How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You By Leil Lowndes
If you are looking for a relationship book that gives you the traditional, find someone who appreciates you for you, or you'll meet the right person, just be yourself, advice, look some place else. This is the worldly, dog-eat-dog, guide to relationships. There are no mentions of inner beauty in this book. An appropriate title might have been, The Wall Street Guide to Relationships. So, I thought it was good, concrete advice if you are looking to hook up with lots of attractive people through manipulation, but I think that the title's goal of making people, fall in LOVE is a bit off. Leil Lowndes I doubt I learned anything really new from this book, although it offers a few helpful tidbits here and there. It also offers advice which may or may not be good in helping to get a lover and/or find a mate. This book is supposedly based on actual scientific evidence, but that is only a part of it. This is neither a scholarly nor a popular review of the literature on the subject of mating dances. Lowndes presents a variety of techniques, occasionally backed up by studies, on how to find that special someone. Although it is written for both genders, Lowndes is a woman and the outlook of a bourgeois female who wants to be high class predominates. In fact it encourages one to be a little manipulative and do things like make lots of compliments (whether you really mean them or not) and try to present yourself as the kind of person your `quarry' might be looking for. It gives suggestions on how to appear classy and what to say to wealthy people.
There were some good pointers, though: men need to move right away if they are interested; watch porno made by women for love‑making tips; the six things that count in the meet market (looks, money, status, knowledge, style, and personality/nature); and what the steps are in the `dance of intimacy' (nonverbal signal, talk, turning, touching, synchronization). Leil Lowndes The title is intriguing and scary and so is the book. It made me curious about everything that is written in it after reading the title. I wanted to know if it's right and if anyone can make others fall in love with them. As per my observation, I found whatever is written in a book by the author mostly true. One should read not to make someone fall in love with them but so they don't fall in love with someone just like that without knowing another person in real. Please do read for that reason! Leil Lowndes So I bought this book at the old age of 22 after a heart wrenching no one will ever love me again break-up. (I thought I was getting way to old and had to take desperate measures!) I didn't read the whole book and I am not sure even how far I got, but it was a bunch of crap from what I remember. (With a title like that though, what kind of success rate could we really get, ANYONE!! I doubt it) From what I remember it told you to lie. To pretend to be totally into the things that the other is interested in and stuff like that. So maybe you could make ANYONE fall for you, but it wouldn't be the real you. But if you want to borrow the book you sure can! Leil Lowndes This is funny as hell!
Humurous reading aside, it has some good prespective on social dynamics wich is what's really what got me into reading this.
But it can either turn you into a manipulative beast, or really give you a good third person prespective on what you're doing and perhaps really lead you when the time comes.
As for the manipulative part. No one will become that because of a book. You either already were, or came to be out of your own will. Each takes what each wants from the resources each finds. Leil Lowndes
Review How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You
I am currently 80% through this book and it is killing me to go further and had to share my thoughts on this book. Simply, it is terrible and bad advice if you are reading this for the purpose of applying it to find a lover or spouse.
The pros to this book is that there is a lot of research that has been put into citing studies and giving sources. That is about the only pro. The cons would be that I wouldn't really trust the validity of some of the studies mentioned in this book. An example of the latter would be in page 20 where the author cites the work of Dr. John Money and his book Lovemaps (whose work was widely known as severely flawed).
I would also go so far as to say that this book is basically a bunch of medical, scientific and psychological studies/theories that have been put together into a book with the author having no real life experience in applying the methods mentioned. An example would be page 51 where the author states, Leil, you hypocrite. Tomorrow morning you'll be telling women to have the courage to smile at strangers, and you don't even have the nerve to do it yourself.
I will also state that from a man, a majority of information in this book aimed at females about men is just simply inaccurate and based from the authors personal opinion of what she thinks men think. I read portions of this book where I just shook my head and as a result of that I would be skeptical of the advice in this book aimed at men about women as well.
For men I would highly recommend a book by Corey Wayne (ISBN # 978-1-4116-7336-6) as a more practical book on how to better yourself and become more appealing to women.
PS: She also uses ridiculous synonyms throughout the book which I'm seeing as a repetitive trend in her books. She calls your love interest a quarry and uses it 498 times in the book. She also calls men hunters and women hunteress. It just gets really old before the book is over. Leil Lowndes Okay, I would like to say that I read it because the deep insight in the human behaviour it gives me, and although that is also true, I mostly read it because I'm a lonely sap who's worthless with love. I bought it more than 1 1/2 years ago when I was in England, but never got around to reading it because I thought the font was too annoying, but as I said, I'm tired of being the constant single, so I sought advice, and advice I got.
Not only does it bring funny anecdotes, it also helps you to understand how the male (or female) brain reacts to certain things, how to make a good first impression and all that comes with love. Although I did not agree on everything that was said in the book I found myself learning a lot from it. In theory at least. Leil Lowndes Must have worked, I married the reason I bought the book. Leil Lowndes December 22nd, 2014
After getting constant messages and a few comments about this review (EVEN THOUGH I didn't mark anything as read or I didn't unfairly rate anything without even opening the book ((*SIGHSIGHSIGH**)).) It's on its way into my hands as a to-request-from-the-public-library book.
So now I can satisfy the unsatisfied with a review with a rating and read-mark.
September 12, 2012
Nope, I'm not planning on reading this. Just curious about it!
So curious in fact . . . that I have to write a review. (A review on a book that I'll never read . . . brilliant.)
Why won't I read it??
DUDE. You can't make someone fall in love with you! They just have to . . . just . . . fall for you themselves.
I mean . . . when I find someone I love, I want them to fall for me on their own. I don't want to TRY and make them fall for me. Love doesn't work that way, dude.
Buuuuuut, I guess if your love life runs on flirting, being attracted by handsomeness or prettiness, leading people on to charm them, raising your stake at popularity, trying to become more and more famous, aiming for a high-level lover, or . . . something of that sort, I guess you can try this book . . .
As for me, I want true love. Leil Lowndes This book was a bit funny and frightening. What scares me is that people are out there actually following this advice! :-o I read it out of curiousity, I mean the title is intriguing. But it's full of manipulative advice on how to make someone think you like them and to get them to feel like they are in love with you.
What I came away with is a knowledge of what to be aware of the next time I go out with someone. If they start going through the steps outlined in this book - RUN!! Leil Lowndes
Here, from bestselling author Leil Lowndes, is a surefire guide to love for anyone seeking romantic bliss. In How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You readers will find 85 techniques based on scientific studies regarding the nature of love, including: How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You