Mr. Monster (John Cleaver, #2) By Dan Wells

Iako mi je prvi dio za dlaku bio bolji, kvalitativno su u istom rangu. Zaista fantastičan nastavak.

Dok smo u prvom dijelu imali cat and mouse game, u ovom dijelu se više bavimo samim Johnom, njegovim mračnim mislima (iako je duboko dole jako dobra osoba) i kako Mr. Mosnter polako počinje vladati nad njim, iako se John bori protiv toga. Kada se u Clayton pojavljuje novi ubojica, to ne ide baš u korist samog Johna, nego više njegovoj sociopatskoj strani, Monesteru. Priča liči malo na neki mix Supernaturala i Dextera, što možda mnogima može zasmetati, ali meni baš godi. Kraj knjige obećava veoma dobar 3. dio.

4.5* 288 This book is a bit hard to rate...and review.

***Please note***:
I AM ASSUMING YOU HAVE READ I Am Not A Serial Killer which is the first volume of this story. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR THAT BOOK HERE.

I find many things about this/these book(s) interesting and well done. I also find a lot about (especially this one) objectionable. The books attempt to walk the lines between slasher/horror/urban fantasy. The first book follows John as he struggles with his own verging sociopathy. He has always been fascinated by death (of course since he has grown up working on corpses in a mortuary...). Then a serial killer goes to work in his town. John (quick description of first book) sets out to track down the killer in an attempt to find a way to feed his sociopathy, without killing his mother or someone else...and he does it.

At that point the book takes a hard turn into a different kind of horror (serial killer stories can be their own kind of horror). John discovers that the killer isn't human. His neighbor is what John dubs a demon...John has killed a demon, which melts into a disgusting goo.

This book picks up with John and his mother (who knows some of John's struggle and is the only other person to have seen the demon) trying to live their lives. Things are hard for John, he may be slipping more. It doesn't help that mom is trying her best to deny what happened. John holds himself together by living according to a strict set of rules...never hurt an animal, never hurt a person, avoid confrontation, etc.

The book has a lot of positives. While the general plot idea isn't new the idea of using a budding sociopath/psychopath who is constantly struggling not to lose control as a protagonist is pretty new. The story is good I found it absorbing. I will at least consider following up (later) with the next book.

Unfortunately the book also has a LOT (in my opinion) of negatives. It takes off very slowly. This is a short book and at that it's a bit too long. Too much pointless detail (as opposed to relevant detail), too long setting up the story, we get a lot of what's gone before. More than we really needed I think.

We also get a lot of pointless gross out. There is one long passage describing an embalming that has nothing to do with the story. I assume it's supposed to be helping us see MORE of John's struggle. But it really doesn't. It simply gives an excuse to tell us how morticians go about keeping the eye sockets from sinking they embalm the body to use a trocar...what to do with all the bagged organs...on and on and on. Okay maybe that gave us some info...but we get another embalming later of a victim that tells us a lot of the same things. I skipped and skimmed a lot of this one.

I won't mention anything that will tip the plot or be a spoiler, but I found a lot negatives about this book and almost rated it much lower. Some of the things that bothered me may not bother others (though that kind of worries me. I feel almost the same way about the Dexter books. I only read the first of those...I can't get into long loving descriptions of graphic murders etc.)...

So, pretty good story...3 stars, barely.

********************* SPOILER BELOW LINE ****************

Throughout the book we get descriptions of John's dreams of killing the girl he likes...slowly and graphically. This book rests a lot on what I called above the Gross out factor. I don't care for it, it puts me off and I considered not completing the book.

The plot revolves around ancient beings who are still around. For some reason most of these old beings who were thought of as deities or demons seem also to be fairly cold blooded and homicidal. So the demon killer motif is fairly interesting. For me a lot will depend on how much gore I'm willing to put up with.

As I said, I skipped and skimmed a lot of this book. 288 4.5/5 stars

Humans aren't defined by death, and they're not defined by what they lack. They're defined by their connections.

One of the greatest series I got my hands in for 2018 was the I'm Not A Serial Killer series, for a variety of reasons. When I picked the second book up, I was hoping for one thing. Surpass the first, if possible. And it did it, in one of the best ways ever. The second book showed us John's struggles with his mental illness, his life as a teenager and the supernatural murders surrounding his town even more, and it completely drew me in and stole my breath.

The plot was fast and sharp like a knife's edge, and the new villain was cunning and sadistic in a way I could not comprehend. John was even more eager to fight with his inner demons, and his character development was one of the best I have read in a long time, and I was immensely glad I did. I could smell blood and danger in the air as I was turning the pages, and Dan Wells' writing gave me exclusive insights in the minds of a teenage sociopath, a wicked demon, a girl who started to fall in love and a variety of other unique characters.

One of the things I mostly love about these books is the complexity in which emotions are portrayed, and this book dealt with that in a very special way. Everything was connected with strong threads of thoughts and feelings, and everything could be changed in the exact same ways. It was so complicated and full of suspence, and I absolutely enjoyed every single minute of it. I wanted it to be a little bit faster, but I understand why the action took a while to pick up, and I appreciate it.

Overall, it was a great read, and I totally recommend the series for something gory, deliciously creepy but also meaningful, badass and dotted with a mixture of supernatural elements, horror and mystery ♥ Also, I really hope the new year gifts you happiness, health, and many many books and motivation ♥

Keep being unique ♥
~Mary♥ 288 4.5 stars. John Wayne Cleaver is a 15 year old sociopath. He knows exactly what he is, and he knows exactly what he wants to be. And exactly what he doesn’t want to be, and John doesn’t want to be a killer. Everyday is a struggle though, trying to be good, trying to be normal.

I like John a lot, because he fights so hard. In this book, his other side, Mr. Monster, almost took over. It was so close. But John keeps fighting him and this time it really hurt, because it took away the one thing that made him feel almost good, even though it was dangerous for him.

Great story, excellent writing and one of the most complex light & dark characters I’ve ever read. I look forward to the next, because now John has a goal. I really want him to win. 288 A great and grisly follow up with a truly sinister demon! 288

In I Am Not a Serial Killer, John Wayne Cleaver saved his town from a murderer even more appalling than the serial killers he obsessively studies.

But it turns out even demons have friends, and the disappearance of one has brought another to Clayton County. Soon there are new victims for John to work on at the mortuary and a new mystery to solve. But John has tasted death, and the dark nature he used as a weapon---the terrifying persona he calls “Mr. Monster”---might now be using him.

No one in Clayton is safe unless John can vanquish two nightmarish adversaries: the unknown demon he must hunt and the inner demon he can never escape.

In this sequel to his brilliant debut, Dan Wells ups the ante with a thriller that is just as gripping and even more intense. He apologizes in advance for the nightmares. Mr. Monster (John Cleaver, #2)

Esta reseña NO contiene spoilers.

Bien hecho, Dan Wells. MUY bien hecho.
No soy el señor monstruo es la segunda parte de No soy un serial killer y OH GOD, QUÉ SEGUNDA PARTE. Como es lógico, no puedo decir mucho porque #spoilers, pero si quieren saber mi opinión, continúen leyendo.
Sin dudas puedo afirmar que el fuerte de esta saga son los personajes. Dan Wells hace un trabajo increíble al construir a cada uno de ellos, pero John se roba el escenario por mucho. Lo que vale la pena destacar es la psicología de este personaje y la manera en que su mente se desarrolla y se va distorsionando lentamente en su lucha contra el Señor Monstruo. Ver cómo de a poco John es traicionado por su propia conciencia es algo muy interesante, al igual que observar la forma en que intenta mantenerse a raya y controlarse a sí mismo para no hacer nada malo.
Los personajes secundarios también son un aporte muy bien logrado. Dan puede ir de crear a un psicópata, a presentarte dos páginas después a un adolescente común y corriente, y que aún así ambos sean creíbles y reales.
No sabía si incluir la construcción del mundo a la reseña o no porque en realidad todo está ambientado en nuestro mundo. Finalmente decidí hacerlo, porque si bien tenemos a personajes reales en escenarios reales, también contamos con cierto aspecto extraño (que conocerán si leyeron el primer libro) que convierte al corriente pueblo de Clayton en algo extraordinario. Si bien lo que vimos hasta este punto es solo un pequeño porcentaje de lo que se nos presentará a continuación, creo que de momento Dan fue capaz de establecer unas bases muy fuertes para su mundo y que dejan entender vagamente hacia dónde quiere llevarnos con todo esto. Y dejenme decirles, estoy emocionado porque así sea.
Otro punto positivo. Dan Wells, estrellita dorada y trofeo por escritura ADICTIVA.
Leí este libro en menos de 24hs. Puede ser que a algunos no les sorprenda, pero eso en mí es extraño. Fue cuestión de tomar este libro y a partir de ese momento no poder soltarlo ni dejar de pensar en él. El autor tiene la capacidad de crear ese factor de suspenso e intriga que impide que dejes el libro y provoque la muy peligrosa frase de Un capítulo más
Cuando leí Partials del mismo autor, sentí que no aportaba nada que me hiciera querer leer sin descanso. Los capítulos eran largos y aburridos, y las páginas tardaban años en pasar. Es por eso que estoy tan encantado y sorprendido con estos libros. Porque luego de haber perdido cierta esperanza de que los libros de Dan me gusten, la saga de John Cleaver llegó y me demostró que estaba equivocado. Eso para mí tiene un gran, GRAN mérito.
¿Qué espero de No quiero matarte? Bueno, primero que nada comprarlo *cuak*
Mis expectativas a estas alturas son considerablemente altas. Juzgando por lo que vi en estos dos primeros libros, estoy convencido de que esta saga no va a hacer más que mejorar. Estoy muy emocionado por leer qué es lo que pasa a continuación y qué tiene en mente Dan Wells para el destino de estos personajes. Espero también que sigamos viendo escenas crudas y explícitas, porque eso hace a esta saga tan única y diferente.
Pero principalmente, estoy ansioso por conocer más profundamente a John y por saber qué hay en su cabeza. Como dije, la psicología de este personaje me parece el punto principal y más atractivo de estos libros, así que me emociona ver cómo eso va a desarrollarse próximamente.
No soy el señor monstruo es una segunda parte muy fuerte. En mi opinión superó al primero con creces y me mostró un lado de la literatura juvenil más sangrienta, explícita y adulta que ciertamente me sorprendió. Planeo sin dudas continuar con los siguientes libros, así que esperen las respectivas reseñas próximamente.
Se preguntarán, sin embargo, por qué no le di 5 estrellas. Un solo motivo.
Creo que en varias ocasiones los personajes tenían diálogos bastante problemáticos y cuestionables. Se tocan temas muy sensibles en varias partes del libro y creo que no siempre se hace de la mejor manera, lo cual puede llegar a ofender o chocar a más de una persona.
Es por eso que les daría a estos libros un trigger warning. No es para todo el mundo.

En conclusión, esta fue una novela que me sorprendió y me gustó bastante. Les recomiendo esta saga si buscan algo que sea capaz de dejarles los pelos de punta. Se los aseguro, pasa en más de una ocasión. 288

It's a pretty big shock to realise that the only people you can identify with are psychopathic killers.

We continue the story of quasi-serial killer John Wayne Cleaver, who despite bearing the name of two serial killers and a murder weapon, is determinedly not going to give in to impulse to become a murderer...though he may bend the rules for some truly monstrous people.

The demon from the first story? He had friends. And one of those friends just came knocking at the door. As the disappearances mount, John knows he must deal with the creature.

But how can he be expected to fight a demon? He has no idea what the creature looks like or how it can kill...but with every plot to kill the monster, he comes closer to unleashing a true monster - himself.

This sequel holds its ground. John is equal parts adorable and disturbing - and I just love his mother's obsession with keeping him grounded and normal. It's so sweet to see how much she cares and wants him to live a happy life (minus the whole wanting-to-kill-people thing).

Love this series and can't wait for it to continue!

YouTube | Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Snapchat @miranda_reads 288 La historia continúa pasados tres meses aproximadamente de donde terminó la anterior entrega. John Cleaver, nuestro protagonista, continúa intentando encajar en la sociedad, siguiendo al pie de la letra una serie de reglas que él mismo se ha impuesto; no obstante, como ya ha probado que se siente matar, comienza un debate interno para conseguir controlar a su monstruo interior, quien quiere volver a sentir la sensación de ver morir.

John se encuentra en el periodo de la adolescencia, comienza a sociabilizar un poco más (obligado por su madre) y aqui donde comienza a tomar más protagonismo su vecina, Broke (por la cual siente una atracción), logrando entablar una incipiente amistad.

La historia me ha parecido entretenida, con bastante acción (casi en la mitad del libro), fluida e interesante, logrando que en poco tiempo llegue al final. Me ha gustado como el escritor se toma el tiempo para describir al personaje principal con todas sus dudas, miedos, falta de empatía y cómo consigue unir todo esto a la trama de asesinatos.

En definitiva, ha logrado que me encariñe con el protagonista y, sin duda, con ganas de continuar la historia. 288 Trust me, from one sociopath to another: if you don't understand the reason for something, it's always love.

What fascinated me in I Am Not A Serial Killer is learning about antiosocial personality disorder, discovering the world of morticians, and more than anything rooting for a boy struggling with his sociopathic tendencies and his need to be good. But none of that was fascinating for me here.

When it wasn't repetitive or bland (all those oh my goshes and first dates screamed Mormon author), it was darker. The embalming scene in here wasn't about getting the right liquid into veins, but about a real decomposing body that grossed me out a little. The sociopathic struggles were about pyromania and harming animals that made me question whether John should be locked up. And this villain carried out some truly sick and squeamish tortures, but he was the kind of villain I expected in the first one.

I was starting to question why I liked John Wayne Cleaver or his adventures, and once again, I wasn't sure I bought into the leap into the supernatural, but wouldn't you know, by the end I wanted to root for John again and I was happy with the turn of events, and more than anything, there was a great hook introducing a pattern for the series. And now I kind of want to know about John's next big adventure. I was so sure I was done with the series, but you had to hook me in the end, didn't you, Wells? And now I want to keep reading. 288 Es incluso mejor que el primero, si buscas literatura juvenil pero con tintes super sangrientos, suspenso y entrar en la mente de asesinos y seguir a Jonh tanto en sus aventuras como en su lucha interna con su monstruo personal no te lo puedes perder. 288


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