North Korea Journal By Michael Palin


A glimpse of life inside the world’s most secretive country, as told by Britain’s best-loved travel writer.

In May 2018, former Monty Python stalwart and intrepid globetrotter Michael Palin spent two weeks in the notoriously secretive Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, a cut-off land without internet or phone signal, where the countryside has barely moved beyond a centuries-old peasant economy but where the cities have gleaming skyscrapers and luxurious underground train stations. His resulting documentary for Channel 5 was widely acclaimed.

Now he shares his day-by-day diary of his visit, in which he describes not only what he saw – and his fleeting views of what the authorities didn’t want him to see – but recounts the conversations he had with the country’s inhabitants, talks candidly about his encounters with officialdom, and records his musings about a land wholly unlike any other he has ever visited – one that inspires fascination and fear in equal measure.

Written with Palin’s trademark warmth and wit, and illustrated with beautiful colour photographs throughout, the journal offers a rare insight into the North Korea behind the headlines. North Korea Journal


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Ještě jsem nezahlédl jedinou konzumní reklamu - v tomhle městě se prodávají jen ideje.

Pokud již máte tu čest s Palinovými cestopisy, tak víte že jdou vždy ruku v ruce s televizní verzí, kdy na sobě však kniha/seriál neparatizují, ale doplňují se. Jeden je více tradiční cestopis, druhý osobní zápisky o cestě, zemi, lidech a natáčení. A zároveň, že Palin zásadně cíle svých cest poznává skrze lidi, setkání s nimi, rozhovory apod. V těchto bodech je silný v kramflecích. Jenže jeho humanitní přístup k cestování je tentokrát neaplikovatelný. V KLDR prostě máte po boku doprovod, který pozorně sleduje na co zamíříte kameru, na co se ptáte a nedej bože se zeptat běžného občana na cokoli, tím byste akorát jemu a jeho rodině přivodili nejednu svízel. A tím trpí Severní Korea, Palin a v důsledku i tato kniha, která je kvůli tomu jednohubka na pár desítek minut z ranku kratičkého vtipně napsaného cestopisného blogu kterak tam jel, bojoval se stranickými klacky pod nohama a zase odjel.

Co se týká postřehů a nikdy do popředí cpané, ovšem neustále přítomné, vtipnosti a nadhledu, tak je to stále starý dobrý Palin. Jenže, ne jeho vinou, to tentokrát nestačí. Nedostal se k lidem a tím ani k zemi. Je si toho vědom, pracuje s tím, adresuje to, ale není to prostě ono. Jak to chodí na každodenní bázi v Severní Koreji, se tak dozvíte spíše v Delisleho Pchjongjangu než zde, byť samozřejmě těžko srovnávat dlouhodobý pobyt s pečlivě dozorovaným čtrnáctidenním nakouknutím za oponu, kdy však na danou oponu nemáte dovoleno ani pohlédnout a natož se k ní přiblížit.

Upozorňující PS: Předchozí Palinovy knihy u nás vyšly jako nádherné velké publikace na křídovém papíře a s kvalitními fotkami. Čemuž odpovídala i cena. V tuzemském provedení je to tentokrát rozměrově cca třetinové nedochůdče na jakože asi papíře (bez nadsázky skrze něj prosvítají další dvě strany!) a s fotkami vytištěnými rastrem à la noviny v sedmdesátkách; o tom, že se nikdo nenamáhal jejich coloringem ani nemluvě čili jsou to takové výblitky jak z doby prvních nejlacinějších digitálních fotoaparátů (přitom v originále působí jak mají). O překladu nemluvě. Je totiž spíše volně na motivy původního textu, používá více slov než Palin v originále. Což jde mnohdy proti jeho úderné strohé vtipnosti. A jsou zde i vyloženě chybné překlady. Např. spectacularly barren jako výjimečně pustou (jde o poušť Gobi ne ženu); a to je příklad z prvního odstavce textu. A nejde, bohužel, o ojedinělou chybu. Chápu, že se musí najít kompromis mezi cena/výkon/náklady, ale vše má své meze. Tohle si stěží představit dát to někomu jako dárek. A ne kvůli (ne)kvalitám obsahu, ale kvůli trestuhodné odfláknutosti tuzemského nakladatele. 178633190X An account of Michael Palin's visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, written in diary form. The intrepid author attempts to widen his understanding of the world (and ours as well) during his travels to the Hermit Kingdom. It's an eerie representation of a dictatorship in which the people whom Palin and his crew are allowed to meet are characterized by Stepford-level patriotism and faith in their fearless leaders. The journal is succinct, perhaps owing to the limitations placed upon him during his stay, but his accounts still reveal his open mind and heart and the kindness of the people he meets on his journey. In the end, his experience is heavily curated and controlled and we end up with more questions than with improved insight. 178633190X A readable book, that covers the TV mini series when Michael Palin travelled to North Korea, it shines a light upon the life that people in Korea live, how important their leader and previous leaders are to them, the book includes many interesting theme within its pages, i enjoyed reading this book, a sort of adventure traveller, the book is very well presented throughout, the front cover is nice, well worth reading. 178633190X When seeing the documentary I was disappointed by the fact it was so “directed” by the North-Korean minders; we only really saw what they wanted us to see. However, when reading this journal that was just what I found so interesting; Palin described how they were “pushed” in certain directions, but now also including his personal critics and side notes. Really enjoyed this book, full of beautiful and interesting pictures of North-Korea. 178633190X Michael Palinin Pohjois-Korean päiväkirjassa (Minerva, 2020) Monty Pythonista tuttu brittinäyttelijä-toimittaja kertoilee muutaman viikon kestäneestä kuvausmatkastaan tuohon omalaatuiseen aasialaiseen valtioon.

Sympaattisen oloisen Palinin huomioita suljetusta maasta on ihan kiva lukea, ja ehkäpä samalla tuli opittua jotakin uutta Pohjois-Koreasta - kuten esimerkiksi se, että Pjongjanigissa sijaitseva kansalliskirjasto tunnetaan nimellä Ylväs Kansan Lukuhuone.*

Palinin näkökulma on yllättävän leppoisa, jopa siinä määrin, että olisin kaivannut hetkittäin vähän kriittisempää otetta. Ei sillä, kylläpä Pohjois-Koreaa käsitteleviä kauhukertomuksia piisaa muutenkin hyllymetreittäin!

Nopealukuinen matkakirja osoittautui ihan mukavaksi välipalaksi. Enemmän siitä olisi saanut varmaan irti, jos olisi sattunut katsomaan myös Palinin tv-dokumentin.

Suosittelen Pohjois-Koreasta kiinnostuneelle lukijalle myös kanadalaisen Guy Delislen erinomaista sarjakuvateosta Pjongjang.

* Paitsi että... Joko Palin tai kääntäjä Päivi Paju eivät ole tehneet kotiläksyjään kunnolla - kyseessä ei nimittäin ole kansalliskirjasto, ja useimmat verkkolähteet käyttävät siitä nimeä Suuri kansan opintopalatsi. 178633190X

This is a gem of a book. In spare language and lots of color snapshots Michael Palin tells what it was like to film a travel series in North Korea.

Through the day by day journal format, you see how Palin adjusts to the country and his handlers adjust to him. Palin sees cities, the countryside, tourist attractions, hotels, coffee shops, and beautiful mountains. It takes some convincing but the crew gets the handlers to let them see a bar where “real” people go for a good night out. The book concludes with a piece by the director on how planning for the filming had to adapt to North Korea’s restrictions.

On just about every page there is a photo, the kind you might snap from your cell phone. They give you as good an idea of the people and places as any professional quality photo.

It does appear from this and other visitor narratives that life is getting materially better for some. Palin notes benefits of low tech living and the absence of advertising. The downside includes weeding farms by hand (NK handlers insisted a tractor - an old rusted one- appear in a farming photo) and the unpaved and untamed roads that take you from point A to point B.

Having just read The Testaments, I could not help but see the parallels. Some can live “quite” well in a system that issues extreme punishments for those who note the faulty premise on which the society is built.

This is a 5 star book for its unique content, the writer's honesty and the simplicity of its prose. I took it down a star for Palin’s self-confessed tendency to try to get the North Korean hosts to open up about deeper feelings about the regime under which they live. I also noticed this in the one episode of the TV series that I saw. It's disappointing that he pushed for this since Palin is aware of the consequences for the hosts if they misspeak for even a few filmed seconds.

The book is not for those looking for a deep appraisal of the country; that is not its intent. If you are interested in a tourist’s experience of North Korea, you will want to read this book. 178633190X The second I walked into the shop, one of the cashier came over to me and dragged me to this book I have something you might like! all happy.
Interesting little book with photos.
Seeing North Korea from a middle aged English man was a different experience.
I enjoyed it 178633190X Este é mais um daqueles livros que compro online assim que vejo o pré-lançamento quando claramente devia ter esperado para vê-lo «ao vivo» na loja e ter a oportunidade de o desfolhar antes de comprar. Se o tivesse feito, certamente não o teria comprado…

Fiquei bastante desiludida com Diário da Coreia do Norte uma vez que não traz nada de novo: não há nenhuma revelação, não responde a qualquer questão. Este livro não é, de todo, o motivo pelo qual compramos um livro sobre a Coreia do Norte e com certeza o seu autor saberá disso. A prosa é demasiado leve tendo em conta o que sabemos esconder-se por detrás de toda a fachada do regime e o esforço da equipa para não «ofender» ninguém nem transgredir qualquer regra roubou o livro do seu potencial conteúdo.

Assim, para mim este livro equivale a ter uma enorme oportunidade em mãos… e não fazer nada com ela!
178633190X This book is based on Michael Palin's two week trip to North Korea, where he filmed a mini-series. It's a good read. I've watched many North Korean documentaries because I find the country fascinating, so I didn't really get any new information by reading this book. However, I did like hearing about his conversations with the people who lived there, and how he would try and sneak questions in which he wasn't allowed to ask.

If you want a peek at life in North Korea, this is a good, quick read. 178633190X I haven't found the book so far,but I did watch the TV documentary of Palin's North Korea trip on youtube sometime ago.

North Korea is a mysterious place and it has become almost a cliche to describe it as bad and terrible.

Palin's documentary does not make it look all that bad. It was to be expected that Palin's visit would be subject to restrictions and he would be accompanied by official minders.

But leaving aside the politics of North Korea,Pyong Yang looks like a modern city and Palin makes a good guide.His conversations with locals are interesting.The photography is beautiful.

The documentary was interesting,offbeat and enjoyable. 178633190X