Birthright By Joseph Amiel


This edition of Birthright is out of print. There is a new, updated version listed.

Deborah de Kronengold was raised in Europe, in the fairy tale, fabulously wealthy world of the most powerful banking family of all time. Her sharp intelligence inspired her grandfather - much against her father's wishes - to groom her as the next head of his financial empire. — But Deborah's dreams were shattered when her grandfather and mother died. For then she learned how her father's schemes had robbed her of the money and power she had been told were hers.

So Deborah de Kronengold - now penniless and desperate, alone and angry - went to New York with one goal in mind: to amass the money, the power and the sheer nerve to destroy her father. Birthright

This was a very looooong story, but a good one. It took me a while to finish this book, but I never once thought about not finishing it. The twists of fate that the main character experienced could be very easily imagined. I was feeling some of the hatred that she had for the man who had adopted her many years ago, but had never truly accepted her as his own. This story was about a very strong woman who built up an empire from nothing and vowed to get her revenge on the man who kept her from everything she should have inherited. I highly recommend it to any one who enjoys a good story - just be sure you have the time to commit. Mystery Thrillers, Romance, Historical Fiction Reasons I decided to read this book:
1) I was bored
2) It was the only book my mother owned that wasn't either a cookbook or how to knit a doily kind of book.
3) It didn't look like she was taking me to the library anytime soon, so I had to settle.

The category it fills on my bingo board is: a book that has been made into a movie and it could also fall under A book with a main female character.

What I hate about seeing a movie that has created from a beloved read of mine, is that nothing is quite right. It might be the way that the casting is all wrong (for the last damn time! Annabeth's hair is blonde not bloody red! All children of Athena mut have BLONDE hair! Seriously! Why is this so hard for the caster person to understand?). It might be that they do not move or sound at all the way you pictured or heard them in your head. (Why do you sound like a grizzly bear, Captain Haddock?). And sometimes the offense is serious, like when the scene from the perfect book has been taken and destroyed mercilessly at the hands of the director. (Dude! Voldemort died like a regular man! He fell to the floor with a mundane finality! It was important! Why the hell did he turn into butterflied in the movie??).
This was the terrible misfortune that befell Birthright. The stupid director changed many of the main ideas of the book, till it was no longer the brutal, touching story of a strong ambitious girl, who finds herself orphaned even amongst her adoptive family and takes her future into her own hands till she succeeds in building herself a bright future, but the silly traipsing of a flirt who wins by stealing men's hearts.

My favourite character was definitely Deborah De Kronengold. She was such a strong, beautiful character that every reader could not help but to feel a connection with her. We were also given the opportunity to watch Deborah's personality grow and change over the years. In the beginning we met and fell in love with the bright, playful girl of around 7, who is witty and extremely cheeky, and has not yet discovered her true heritage. At this stage in the novel, Deborah is carefree and happy, not a worry on her mind. We cry with her as her adoptive father recklessly lets slip she is adopted and for the first time a seed of sadness and doubt is planted in her heart and watch as her personality becomes more serious and insecure. Why did her parents not want her? Was she not good enough? We delight as she grows to be stronger, bearing the hardships along the way and working hard and fighting for everything she believes in. What I so admire about Deborah, is that in the time this book was written, women were just starting to work and they had certainly never owned their own business, and Deborah will not give up till she manages to fulfil her dream.

My favourite quote is You adopted me, but you never truly accepted me as your own and for that, Leslie De Kronengold, you deserve every bit of misfortune about to befall you. Yes, I loved this quote. It really touched me because as a reader I was really beginning to feel a lot of personal hatred towards the fictional Mr. Kronengold, who as Deborah said, adopted but never accepted her. It really struck me that when Deborah said this, it was the voice of the vulnerable child who had been in desperate need of love or simply acceptance from her father and was instead given hatred and abuse, who spoke.

Something I learnt, or rather that I was reminded of was that, the future really is up to you. When times seem bleakest, fight because you know that you're not going to achieve anything by just sitting there and moping.
Hey Ms Berry! Hope you're not too tired from marking our reviews! Good Luck!

Mystery Thrillers, Romance, Historical Fiction For me the best part was learning all the ins and outs of the finance world. The story dragged a little for me, but I was intrigued enough to want to finish to find out how everything ties together in the end. Mystery Thrillers, Romance, Historical Fiction I won this free through goodreads. Simply elegant and an upcoming classic. It was told very straight forward and in a more relatable way than most stories. The imagery was alright, but nothing spectatular and it had a steady, even-flowing plot line. I loved the ending and it took me around a week to complete of only reading it before bed. It was very good, but not my kind of page-turner. Would be great for more adults, and for spare time reading than for fun. Mystery Thrillers, Romance, Historical Fiction Despojada de toda riqueza, Deborah debe abandonar la casa familiar y comenzar desde cero. Ella levantará un imperio y desafiará a su padre luchando por obtener el control de un poderoso banco europeo.
Deborah de Kronengold parece tenerlo todo. Belleza, encanto y una inteligencia precoz, cualidades que cautivaron a su abuelo Samuel, el constructor del imperio. Todo el equilibrio de su niñez se derrumbó cuando Deborah se enteró que era hija adoptada. Para peor pronto se le hizo evidente la mala voluntad de su padre.
La muerte del abuelo, junto con la misteriosa desaparición de su testamento que la designaba heredera universal, son los detonantes de una lucha atroz con Leslie, su padre. Despejada de toda riqueza, Deborah debe abandonar la casa familiar y comenzar desde cero. Ella levantará un imperio que desafiará a su padre.
Hija de banqueros es también una novela con historias de amor que se entrelazan. Bash, el primer amor de Deborah, cuyo origen le impide ser lo que él quiere. David, que le ofrece riqueza, seguridad y adoración, le exige como precio renunciar a la venganza. Por fin, surge una historia de amor en la lejana Italia, destinada a revelar los misteriosos orígenes de Deborah.
Recuerdo que me gustó mucho la trama por la fuerza del personaje femenino; pero no me ha resultado memorable porque no terminó con el final feliz que me hubiera gustado. Mystery Thrillers, Romance, Historical Fiction


This is one of my favorite books. Don't confuse it with Nora Roberts book with the same Title. This author, Joseph Amiel, writes a classic with his Birthright. It is set in the financial world and shows what you can do with fortitude, even when the deck seems stacked against you. Mystery Thrillers, Romance, Historical Fiction I love it when someone writes about empowering women. It gives me a drive to achieve my goals. This book is one of the masterpieces that would inspire women like me. Mystery Thrillers, Romance, Historical Fiction