Strip club, police dispatch, street, guns, and always the night, and the link between these three women seems to be a man--surprise--that is causing all these cards to fall, on to each other, one by one. Graphic Novels, Comics

Better than the last two... Becoming more of a page turner. Still suffering from same artistic and lettering issues, and still kind of a story mess, but actually looking forward to the following (final) volume. Graphic Novels, Comics Great style and tone. Abstract in places at the beginning but it all comes together in the end. Three or four interconnected stories told in a non-linear fashion. A good little neo noir tale of police corruption, coincidence and conscience. With art that reminds me of Eduardo Risso in the best way with a little touch of darwyn cooke Graphic Novels, Comics It’s at this point in Fraction’s impressionistic crime noir that I began to see it, perhaps, as a kind of modern Sin City. It’s also where I began to finally understand the push push of the narrative. I don’t know if it’s the work itself or my ability to comprehend it. Graphic Novels, Comics All of the threads are coming together, and the back stories are filling out the texture. I still don't understand quite what is going on, but I'm much more forgiving of that with the huge amount of noir. Graphic Novels, Comics This is a review for all four volumes of November by Matt Fraction
November is really best considered as a graphic novel in four parts - none of these sections make any sense on their own, but if you just cannonball through the entire thing, it makes for one hell of a crime story. Dee is a junkie who gets a very weird job that pays her $500 in cash every day to turn on a light. Shady? Absolutely. And of course, one day, the light doesn't go on, and suddenly everything turns incredibly sideways for her, for an innocent bystander, and for a 9-1-1 dispatcher who catches the wrong call at the right time. It all moves so fast that it'll take you about as much time to read this entire thing as it would to read your average 128-page book, honestly. But it crafts a crime story that's super gritty and super compelling. I often see a lot of graphic novels that were clearly written just so they could be made into a movie. But this one? This one, I really wish they'd do it. Graphic Novels, Comics

Matt Fraction ☆ 2 Free download

Three strangers entangled by fate, coincidence, and cruelty find themselves bound together at the end of the longest night of their lives against the dark forces of...well-fate, coincidence, and cruelty. Apart, none of them will see the sunrise; together they might have a shot, in this thriller by MATT FRACTION and ELSA CHARRETIER, with colors by MATT HOLLINGSWORTH and stunning hand-crafted lettering by cartoonist KURT ANKENY.

One night. One city. Three women. NOVEMBER. November Volume III