Monsters in My Closet By Margaret A. Daly


A new type of genre for me. I found it intriguing with a canny plot line. I'll keep an eye open for other books by this author. Monsters in My Closet I was looking forward to this book and it didn't disappoint in any way. The story and plot line is intriguing which hooked me right away. It's a story about forgiveness. It does have a domestic abuse storyline. I loved this book and hope everyone gives this a try Monsters in My Closet A brave dive into domestic violence! I became so enthralled into the suspenseful story that I couldn't put it down. It's very dramatic, but the ending is upbeat. I like the way the characters are portrayed; the wife is a survivor, not a victim, and she finds someone new to start a new life with. A very impressive book. Monsters in My Closet

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Voracious Readers Only.I wasn't feeling this book at all. It moved so fast with hardly any character development, especially for the hero. I felt no connection with him at all. The way Becky kept alluding to her past was the equivalent of someone posting to Facebook with a status like I don't want to talk about it or I've had a horrible day with no intention of elaborating. It was just a short simple story, which is good sometimes if that's what you need. Monsters in My Closet Becky has secrets that she doesn't even tell her best friend, Lilah. Besides that, she's been through a lot of relationships that just seem to fizzle out. Becky figures she'll swear off men for a while. In her new place she has a chance to start over and maybe heal. She has scars, both mental and physical. During the day things are pretty good, but the nightmares they're the monsters in her closet that she won't tell anyone about. This is an excellent book that kept me up reading. I love the dynamics of the characters. They're well written along with the setting and plot. I'm going to read this book again someday. Five stars! Monsters in My Closet An engaging romance with a suspenseful story line that had me quickly turning the pages. Becky left her secret life behind still carrying scars both visible and invisible. Although a writer of a relationship column she is lacking miserably in that department. Until she accidentally runs into Stephen who has a secret of his own. Becky's best friend Lilah adds some levity to a serious story dealing with domestic violence. A quick read with interesting characters that had me riveted from page one. Monsters in My Closet I loved reading this book and zipped through it.The storyline was intriguing, as what had happened to the main character, Becky. It was a simple plot story about girl with a secret who meets boy. True love never runs smoothly as intrigue follows.I love the way this author writes, a nice easy to read, good characters and a great story line. What could you want. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Monsters in My Closet Becky's story, a survivor of a terrifying event; and how she is trying to get on with her life and develop a trust in people (especially men) by starting a new life for herself in a new environment. Suspenseful with romance thrown in, you will read how Becky deals with some trying issues and her attempts to become whole again. Things come to a head and as a reader you will become totally immersed in a life and/or death situation. Stephen is definitely a unique character and glad he was the one there for Becky throughout the story also loved his light hearted approach to life. Monsters in My Closet

We all need a new start in life, another chance to feel free and safe…but demons, monsters and untold secrets obstruct our path.Becky wasn’t ready for love, at least not yet but her heart burned for it…She wanted love, but then she didn’t… the distress of failure terrified her…But, as the old story goes, boy meets girl…Becky meets Stephen… stars shine brighter and sparks fly……for a while, but how will it end?Becky is tormented by her demons, her secrets torture her…Will this be a happily ever after love…Or will there be agony?Get it today. Monsters in My Closet

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