My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 By Maki Miyoshi
Kako and Kota return to Kota's hometown over summer vacation. While there, Kota is reunited with his high school classmate, Nishikura. Kota had remembered his high school life as a lonely time, but after running into Nishikura, his feelings begin to change...?! In the meantime, Kako is left to her own devices. But in the end, they head to the beach to spend an overnight stay alone together...!! My Boy in Blue Vol. 6
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This review is for the Italian edition. My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 Sta diventando un poco più carino sto manga My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 #asianreadathon
Oh the drag...
This volume kind of dragged a little bit more than I would like.
Also there were times that Kako really got into my nerves -- My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 would definitely recommend- such a nice quick read My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 3.5 My Boy in Blue Vol. 6
Decisamente più debole del volume precedente. O meglio, molto sbilanciato: la prima parte - che racconta il passato di Kota - è molto ben sviluppata e matura. Nella seconda parte si scade con il solito motivo che loro due non riescono mai a stare insieme. Peccato!
Ma lei ha sempre sedici anni... My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 Kota has an amazingly flesh out backstory and it makes Kako look plain and useless in comparison. I don’t get the interest unless she’s an ego boost for him because he has a strong savior complex. Also, how freaking innocent does a 16/17 year old girl needs to be? It’s awkward. 2/5. My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 もう~やっとにキスしたんだ!
こうたくんに全然分からない。なんで結婚したんだかな?ほどんど妻と一緒にじゃない。一緒に暮らしてない。夫婦関係と全然違う。皆に秘密するの。ていうか妻はだいたい子供預かる。なんか全部は陰謀みたいなこと。何か終わりの想像できない。多分「全部は夢」という終わり。 My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 Vacation, a story from the past, and fireworks oh my!
This volume was pretty fun and a fast read. I liked that Kako and Kota finally got to do little things that other couples do. I'm enjoying this series. My Boy in Blue Vol. 6 Dans ce second tome, on apprend enfin le reste du passé de Kôta et cela nous permet aussi d’en apprendre plus sur Nishikura, son amie du lycée qu’il vient de retrouver par hasard.
Après ce retour quelques années en arrière, Kako et Kôta partent en voyage et prévoient de passer un peu de temps tranquilles tous les deux.
Bien évidemment tout ne va pas se passer comme prévu puisqu’ils vont retrouver sur place des connaissances de la jeune fille qui vont donc les obliger à rester discrets.
Le travail du policier va aussi l’empêcher de passer la journée en compagnie de sa femme pour son anniversaire puisque cela tombe le même jour qu’un événement où tous les policiers sont mobilisés.
J’ai apprécié de retrouver un peu de complicité entre les mariés même s’ils font face à beaucoup d’obstacles. J’ai enchaîné directement avec la lecture du tome sept ! ♥ My Boy in Blue Vol. 6