My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 By Maki Miyoshi

This was surprisingly sweet. It hit the things I liked. My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 To be completely honest the only reason why I gave this story 4/5 stars was because of how fast the plot was. I read this book because my friend had recommended it to me, she had basically explained what had happened in the story but did not think it would all happen in the first book. Many people hate the book because it's a minor with an adult but the reason why this is not an issue is that its a fiction and because the minor is ok with the situation. Oddly this story got me so hooked that I want to read the 2nd book immediately. Like I said it's good just the plot felt very rushed which made me kinda shocked at how quickly these situations happened. My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 Après avoir été intriguée par la couverture, le titre et le résumé de ce manga, j’ai fini par me laisser tenter et le commander. Autant vous dire tout de suite que j’ai bien fait !

Kako et Mikado, deux adolescentes de 16 ans vont participer à une soirée de rencontres. Le souci c’est que ce sont les deux seules de cet âge et tous les autres invités ont plus de 20 ans.

Notre héroïne va donc faire la connaissance de Jouta, un jeune homme de 23 ans mais qui est surtout policier. Quand ce dernier découvre que Kako est encore mineure, il va tout de suite vouloir s’éloigner d’elle, surtout que vu son métier il doit encore plus respecter la loi…

Si le début de l’histoire reste un shôjo classique, j’ai été surprise par la tournure que prennent les événements dans le dernier chapitre.

J’ai aussi beaucoup aimé les dessins. Il me semble que c’est le premier manga des éditions Delcourt/Tonkam que je lis mais pense me pencher un peu plus sur leur catalogue étant donné que celui-ci m’a convaincue !

Un début qui m’a bien plu ! Je me ferai un plaisir de me procurer le tome à sa sortie le 16 mai prochain ! ♥ My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 A really sweet and fun age-gap shoujo series! If age-gap romance isn’t your thing, this story might seem creepy and weird, BUT if age-gap romance is your thing, then you’ve come to the right place! The characters are fun at first, but then become more dynamic as you read into the series, making you care for them and their relationships. It’s a quick read that you’ll have a hard time putting down! My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 3.5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1


Maki Miyoshi ò 6 Characters

Kako gets tangled up when she lies about her age in order to attend a company-mixer party for singles and ends up totally infatuated with her young local policeman! And it looks like it's mutual with Kota... until he finds out Kako's still in high school. Read on to see if straight-arrow Kota manages to find a way to do the right thing as our story unfolds in the first volume of this upbeat new romantic comedy from Maki Miyoshi! My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1

3 stars...probably will change this to 2 stars. My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 Extremely innocent shoujo with characters who are healthy and happy, no major trauma or angst. Recommend for those new (or young) to romance and shoujo manga. The emotions are true and compelling; the art and dialogue are crisp and entertaining. I had a few flutters.
Ultimately, for me, it was a fail. More mature readers and those looking for something grittier will quickly grow bored, because it never progresses past its sweet, gentle surface. My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 Awal mula hubungan yang tidak sehat antara aku dan kesukaanku dengan om-om My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 Alright so this wasn’t for me AT ALL. I don’t usually mind an age gap and technically by law their romance isn’t considered illegal by the standards of the manga but I still find it weird that they get married when she’s only 16. I also just didn’t find the story to be that entertaining. The main character is actually quite annoying and unreasonable. I got this from KU out of curiosity but it’s not one that I plan to continue to read. My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1 What a moronic shoujo. I don't recommend it to anyone. The MC is lame and an idiot, the police officer is a creep who want to get married at 23 to a 16-year-old crybaby after a couple of days meeting each other for the first time. The love story is disgusting and in all, I hate the stupid girl. I managed to finish it (scan-reading it) only because of the upcoming live action, which I hope with all my heart is not going to be as pathetic as the original story. BLEH. My Boy in Blue, Vol. 1