Masters of Cinema Alfred Hitchcock By Bill Krohn
Review ↠ eBook, PDF or Kindle ePUB º Bill Krohn
Noté /5. Retrouvez Masters of Cinema Alfred Hitchcock et des millions de livres en stock sur . Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Masters of Cinema Alfred Hitchcock
An informative and interesting look at the career of my favorite directorI would recommend this to film buffs or people who are interested with Hitchcock in general. Broché A lot of information of Alfred Hitchcock and all of his movies, and comparisons between a lot of his movies. Broché I'm a fan of the Cahiers due Cinema Masters of Cinema series. This one, like the others, serves as an excellent, quick read introduction to one of the cinema's greatest masters. The series is perfect for people who want a quick, introductory look at what all the fuss is about, inviting them to a comfort level with a director's work so they can then dig deeper on their own. This book is a little different from the others in the series in two ways: first, it doesn't adhere to strict chronological treatment, and tends to jump forward and backward especially in its handling of the masterpieces of the 1950s and '60s. Second, the photos do not support and interlace with the text as much as in other entries in this series. Nevertheless, this is a handy introduction to Hitchcock that covers the key bases without grinding any particular critical or biographical axe. Broché ho acquistato questo libro, essendo amante del cinema.e' arrivato nei tempi stabilitigrazie Broché A great little introduction to the life and films of The Master of Suspense Alfred Hitchcock. A concise, well written book with a chronology and filmography. Great for those interested in learning about Hitch and a nice addition to the bookshelf of even the most ardent fan. Recommended. Broché