Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6) By Drac Von Stoller
Amusing little tale. Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6) Parents listen to your kids, not all monsters are imaginary. Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6) Horrifying tale, my ass. I've read creepier short stories for children. Potential is there. Of course, as is with all these authors terribly awful short stories. But it's destroyed under some of the worse grammar and storytelling I've ever had the misfortune of reading. This makes the house of night series look like fucking Shakespeare. Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6) A very short piece about mother/daughter communication problems. I tend to believe Stoller´s obvious mistakes are intentional, a shocking style he enjoys creating, a slap in the face of his readers. Wake up! His work is nonetheless invigorating, different, it lingers. Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6) One of the Worst!
Didn’t l just read something about the bedroom not having a door? Then how was “Mom” able to open the door?!
Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6)

review Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6)
Carol Anne would always fear the night because she knew when she laid her head down on her pillow her nightmares would suffocate her as she squeezed her doll with all her might as though it would be her last. Every night just shortly after midnight she would scream out for her mommy, but the screams would soon go unnoticed because when her mother would come in and check on her she would find no reason to believe her daughters fear. To make matters worse she had no bedroom door so anything she saw at her door would only ignite the situation.
Every morning when she sat with her mother at the kitchen table for breakfast reliving the experience of her nightmares over and over in hopes her mother would believe what she is telling her is not a dream. Finally, her mother said “If you don’t stop this nonsense you are going to get the spanking of your life.” Carol just looked in her mother’s cold dark eyes as tears flowed down her cheeks saying “Mommy, don’t worry when morning comes I won’t be sitting at the breakfast table pleading with you to believe what I say is true.” Mommy,I'm Scared (31 Horrifying Tales From The Dead Book 6)