There are good nuggets of criticism in this book, but they're buried under a litany of serendipitous moments (of which there are no small amount in LOTR) being pointed out to the reader under the label of grace. It reads like a repetitive devotional and there's little new to someone familiar with the story. I felt like nearly all the flaws in this book would have been addressed had it been arranged thematically, rather than chronologically; retelling the story to an audience familiar with the source material wasted space and resulted in shoehorning spiritual lessons into one or two sentences. Interesting, but tedious and therefore difficult to get through. 9781449769680 This book is amazing. Gazollo is a beautiful writer and has clearly done a ton of research to make this incredible book. I had to bring it to my orchestra concert to read under my violin when I was supposed to be tuning. Since reading I have become friends with the author and she is as amazing as her writing. 9781449769680
In J. R. R. Tolkien's desire to create a mythology for his homeland, he actually made one for every person, every land, and every age. The Lord of the Rings is a catechism of spiritual warfare cleverly disguised as a fantasy. The struggle against evil that takes place inside its pages is the same one that occurs even now within the soul of each person.
As we cannot leave the field of battle until death takes us from it, we should learn as much as we can about how to fight from those who have labored before us. Certainly the Red Book of Westmarch is one source to use. We may not have to sacrifice ourselves as does Gandalf, but we can learn from him and his wise counsels and from the others who he taught. Frodo guides us as well, as he makes his torturous journey to Mount Doom and endures the Ring's unceasing temptations. With him, we see that sometimes we overcome our temptations, and at other times they overwhelm us. We also learn, as he and Boromir do, to get back up and start the struggle anew. Sam shows us the height of hope and the depth of devotion. In fact, everyone in the tale, good as well as evil, has something to teach us.
Anne Marie Gazzolo hopes that you will find inspiration within to apply to your life. Moments of Grace and Spiritual Warfare in The Lord of the Rings