Nightmare Academy (Nightmare Academy, #1) By Dean Lorey
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“ aku tidak akan pernah tidur lagi, “ Kata Charlie Benjamin. Karena setiap kali ia tidur dan bermimpi buruk, maka mimpi itu akan menjadi kenyataan. Tidak perduli saat tidur siang atau dimalam hari.
Selama ini orang tua Charlie, Barrington dan Olga mengira Charlie mengamuk saat bermimpi buruk, sesungguhnya ia membiarkan monster-monster memasuki dunia kita dan menyebabkan kerusakan. Oleh karenanya, keluarga Benjamin tinggal di rumah model 3, yaitu rumah sederhana, kuat dan andal.
Setiap anak bermimpi. Suatu saat seorang anak akan mengalami mimpi indah,dan disaat yang lain akan mengalami mimpi buruk. Namun mimpi buruk tidak hanya ada di dalam kepala, mimpi-mimpi itu memiliki maksud tertentu, salah satunya jalan masuk menuju negeri monster, Netherworld, yang berisi banyak makhluk mangerikan yang ingin melewati jalan masuk itu menuju dunia kita untuk berbuat onar.
Charlie sangat gembira saat menerima undangan pesta menginap disalah satu tetangganya. Sekitar pukul tiga dini hari, jeritan nyaring dan bunyi kaca pecah terdengar dari kamar anak-anak menginap. Ketika akhirnya orang dewasa berhasil mendobrak pintu, semua anak menggantung dilangit-langit kamar terbungkus dalam kepompong yang sangat kuat. Hanya Charie yang selamat!
Itu hanya salah satu dari sekian kejadian yang menyebabkan Charlie dikucilkan. Ia terpaksa belajar di rumah dengan ibunya sebagai guru. Setelah lama terkucilkan, ia mengalami bosan, ketakutan dan trauma. Semakin Charlie merasa takut, maka semakin cepat dia mengakses bakatnya. Hanya karena bakat itu tidak dilatih dan diasah, maka monster-monster berdatangan secara acak.
Charlie pertama kali bertemu dengan Rex sang Banisher, Tabhita sang Nethermancer dan Pinch sang fasilitator, sekawanan orang yang memperkenalkannya dengan Nightmare Academy, adalah saat Silvertongue kelas 5 masuk ke kamarnya dan berusaha untuk mencelakakan dirinya, serta Mimic salah satu monster yang menyukai keringat, menculik ibu Charlie lalu selama dua hari menyekapnya di loteng rumah
Charlie dibawa menghadap Dewan Petinggi Nightmare Division yang ingin mengidentifikasi, memproses dan mengevaluasi dirinya. Nightmare Division adalah organisasi sangat rahasia yang bertugas mengendalikan populas Nethercreature, makhluk-makhluk Nether.
Rebinald Drake sang direktur tidak ingin Charlie masuk akademi., ia ingin agar Charlie diturunkan. Yaitu suatu proses menurunkan level kemampuan berpikir kreatif anak yang bersangkutan. Otomatis kemampuan membuka portalnya juga akan menurun. Namun kepala sekolah Brazenhope, menolak ide itu . Dengan membawa Rex, Tabitha dan Pinch sebagai guru, Brazenhope berhasil membawa Charlie ke Academy.
Uji coba yang dilakukan Charlie malah membuka portal menuju Barakkas, monter paling kejam yang ada di lingkaran dalam. Barakkas memprofokasi Charlie agar mau menjadi penerusnya.. Tepat saat Barakkas memasukan kepalan tangannya yang menggunakan gelang logam berkilauan dan dihiasi ukuran rumit berbentuk wajahnya, Rex berhasil menyadarkan Charlie untuk menutup portal,
Portal tertutup diiringi derak menggelegar dari pangkal lengan kanan Barakkas. Bagian tubuh makhluk mengerikan itu jatuh berdebam seolah terhantam bola gergaji penghancur, jari-jarinya bergetar hebat, gelang raksasanya mengilatkan cahaya merah tua ke seluruh ruangan. Jeritannya menggema liar melintasi dimensi.
Nightmare Academy sendiri merupakan rumah pohon paling besar di dunia.. Dibangun diatas sepotong pohon banyan raksaksa. Kapal-kapal layar besar berlabuh di cabang-cabang saling terhubung oleh jembatan-jembatan dan jala-jala yang terjalin indah.. liftnya juga berbentuk perahu kecil.
Mereka yang baru belajar disana disebut Noobs berarti anak baru. Sekolah juga melakukan seleksi guna menentukan apakah murid yang bersangkutan akan menjadi Banisher atau Nethermancer. Charlie ternyata adalah Double Threat, seseorang yang bisa menjadi Banisher dan Nethermancer secara bersamaan, satu yang terlahir dalam duapuluh atau tiga puluh tahun.
Di Academy, Charlie bersahabat dengan Violet dan Theodore.Saat belajar membuka portal, Charlie kembali membuka portal yang menuju ke Barakkas. Barakkas meminta Charlie untuk mengembalikan Artefak Nether yang berada ditangannya , yang diputus Charlie
Rupanya Barakkas sangat menginginkan Artefaknya kembali. Segala upaya dilakukan termasuk dengamn menculik orang tua Charlie. Dengan segala usah, akhirnya Charlie bisa mengetahui bahwa orang tuanya disembunyikan di bawah Gunung Krakatau.
Ternyata Artefak tersebut akan digunakan untuk memanggil satu orang lagi monster yang memiliki kekuatan dasyat. Kelima monster tersebut berniat membuka portal menuju dunia manusia dan menguasainya.
Saat menerima booklet kecil berisi cuplikan novel ini disalah satu toko buku, saya sudah tidak sabar ingin membaca. Baru saat di Pesta Buku Jakarta keinginan saya terwujud. Plus bonus poster yang menggoda untuk dibingkai.
Memang ada beberapa kesamaan yang mengingatkan saya akan Buku Harry Potter, seperti seleksi saat masuk sekolah, bersahabat dengan dua teman. Namun cerita yang ada didalamnya jelas berbeda dengan Harry Potter.
Khabarnya masih ada sambungannya hingga lima buku. Cover bukunya ini terus terang sangat menarik, lalu kertasnya juga menarik. Tapi yang paling menarik buat saya adalah ilustrasi didalamnya serta ilustrasi yang menghiasi pergantian setiap bagiannya.
Plus ada rasa bangga saat membaca Gunung Krakatau dan Borneo (hayo pulau mana.... pasti semua tahu) disebut dibuku yang diterjemahkan dalam banyak bahasa
Setidaknya, saya tidak perlu takut lagi jika ada monster bersarang dikolong tempat tidur saya, karena ada Charlie dan Nightmare Academy yang siap membantu!
Young Adult, Self Help This book is so awesome, lot's of fun, very exciting, I love it :o)
This book is so cool that I read it once by myself and then once with my son. I recommend this book to the highest level. Young Adult, Self Help I think I get nervous anytime I see that a new author has a Hollywood background, so when I saw Nightmare Academy's gorgeous cover and slick website, I was prepared for a big movie treatment that lacked substance. A few friends had read the book though and said it was very good to excellent. After reading it for myself, I have to agree that this is a wonderful piece of young adult fiction. The general premise is that children with intelligence and great imaginations can generate some of the worst nightmares and these nightmares can actually open portals from the Netherworld and allow nightmarish creatures to enter our world. So some of these kids are recruited into the Nightmare Academy so they can learn to open portals while awake or to partner with somebody who can to banish these creatures back to the Nether. Our hero Charlie's power is great which has lead to a string of catastrophes during events such as nap time when in preschool and a sleepover, so when he gets recruited to join the Nightmare Academy he thinks he's finally found a place where he can fit in and not feel so different. Even at the Nightmare Academy the strength of his gift sets him apart and gets him in trouble. The way the adult teachers and headmaster of the Academy are written and how they handle Charlie and their ability to empathize what he is going through really show how Dean Lorey has depth and intelligence as a writer. He really treats his characters with respect and rather than falling into the trap of having his characters withholding information from each other because they feel they are protecting them, or that they aren't ready to know certain things, these characters are honest with each other and exhibit a level of trust rarely seen in young adult fantasy. Not to say he's the only one that does this, but I think he takes it to a level that is very refreshing. This story has a vivid and exciting world, very real and threatening danger, and lots of adventure. Charlie's friends are also not your stereotypical friends either. This story is all about facing your fears, dealing with insecurities, and using your faults to your advantage. I highly recommend it. Young Adult, Self Help Audiobook
I really love 'The Hero's Journey'. I never tire of reading the stories that illustrate this 'monomyth'. That said, there are stories that excel at this embodiment and that compel the reader to keep going and there are others that are not nearly creative enough, nor sufficiently well written to involve the reader and to propel them along the journey. This book falls closer to the latter.
There wasn't a wondrous amount of imagination present, nor much in the way of tension. In fact, everything, from the friends, to the talents, to the enemies were sort of pale. It's not bad, not at all. It's just okay, and I'd rather try others. I doubt I'll be returning to the Nightmare Academy. It's too cliched and not inventive enough.
Not bad just not really good. Young Adult, Self Help Charlie’s imagination is so strong that when he has a nightmare, the nightmare creature gets portaled right into the room where he’s sleeping. This caused a lot of problems for Charlie, including his parents becoming both over-protective of him and very restrictive, isolating him from other people and children. People are afraid of him, and he doesn’t fit in anywhere. Charlie is very lonely, until one day some people come from the Nightmare Academy, a school that trains children with imagination to fight the monsters from the Netherworld. Charlie is one of the most powerful people at the academy, and he still doesn’t fit in–but he gains a few good friends and starts his training. He ends up having to fight powerful monsters, work to save his family, and deal with bullies. Through this, Charlie finds that he can use his imagination and self-doubt for good–and he can find his own place to fit in, after all. Don’t let the cover fool you–this is a funny, light-hearted fantasy.
Lorey opens the book by showing us how lonely and alone Charlie is, bringing instant reader empathy, and then quickly moves into zany humor. This humor and kookiness runs throughout the book; Lorey has a good sense of comedic timing. THe humor plus the array of characters who support Charlie and look out for him, help to bring lightness to the story. Although the monsters are presented as a threat, they never seem truly scary, and Charlie always overcomes or overpowers them. Even sections of the story that might take a much deeper, more serious tone in another book are suffused with lightness in this one, so the book feels like a pleasure read, never taking the reader to truly dark places or painful emotion. This is not a tension-fraught book. The fantasy explanations for some of the things that happen in the real world also add fun and lightness–such as Gremlins coming to Earth and eating up the power, creating rolling blackouts in New York and California.
You can read my entire review here. Young Adult, Self Help
A Very Harry Book.
A hero with powerful and rare abilities who must go to a special school to learn to control those abilities. A school full of magically talented kids who take turns practicing on magical creatures. A headmaster who stands up for the integrity of her academy against the bureaucratic head of the magical world. Evil dark lords who need the hero to regain their full strength. And let's not forget the two best friends - the not too-bright but energetic boy best friend and the rule following and smart girl best friend.
Could this book BE any more Potterish?
Would recommend for younger fans of Harry Potter. Young Adult, Self Help Think of Nightmare Academy as Hogwarts only here the good guys learn to banish monsters rather than fight evil wizards. Children with the gift go away to a special school to be trained in their respective specialties. The hero begins his studies with a smart girl, and a slightly hotheaded and goofy yet loyal buddy by his side. The hero is both respected and feared at school but his new headmaster takes a liking to him and takes him under her wing. Beginning to sound familiar? Unfortunately, Lorey does not take nearly as much care with developing the characters of Charlie Benjamin and his friends as Rowling does. The headmaster in this book is no Dumbledore. Violet and Theodore are no Hermione and Ron. The potentially interesting characters that confront Charlie early in the book about his destiny are abandoned halfway into the book in favor of following the three kids. The classes at the school are likewise set up promisingly (one with a particularly interesting and amusing scene featuring the Trout of Truth) and then abandoned. This would seem to be a likely Potter read-alike but any true fan of the Harry Potter series will be disappointed to run across these semblances of similarity without the same quality to go with it. Young Adult, Self Help I think Dean Lorey did a fantastic job of Nightmare Academy! i love seeing the characters grow and find all the different challenges! Nightmare Academy teaches that no one is perfect and anyone can pursue their challenges! Young Adult, Self Help So we have been reading this as a family. My husband is totally into the book and the best part is that he does voices when he reads the different parts. Dean Lorey has done a great job of creating a fun world for kids to explore. It is creative and funny. The characters are easy to realate to for kids,Oh Theodore- he makes me laugh. My children love the book and they are only 5 and 3. They don't understand everything, but it is great to see my kids enjoy something that sparks the imagination. No pictures for them to look at. We can't wait for the arrival of the next in the series. Young Adult, Self Help Nightmare Academy (Nightmare Academy #1), Dean Lorey
Nightmare Academy: Monster Hunters (2007) is a fantasy novel written by Dean Lorey about a boy named Charlie Benjamin and his best friends Theodore Dagget and Violet Sweet.
The story focuses on how Charlie and his friends repel the forces of the Named, the most powerful creatures in the Netherworld. The novel begins in a small town describing the life of Charlie Benjamin. Charlie has a rare ability to portal monsters from another dimension known as the Nether during his nightmares. His parents are both overprotective and do not want their son bullied because of his early academic history of porting through creatures during nap time.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin decide to home school their only son and as a result, Charlie becomes an outcast with no friends in his neighborhood. He continues to unknowingly bring Nethercreatures into his room when he has a nightmare. One night, Charlie brings a Silvertongue into his room. Charlie wakes up before the Silvertoungue kills him, and sees a team of three people, Rex, Tabitha, and Pinch attempting to bring the creature back to where it belongs. After the fight, Charlie's parents meet the team.
Pinch explains that Charlie has the Gift, which allows him to open portals into the Nether and bring creatures across them. Charlie's gift is too strong, which can become dangerous. Pinch suggests that Charlie follow them to the Nightmare Division, who will decide what should be done with such a dangerous boy. Charlie's mother reluctantly allows him to go.
عنوانها: انتقام هیولا؛ جنگ هیولا؛ هیولاهای چارلی؛ نویسنده: دین لوری؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز سی ام ماه اکتبر سال 2011میلادی
عنوان: انتقام هیولا؛ نویسنده: دین لوری؛ مترجم رامک فدائیان؛ تهران، افراز ، 1389؛ در 256ص؛ شابک 9789642433513؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م
عنوان: جنگ هیولا؛ نویسنده: دین لوری؛ مترجم رامک فدائیان؛ تهران، افراز، 1389؛ در 280ص؛ شابک 9789642433346؛
عنوان: هیولاهای چارلی؛ نویسنده: دین لوری؛ مترجم رامک فدائیان؛ تهران، افراز، 1390؛ در 300ص؛ شابک 9789642433520؛
نقل نمونه متن: «چارلی با فریادی از خواب پرید؛ موهایش از فرط عرق روی پیشانی چسبیده بود، و قلبش آنچنان درون سینه میزد که حس میکرد ممکن است دنده هایش را بشکند؛ «من دیگه هیچ وقت نمیخوابم»؛ از تخت پایین آمد و به دقت راه خود را از میان تاریکی اتاق، به باریکه ی نوری که از زیر در میآمد باز کرد تا به راهرو برود؛ دستش به چیزی برخورد کرد؛ موجود کابوسش آنجا ایستاده بود!؛
چارلی نفس بریده گفت «نه»؛ آن موج��د قد علم کرد، و با نیش بلند و خمیده ی خود، آماده ی حمله شد؛ مایعی غلیظ از نوک نیش ترسناکش سرازیر شد؛ زانوهای چارلی شل شد، و به زمین افتاد؛ «نه»، دم هیولا سوت کشان و با قدرتی چکش مانند به سمت او میآمد...؛ «چارلی بنجامین» بیشتر روزها کاملاً مطمئن بود که تنهاترین بچه ی روی کره ی زمین است؛ او که خانه اش در خیابانی واقع در مجتمعی محصور قرار داشت، به تنهایی به مدرسه میرفت؛ با وجودی که نمای بیرونی خانه ها همه از نزدیک شبیه به هم به نظر میرسیدند، مدل برای انتخاب خریداران متعدد بود؛ بنجامینها در مدل شماره ی سه زندگی میکردند؛ پدر چارلی دائماً به او گوشزد میکرد که «مدل شماره سه از همه بهتر» است؛ او مرد کاملی بود که نام کاملی همچون بارینگتون داشت؛
مدل شماره یک به وضوح تقلیده، هرچی کمتر راجع بهش حرف بزنیم، بهتره؛ ولی شماره دو مال وقتیه که کسی بخواد خیلی سریع و سرسری دوباره کاری انجام بده؛ بنابراین به جای برداشتن یک قدم به جلو، مثل اینه که دو قدم به عقب برداشته باشی؛ اما مدل شماره سه ساده، محکم و قابل اعتماده؛
مدل شماره سه، زندان چارلی بنجامین بود؛ او به عنوان یک پسر سیزده ساله جثه ی کوچکی داشت؛ موهای سرکشش به رنگ شنزار و چشمانش قهوه ای تیره بودند؛ اطراف بینی و گونه هایش نیز کک مکی بود؛ به همت اصرارهای مادر خوشنیتش که در خانه بماند، زانوها و آرنجهایش پوستی صاف و لطیف داشت و هیچ کبودی بر بدن او دیده نمیشد؛ مادر اغلب به او میگفت «این دنیا، خیلی جای مطمئنی نیست؛ من میتونم توی خونه مواظبت باشم، ولی به محض اینکه پاتو از اینجا بیرون بذاری...»؛ بعد، انگار که حتی فکر کردن به ترسهای زندگیِ بیرون از مدل شماره سه خیلی دردناک باشد، موقّرانه سر تکان میداد؛ چارلی یکبار در یک صبح روز شنبه بعد از سرتکاندادنهای موقرانه مادرش به او گفت «میدونم همیشه همینو میگی؛ ولی دلیل نمیشه واقعیت داشته باشه؛ من از اینکه مجبورم همیشه اینجا بمونم، خسته شده ام؛ میخوام به یه مدرسه معمولی برم»؛ پایان نقل؛
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 06/04/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی Young Adult, Self Help
When Charlie Benjamin sleeps, monsters wake up. It's hard to fit in when your nightmares open portals to the Netherworld, where horrible creatures live--like the class 3 Netherstalker that invaded a sleepover and tried to eat the other children. Luckily there's a place for Charlie--the Nightmare Academy. Built from wrecked ships set in the branches of the world's most incredible tree fort, the Academy trains people to use their unique gifts to fight the monsters that rush in when the lights go out. But Charlie is far more powerful than anyone ever imagined, and his entrance exam opens a portal straight to the heart of the Netherworld, where ultimate evil plots Earth's destruction. He'll need all his cleverness--and the help of his new friends--to save himself and his family and to put these bad boys to bed once and for all. The monsters under your bed are real
But never fear--the Nightmare Academy will train Nethermancers and Banishers like you to destroy them Nightmare Academy (Nightmare Academy, #1)