No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) By Candace Camp

Nicola Falcourt had loved deeply once-and lost. Now she is drawn by fate into a sinister mystery that will plunge her into great peril...and even greater passion. — It begins with a breathless kiss from a notorious highwayman who believes she is the wife of Richard Montford, the Earl of Exmoor. He could not be more mistaken, for Nicola bears no l... more »ove-and wears no ring-for the cruel earl she holds responsible for the death of the only man she has ever loved.

Yet fate has brought this masked bandit into her life to lead a daring plot of greed, deception and murder full circle. To save those she loves, she must trust a man who is as dangerous as he is desirable. And in doing so, she will not only risk her life...she will risk her heart. No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3)

Candace Camp ☆ 7 characters

The conclusion to the Montford Heirs series. This is the story of Jack/John, the 3rd missing child of Lord and Lady Exmoor, who was sent by his mother, Simone, with his sisters 20 years prior. She sent them with a locket for each of her daughters and for her son, the family ring of the Earls of Exmoor which belongs to the children's father. Simone's plan is to bring the children to her trusted un-named friend so she can get them safely out of Paris in the middle of the Revolution.
In the first two books, the Grandmother is re-united with her granddaughters after finding out that they had not died in Paris. They are all still under the impression that the true heir, John, died of a fever. He is actually living under their noses as a highwayman whom we met in the first two books. Jack, has no idea that he is actually John.
This is a great ending to the series, everyone winds up where they should be and Jack is reunited with the love of his life, Nicola. And of course the bad guy gets his due.
No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) I've been anxiously waiting for the final book in the Lost Heirs series. It's the perfect ending to a perfect series. I fell in love with our hero right from the start and my heart broke for him reading his story. The writing of his and Nicola's story was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed the way past and present where interwoven. I loved the chemistry between H and h and also their verbal fights. Both characters are very headstrong. And there are plenty of twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat. Amazing story! Amazing writing! Thank you, Ms. Camp! No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) No Other Love by Candace Camp is a far fetched yet absolutely addicting story from beginning to end. The hero as a young man, Gil... was sweet and his relationship with Nicola was good and true. The hero as a kind yet hardened man, Jack... I found him to be extremely alluring. I could not get enough of him! His relationship with the heroine Nicola, was full of fireworks. There was lots of mystery and suspense and that made for a very enthralling read that I couldn’t put down. I really enjoyed this story! No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) This book is a real jewel. No Other Love is book 3 in The Lost Heirs series by Candace Camp. I have really enjoyed these stories. They are much richer read in order than as stand alones. Camp does a great job developing her characters. I think Nicola is one of my favorite heroines. I liked her loyalty and wit. And her hero - The Gentleman- is a real heart throb. “His lips were warm and soft, the merest touch like a butterfly’s wing, yet they seared her like fire. She leaned back, her body melting involuntarily against him. The movement seemed to add fuel to the flame of his passion, for his hand slipped inside her cloak, pulling it apart, and he began to caress her body” My only complaint is that the story was a bit too long, but not in the sense of the pace dragging. I just wanted to hurry up and find out how the various problems that Nicola finds herself in were going to be resolved. I had a hard time putting the book down. I was given a copy of this book.
No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) This is a cracker! Loved it. Everything lovely about this story. Well laden plot, and the characters oh so nice, except for the villain...*hiss*.
Will read more of Ms. Camp in the future.
4**** No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3)

Series: Lost Heirs #3
Publication Date: 1/16/20 (re-release) July 24th, 2007 by Harlequin (first published 2001)
Number of Pages: 384

This author has been re-releasing some of her older titles – and gosh – I’m so glad she is. How else would I manage to find such gems that I had missed the first time around? This has been a delightful series – well written, well-plotted and the characters are fully developed and interesting. The overarching tale behind the individual stories is: During the French Revolution an English earl and his family were in France and were caught up in the mayhem and were murdered. The family was told that his three children were murdered as well – but that isn’t the case. A family friend rescued the children – two girls and a boy – and returned them to England. Except, they were maliciously intercepted so someone else could inherit the title that should have gone to the boy. The first two books showed the discovery of the two girls – A Stolen Heart and Promise Me Tomorrow. Now, we finally get to learn the fate of the young boy (Jack/Gil/John).

“The Gentleman” is the name given to a highwayman who preys on the local area – well – generally he preys on the assets of only one man – the Earl of Exmoor. The Gentleman detests the Earl and wants to bring him to ruination. Exmoor is a cold and ruthless man – even more cruel than most know – but The Gentleman (Jack Moore) knows.

Ten years ago Nicola Falcourt loved a stable boy – Gil Martin – with all her heart and soul. Yes, it was a huge mismatch between a Lady and a stable hand, but Nicola didn’t care. She had every intention of marrying him – until the Earl of Exmoor caused Gil’s death. The Earl wanted to marry Nicola himself. Now, she hates him with a passion and hasn’t stepped foot onto Exmoor’s land in ten years. She’s only returning now because her sister married Exmoor and she’s begged Nicola to come to stay with her through her pregnancy.

The carriage in which Nicola is riding is held up by a highwayman known as The Gentleman. When he kisses her, she responds – her whole body responds. How can that be? She’s had no interest in any man since Gil died – she still loves him and has remained faithful to his memory. How can this stranger awaken that part of her again?

Nicola and Jack end up spending time together when she helps to heal one of his men and they make discoveries – reawaken feelings – and find prejudices and obstacles that just cannot be overcome.

It is a lovely story of two people who find they have a second chance at love. I enjoyed seeing how they dealt with the unfolding events and managed to reclaim what they’d lost. I hope you’ll love it as much as I did.

One thing that puzzled me is the fact that ‘The Gentleman’ was called that because of his gentlemanly manners and speech. Yet – he was raised by a tavern wench and spoke like a common villager rather than the refined speech of a gentleman. I think we are supposed to understand that his friend Perry taught him manners and to speak properly, but it was never really spelled out. Maybe it was left on the cutting floor if the book was revamped/rewritten as part of the re-release process.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) Candace Camp is an author who can get it so right at times, and not so much at other times. This story unfortunately belongs to the latter group.

Firstly, I did not feel the youthful love between the leads. It appeared too rushed and unconvincing. While I like that the heroine has backbone, intelligence and compassion, the hero was too blinded by his hastily drawn conclusions years ago of her betrayal, and it was frustrating that despite facts pointing to the contrary, he remained tunnel-visioned and refused to see what others could clearly see, that she was not the conniving bitch he made her out to be.

The other issue I have is that the highway robber hero is nick-named The Gentleman, because he sounds and acts like a nobleman, yet how can this be when he was raised by villagers and worked as a stablehand before spending time at sea, so at what point, did he manage to refine himself? He still spoke in uncultured accents when they first met and fell in love.

It was not bad, but nor was it memorable. No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Highwayman meets his love by doing what he does best.
A smouldering kiss as payment in a hold up .
What could be better.

Good storyline and great characters. I’ve really enjoyed the series and this was a perfect end to it.

Highwayman gets the girl , bad guy get the ending that he deserves.

Obviously there’s so much more to this story , but if I told you it all you wouldn’t need to read it.
That would be a travesty as I would highly recommended this book and the trilogy.
Candace is a wonderful author.

I received an Arc copy of this book and chose to post this review No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) This book started out as a 3 star read, and wasn’t a real page turner, but about half way through it picked up. Once some things came to light, which seemed predictable, the story got much better for me and I really enjoyed it. I didn’t read the first two in the series, kind of wish I had at least read book two, as the secondary characters from the other books really come out in the last quarter of the book. I went back and read a little on the reviews of the first two books and was able to keep the players straight and there is enough background given that it worked. I think if I had read the series in order the build up to this book may have been even better....I guess if you average the 2 halves of the book, and the predictability, you come out with about 3 1/2 stars, but I will raise that to 4 because in the end I really did enjoy the story. The Highwayman theme is a favorite with me. No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3) Why would a kiss from a highwayman leave an impression? Known as The Gentleman, Nicola's carraige was waylaid as she was making her way to visit her sister Deborah. She had been riding in her sister's husband, Richard Montford, Earl of Exmoor's conveyance when they were held up. He had stolen a kiss before he left her!
There is a bad history between Nicola and Richard that happened over ten years ago, but for her sister's sake, who is pregnant, she has come to help her. The mystery seems to be this highwayman is trying to destroy Richard, who has tried to catch him, but to no avail.
I absolutely adored this story. Mystery, suspense, a villain, lost love, found love and everything you want in a great tale! No Other Love (Lost Heirs, #3)
